regular show memes

Regular show memes

Regular Show is an American animated television series currently airing on Cartoon Network. Created by J. Quintel, the show premiered on September 6, and is currently on its fifth season. The series revolves around the lives of two friends, regular show memes, a blue jay named Regular show memes and a raccoon named Rigby, both employed as groundskeepers at a park.

Being a very bizarre Quirky Work that is a Fountain of Memes , it should come as no surprise that these Regular Show memes are anything but. Please add entries in the following format: The meme. Explanation The explanation behind the meme. Further mutations and successor memes, if any. Beep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep, synchronized!

Regular show memes


Sadako Ceiling Regular show memes Redraws. Explanation An edit of a Mordecai x Rigby shipping comic fandub where Mordecai catches Rigby guzzling cookies from the cookie jar and angrily asks if he ate all of them in disbelief. Dodging the Flyer.


You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. Dodging the Flyer refers to a scene from Cartoon Network show Regular Show in which characters Mordecai and Rigby fail to hand out a flyer to a passer-by. In , the screen capture of the scene gained popularity as an object-labeling meme. On October 19th, , Spanish Facebook [2] group Plantillas Para Memes posted a three-panel meme template based on the scene shown below, left. The post received likes in three months, with Facebook users posting several edits of the template in the comments. In October the template rose in popularity among Spanish-speaking users, with several notable examples being posted to Memedroid. On October 31st, , Imgur [4] user Kachial uploaded the first known English version of the meme. The post gained over 2, points and , views in three months.

Regular show memes

You can help confirm this entry by contributing facts, media, and other evidence of notability and mutation. On February 3rd, , iFunnier [1] Frumpycheese posted the first known meme made about the rapid progression of Regular Show episodes. The meme has two panels that demonstrate the first half of an episode versus the second half. The meme shown below received roughly 61, smiles over the course of nine months. Another meme emerged from iFunny in early February that used the Gotye Wokeuplikethis Hyperborea format to demonstrate the absurdity of a Regular Show episode's middle. However, the original iFunny uploader is unknown. The first known repost was made to Instagram [2] on February 12th, A post shared by kukuposting kukuposting.

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Quintel's own life and experiences in college. MY MOM! After gathering a team of storyboard artists, work started on the show's first season. Explanation Simp is a term used to describe men who are so obsessed with a woman they love they'll do anything to cater for her, but never get laid. Being a very bizarre Quirky Work that is a Fountain of Memes , it should come as no surprise that these Regular Show memes are anything but. Explanation An edit of a Mordecai x Rigby shipping comic fandub where Mordecai catches Rigby guzzling cookies from the cookie jar and angrily asks if he ate all of them in disbelief. Aww snap! Regular Show Uploaded by P13too. You're all like 'That'll never happen' and then we'll get all cool and you'll be all like 'Whoa' and we'll be all like 'In your face! The ideas for Regular Show grew out of J. Sign up for our Newsletter. Bully Maguire bullies Benson You mean constellations? Cartoon Network Website Hacks. Hamboning will save your life someday.

Regular Show is an American animated television series currently airing on Cartoon Network. Created by J.

You drillbit! Quintel's own life and experiences in college. The project was abruptly cancelled, but Regular Show was greenlit. Top Comments Delete. Bully Maguire bullies Benson Cartoon Network Website Hacks. The show has received positive reviews from critics and has also performed well in ratings. Skips Sitting Next To Graves. The ideas for Regular Show grew out of J. No cake Regular Show Uploaded by P13too.

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