pokemon go trade iv reroll

Pokemon go trade iv reroll

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Since the very beginnings of Pokemon GO 2 years ago, players clamored for the ability to trade their Pokemon - an integral mechanic of the Pokemon franchise. Many did not believe that trading would ever be implemented, given the potential for abuse of the system. What would stop the creation of a side market - using real money - for the exchange of high IV specimens of coveted Pokemon? This article presumes that you have a stable trading partner. Traded Pokemon randomly become lucky independent of friendship level. The maximum IV is always 15; the minimum IV is listed below:. Disregarding the possibility of lucky Pokemon, the likelihood of obtaining a IV specimen or above any arbitrary IV threshold substantially increases with higher friendship level.

Pokemon go trade iv reroll

Realistically - trading right now is completely fun. You're psyched when you receive something with great IVs because you don't expect it. Mostly I trade for distance candies on tough-to-find pokemon. Others may trade for dex entries. No one is trading for elite fighters though, which is great. Stops the game from becoming pay to win, when the person getting paid isn't even the developer. If someone consumed that amount of gas to get them, then they might now try to sell them. I've been deliberately keeping high level but low IV mons for trading. It's like playing the lottery, you'll never know what you'll get. One of my friends traded me a mediocre level 31 Larvitar he had leftover from Larvitar Day. When I received it it had 14a and 15s. Mostly seems to be a good way of keeping alt accounters from sending the best mon to to their main account, ie malicious alt accounters, something like getting 3 times the mewtwo anyone else has in the area I know a few people who have alts strictly for ''air support' in raids, or like the others say, creating a black market for the pokemon. All in all, it seems to be just a fun thing to do with friends, and a small assistance for players who got rare pokemon while traveling, giving soemthing like a ralts you got far a way to someone else helps both, they get a ralts to bussy with and possibly good iv's, and you get 4 extra candy, its a win win. Yes, assuming all of its IVs are at or above the IV floor for your friendship level. Note that these assume all IVs above the IV floor are equally likely.

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Realistically - trading right now is completely fun. You're psyched when you receive something with great IVs because you don't expect it. Mostly I trade for distance candies on tough-to-find pokemon. Others may trade for dex entries. No one is trading for elite fighters though, which is great. Stops the game from becoming pay to win, when the person getting paid isn't even the developer. If someone consumed that amount of gas to get them, then they might now try to sell them.

Pokemon go trade iv reroll

Since the very beginnings of Pokemon GO 2 years ago, players clamored for the ability to trade their Pokemon - an integral mechanic of the Pokemon franchise. Many did not believe that trading would ever be implemented, given the potential for abuse of the system. What would stop the creation of a side market - using real money - for the exchange of high IV specimens of coveted Pokemon? This article presumes that you have a stable trading partner. Traded Pokemon randomly become lucky independent of friendship level. The maximum IV is always 15; the minimum IV is listed below:. Disregarding the possibility of lucky Pokemon, the likelihood of obtaining a IV specimen or above any arbitrary IV threshold substantially increases with higher friendship level.

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