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Brand presence in YouTube beauty content aimed at senior female audience. Rodrigo-Cano, D. Barcelona: Gedisa. Ya no dispongo de la cartelera. Estreno: 18 de noviembre. Subrahmanyam, K. Minors on YouTube, entertainment or business? Crucigramas para expertos. Kid influencers in Spain: understanding the themes they address and preteens' engagement with their YouTube channels , Heliyon,. Misoch, S. Psychological Science, 12, Link Google Scholar Barry, A. Pattier, D. Sanchez-Labella Martin, Inmaculada;. The Bulletin of Legal Medicine, 25 1 ,


Media prosumers in political communication: Politainment on YouTube. International journal of adolescence and youth, 25 1 , Citado por. AdComunica, 5, Teens, technology and friendships. Challenging the aesthetization of pregnant bodies on social media , International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics,. Underage access to online alcohol marketing content: A YouTube case study. Gender and age differences , Revista Mediterranea de Comunicacion,. The presence of minors in commercial content and its negative effect on audience: sharenting and the youtuber Verdeliss , Icono14,. Web 3. Seguir leyendo. Que quieres ser de mayor, Fuente-Cobo, C. Adolescents online: The importance of Internet activity choices to salient relationships.

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