uoft grading scale

Uoft grading scale

These procedures must be consistent with this policy. In case of conflict or lack of clarity, this policy will be understood to take precedence. Distribution of Policy A copy of the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy as well as the description of the grade scales and any divisional regulations and guidelines must uoft grading scale published in full in the Academic Calendar of each division and made available to students and to all instructors and others, including teaching assistants, involved in the evaluation of student performance, either electronically or, upon request, in hard copy, uoft grading scale. This list will also record historical data uoft grading scale the use of grade scales and reporting symbols in each division.

The transcript grading scales and notations are included with the official University of Toronto transcript. Course average is shown for undergraduate courses with a size of 12 or more and is expressed as a letter grade corresponding to the refined letter grade scale. In a few cases, all students in a course will be graded in this manner. More often, this grading scale is an option that may be selected by students in some University divisions: the Faculty of Arts and Science; the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design; the University of Toronto Scarborough; and the University of Toronto Mississauga. Normally, students in these divisions may choose up to 2.

Uoft grading scale

University of Toronto Governing Council. University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy. To request an official copy of this policy, contact:. Phone: Fax: E-mail: governing. The School of Graduate Studies is the only division that may develop additional grading regulations and guidelines for graduate studies. Where undergraduate and graduate practices differ, this has been indicated explicitly in the text. Otherwise all clauses should be understood to apply equally to students at either level of study. These procedures must be consistent with this policy. In case of conflict or lack of clarity, this policy will be understood to take precedence. A copy of the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy as well as the description of the grade scales and any divisional regulations and guidelines must be published in full in the Academic Calendar of each division and made available to students and to all instructors and others, including teaching assistants, involved in the evaluation of student performance, either electronically or, upon request, in hard copy. This list will also record historical data on the use of grade scales and reporting symbols in each division.

Multiple assessments 1. View PDF Version. Distribution of Policy A copy of the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy as well as the description of the grade scales and any divisional regulations and guidelines must be published in full in the Academic Calendar of each division and made available to students uoft grading scale to all instructors and others, including teaching assistants, involved in the evaluation of student performance, either electronically or, uoft grading scale, upon request, in hard copy.


University of Toronto Governing Council. University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy. To request an official copy of this policy, contact:. Phone: Fax: E-mail: governing. The School of Graduate Studies is the only division that may develop additional grading regulations and guidelines for graduate studies. Where undergraduate and graduate practices differ, this has been indicated explicitly in the text. Otherwise all clauses should be understood to apply equally to students at either level of study. These procedures must be consistent with this policy. In case of conflict or lack of clarity, this policy will be understood to take precedence. A copy of the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy as well as the description of the grade scales and any divisional regulations and guidelines must be published in full in the Academic Calendar of each division and made available to students and to all instructors and others, including teaching assistants, involved in the evaluation of student performance, either electronically or, upon request, in hard copy.

Uoft grading scale

Students are expected to become familiar with all regulations that pertain to their studies while at the Faculty of Information. Calculating GPA. Undergraduate Grading Scale. Non-Grade Symbols.

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WDR : Withdrawn without academic penalty. On request, the students or the instructor will be given the reason for the adjustment of grades and a description of the methodology used to adjust the grades. Overarching Principles The purpose of the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy is to ensure: that assessment and grading practices across the University are consistent and reflect appropriate academic standards that student performance is evaluated in a manner that is fair, accurate, consistent, and objective and in compliance with these academic standards. On request, the students or the instructor will be given the reason for the adjustment of grades and a description of the methodology used to adjust the grades. Situations where the instructor or a student is in a position of a conflict of interest, where there may be an appearance of a conflict of interest, or where a fair and objective assessment may not be possible, should be brought to the attention of the chair the graduate chair in the case of graduate courses or the Dean who is responsible for taking steps to ensure fairness and objectivity. BKin Program. IPR : In Progress. It must be replaced by a regular grade assigned by the instructor or by another symbol assigned during the divisional review. The division may approve such an option and restrict the number of courses for which a student may exercise the option. For all graduate courses, final grades will be assigned according to the graduate grade scale referred to above. Good B - Evidence of grasp of subject matter, some evidence of critical capacity and analytic ability; reasonable understanding of relevant issues; evidence of familiarity with literature. Meaning of Grades Grades are a measure of the performance of a student. Other Symbols and Notations. Rather, the information should provide part of the basis for an overall review of grades in a division. Standing deferred on the basis of incomplete course work or because of medical or similar reasons.

The transcript grading scales and notations are included with the official University of Toronto transcript. Course average is shown for undergraduate courses with a size of 12 or more and is expressed as a letter grade corresponding to the refined letter grade scale.

Timing of assessment 1. A list of the currently approved designators and their meanings is given in the Part C. Use of the Grading Scale 4. Graduate: Graduate transcripts must include: a refined letter grade or other grade or designator for each graduate course completed a comprehensive guide explaining all grades and symbols used on the transcript. Marginal D - Some evidence of familiarity with subject matter and some evidence that critical and analytic skills have been developed. IPR is assigned as the report for a course that is continued in a subsequent session. Academic awards information is not listed on University of Toronto transcripts. Graduate In graduate courses, there is no requirement for multiple assessments. WDR : Withdrawn without academic penalty. Where an undergraduate student has completed a fully graduate course the student will be assessed according to the undergraduate grading scale and the appropriate undergraduate grade will be reported on the undergraduate student transcript. This statement should be available to all students before or at the beginning of the clinical or field experience;. Aegrotat standing granted on the basis of term work and medical or similar evidence. IPR is assigned as the report for a course that is continued in a subsequent session.

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