Stroke my wookie

If this guild is breaking rules ingame, please do not report it here, instead report it ingame. This website is just a guild listing directory, stroke my wookie. If this guild listing is mocking another player or guild, or is spam, please use the report form below to give a short explanation of what you are reporting, and how you would like to be contacted back ex twitter username, discord username with the symbol, email, reddit username. Discord is an online chat system that can connect you with players from around the world, and is the stroke my wookie commonly used communication tool for guilds and groups in SWTOR.

During the last year, both the game and Stroke my Wookie celebrated our 10th anniversaries and as my guild has run hundreds of server events we were more than happy to embrace the devs invitation to throw a year of extra special celebrations! I immediately started planning out months of kickass new server events along with bringing back several classic favorites! A friend helped me realise that it wasn't just another guild birthday for us. It's a whole decade of achievements, victories and world records. We've hosted over sixty progression raid teams, we've led hundreds of server events to benefit the wider community and we've run thousands of guild events to ensure members have the most enjoyable time possible. It's been a decade of helping new friends meet, learning life lessons and forging incredible memories. The end of Stroke my Wookie.

Stroke my wookie

Being an ex-member of the guild and being heartbroken after hearing the news through the grapevine, I hopped back into the guilds community and sat down to have a chat with the GM of SMW, Ula Vii, taking the time to ask him 13 questions about how creation, success and drama that ten straight years of being a SWTOR GM has had, and what other GMs or those interested in creating their own guilds could learn from him. What would you say the key to your guilds success was to last as long as SMW has? Ula Vii: Planning, time management and the best officers a guild leader could ever wish for. Ula Vii: For me, leading the guild was about helping people be happy. Eventually that led to us having over events in our calendar each month! That level of organisation attracted people who enjoyed leading which meant we also had a lot of groups running outside of what was on the calendar. When the devs added conquest, it was a perfect fit for our guild as all our groups started generating conquest points. On top of that, we also had people who enjoyed conquest as an activity itself. This meant we had a good combination of passive and active point generators. Conquest was just one part of the game for SMW, so it made more sense to encourage people with rewards instead of forcing them to reach a point goal. It worked well for us with over 1st place victories. Now SMW awards its members for earning huge amounts of conquest points, infact one of your members Darknell has earned over million CXP alone for the guild.

Being an ex-member of the guild and being heartbroken after hearing the news through the grapevine, stroke my wookie, I hopped back into the guilds community and sat down to have a chat with the GM of SMW, Ula Vii, taking the time to ask him 13 questions about how creation, success and drama that ten straight years of being stroke my wookie SWTOR GM has had, and what other GMs or those interested in creating their own guilds could learn from him. Each entry includes their name, legacy and usually a description of what each did to get banned. Have fun everybody, play well!

We ran thousands of events for guild members and the wider server community to help people enjoy themselves while making new friends. We hosted over 60 progression raid teams to take down the toughest bosses and we dominated the weekly conquest system. Victory and success went hand in hand as we broke several world records along the way. When the devs announced the year of celebrations for the game's 10th anniversary, it helped me realise that ten years of success is an amazing milestone for anything in life and for me it was a wake up call to see what I could do if I spent the next 10 years focusing the same energy on the real world! The time had come for me to close the book of Stroke My Wookie. After 10 years, I felt that the guild name was bound to me and my leadership style and that if there were to be a successor guild, then it should have a fresh start with a new identity. The officers voted on who would lead the new guild and over the next few weeks we put everything into motion.

We have been running continuously for over 9 years across 3 servers. We have members from around the world enjoying all aspects of the game. Stroke My Wookie Login. Login Stroke My Wookie. Stroke My Wookie The Force is strong with this one. About SMW.

Stroke my wookie

Being an ex-member of the guild and being heartbroken after hearing the news through the grapevine, I hopped back into the guilds community and sat down to have a chat with the GM of SMW, Ula Vii, taking the time to ask him 13 questions about how creation, success and drama that ten straight years of being a SWTOR GM has had, and what other GMs or those interested in creating their own guilds could learn from him. What would you say the key to your guilds success was to last as long as SMW has? Ula Vii: Planning, time management and the best officers a guild leader could ever wish for. Ula Vii: For me, leading the guild was about helping people be happy. Eventually that led to us having over events in our calendar each month! That level of organisation attracted people who enjoyed leading which meant we also had a lot of groups running outside of what was on the calendar. When the devs added conquest, it was a perfect fit for our guild as all our groups started generating conquest points.

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It felt very dark side and dangerously satisfying. These are the people you see forming groups of their own volition and who are patient enough to help others improve. It was a good reminder not to take things too seriously and I liked that my old friends could always find us when they wanted to re-join. If the guild leader has the setting to allow messages from a shared server turned off, this easy messaging system will not work and you will need to request them as a friend and wait until they accept before you can message them. Heh finnaly! Fast forward a couple more weeks and some of my officers told me he had been asking them to leave SMW and join his guild. When the devs added conquest, it was a perfect fit for our guild as all our groups started generating conquest points. My viewpoint was simple; guild members deserved a better environment than fleet chat and one of my duties was to guard the gates. We learned that the hard way as we once had someone who consumed over 40 hours of officer time each week! Ula Vii: Think about why you want to create a guild and ask yourself if you really want the responsibility of being the guild leader. On top of that, we also had people who enjoyed conquest as an activity itself. The other guild leader was overjoyed and could not send the invite fast enough. Followers 0. The leaders of Stroke my Wookie and Ula Vii.

If this guild is breaking rules ingame, please do not report it here, instead report it ingame. This website is just a guild listing directory.

As soon as he said yes, my officer relogged to his guild and removed half of the characters there before gquiting. The rest of their adventure was up to them. The last step is to private message the guild leader. It was all made possible with the hard work and dedication of our incredible officers. Thank you to each and every one of you across the years for stepping up to help. We would invite them to join us in voice comms while we were raiding and more often than not people would enjoy themselves and ask to join the guild. Already have a WordPress. Loading Comments Ula Vii: Delegation. This worked so well for us that we kept doing it for an entire decade. We've already had loads of great 10 year celebration events but I saved the best for last; my in-game wedding to Lexendra and you are all invited! The end of Stroke my Wookie Ten years of success is an amazing milestone for anything in life and for me it was a wake up call to see what I can do if I spend the next 10 years focusing the same energy on the real world so in July I let the guild know my intentions to leave the game and that the celebration events would mark the final chapter in the book of Stroke my Wookie! Thanks to that unexpected challenge we realised that 1 billion points was within reach so we started planning it out properly for a future date.

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