tv tropes doctor who

Tv tropes doctor who

Not pictured: The ValeyardFugitivecountless other incarnations and Fifteen "Splendid fellows — all of you. Theta Sigma. The Renegade Time Lord.

Apart from the Daleks , the Master is Doctor Who 's most persistent individual enemy. The Master was the Doctor's friend or maybe more when they were students at the Academy, and the Doctor still hopes they'll reconcile again someday. The Master, on the other hand, can never quite decide between wanting to kill the Doctor or wanting to spend as much time with them as possible — or, occasionally, both. The one thing all Masters can agree on is that if anyone else tries to kill the Doctor, then all bets are off as to that person's continued existence because, when they do defeat the Doctor, they are going to have the pleasure of doing it and no-one else is. This does, of course, lead to the Master frequently betraying their allies when they get too close to killing the Doctor. Although the character started out calm and collected, as the years have gone on the numerous incarnations of the Master have fallen off the cliff and skidded down the hill into a more and more unhinged madness, losing bits and pieces of sanity with each new body.

Tv tropes doctor who

I've still got legs! I am definitely a madman with a box! The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don't always spoil the good things or make them unimportant. The outlandish hipster who stepped out of a fairy tale , able to solve all sorts of problems with a wave of his Magic Wand. He was particularly drawn to mystery-solving as well as a Friend to All Children who loved joining in on their fun. Had a distinct air of an old professor in a young man's body, trying in vain to blend in with his younger, more sociable companions. Frequently tripping over his own tangled thoughts, words, and limbs, Eleven was definitely very alien. A large chunk of his life was governed by uncovering various mysteries, several of which centered around a cult known as the Silence. He spent a long time trying to keep the universe intact, being thrust deep into a conspiracy to put an end to him, and having many encounters with River Song, learning the story behind her existence. He was also incredibly burdened by loss and took it with profound mourning, followed by seclusion and bitterness, to the point he retired from heroics and traveling after losing longtime friends Amy Pond and Rory Williams. It was only through confronting the worst moment of his life once again, the Last Great Time War, that allowed him to truly move forward and be the Doctor, fighting his greatest enemies on a final battlefield for almost a millennium. Having ran out of regenerations, the Doctor was surprised to receive a new regeneration cycle and escaped a final death by the Daleks. After being reset to his younger form and bidding one final farewell to this body, he regenerated into an older man with sharp eyebrows and a sharper wit. He is often considered the most childlike Doctor, hopping and skipping all over the place regardless of the seriousness of the situation. Like his predecessor , however, scratch the surface and you would find a secretive old man who was very liable to snap into Tranquil Fury mode if you hurt him, willing to resort to violence and manipulation if necessary.

Six generally wasn't averse to murder. Jumped at the Call : Particularly in the revival, where the Doctor seems to pick companions based on willingness to enter danger.

However, it's also possible to read it as encouraging student activists to fight for justice, rejecting rote learning and irrational laws. There's a question of preventing a birth and the Doctor gives the women the "choice" to terminate it. Then, in a democratic method, the whole world together decides to prevent the birth. But finally, Clara just can't bear to "kill the baby", and her decision to save it is proven to be the right one in the end. There's blood on it! Fifth Doctor serials seem to have a knack for this. Tegan: Hurry up!

New to Doctor Who or returning after a break? Check out our guides designed to help you find your way! Inferno was the fourth and final serial of season 7 of Doctor Who. It was the final regular appearance of Caroline John as Liz Shaw , although her departure is not depicted. It was also the first Doctor Who story to explore the concept of parallel universes. Inferno was the first story in which producer Barry Letts had any say on development and commissioning.

Tv tropes doctor who

New to Doctor Who or returning after a break? Check out our guides designed to help you find your way! Midnight was the tenth episode of series 4 of Doctor Who.

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When the Doctor — with the help of his previous two incarnations — helps save the Time Lords and the universe from a threat from their ancient past, his Earthly exile is lifted at last. It's almost time Their unavoidable destined death at Trenzalore? He left a bomb in a Villain of the Week's ship and nearly shot another. Three wore velvet smoking jackets and frilly shirts that Jon Pertwee had worn precisely because they looked silly. Then some weirdo and their companion s walk out and solve the whole damn problem. In mid, the TV series alone stands at a whopping episodes split into serials across 39 seasons. While not "death", Sacha Dhawan's Master was forever imprisoned in a golden tooth by the Toymaker. Ernst Stavro Blofeld has been an enduring influence on the Master; what with the Nehru jackets, the kitty-stroking in " Survival ", the elaborate deaths for unwary henchmen, etc. Many fans lauded these as brilliant parodies pointing out the vapidity of such shows. Holding Hands : With the Doctor, adorably. But if you see anyone who's dripping wet, with cracked skin and a gargly voice — probably talking about world domination — then take a break from showers. No Social Skills : This incarnation is pretty clueless about human social customs, although he tends to wisen up easily when the situation is grave. No way Nelson's Column is the only large structure to collapse from the growth of the trees. The Doctor's companions are an Audience Surrogate who also get to be more grown-up, cooler and more fun than the children.

Where do you want to start? See also the BBC's episode guide. Recaps for Doctor Who , spanning all TV series episodes from up until the present day.

And after his long struggle to understand himself, after all he's lost, can he be convinced to re-embrace change and keep living? Give me someone I like! Romana: Where are we going? Mortality Phobia : With the exception of the Delgado Master, the classic series Masters are always on the lookout for ways to cheat death and prolong their life, and they are willing to do any- and everything if put into a situation where their life is directly threatened. Master converted her into , which would be a massive Downer Ending for the season. Break the Cutie : Several new Doctors start out reinvigorated and carefree. Grand Theft Me : Since this Master could no longer regenerate, he switched incarnations by possessing a hapless victim — who happened to be Nyssa's father. Allergic to Routine : It varies per Doctor. Seven and Eight both lose their memories for a while although for Seven that was more because he'd been drugged by the Rani. They alter the facts to fit the views. The Midlands : Matt Smith uses his regular voice to play the Doctor. Archive Panic : Oh boy where do we begin? From " The Name of the Doctor ": what all of the Clara-fragments were doing and how they saved the Doctor.

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