R antiwork

Here you'll find a bunch of different subreddit ranking lists, r antiwork. You can click a subreddit name to see stats graphs, etc. Click on the link icon next to the subreddit's name to go directly to the subreddit.

JSavageOne on Feb 7, next [—]. To me anti-work is the recognition that forced wage labor is not acceptable, and that technological advancement and automation should enable greater freedom for individuals to spend their time how they choose. We could already have this reality today if we just implemented a universal basic income, but until the boomers retire from office that's just not happening. I haven't browsed the subreddit in forever but just took a look, and it's sad to see it's just a bunch of stupid memes now. Every decent subreddit eventually devolved into a bunch of stupid memes. Travel and digital nomad subreddits are just people posting Instagram style pictures of themselves or asking the same dumb questions over and over again.

R antiwork

Recently the Antiwork subreddit has gotten really popular. That does come up a lot in the top stories. The absolute worst stories, those often have bad managers and broken processes. But the core problem is that many jobs are just fundamentally miserable, too miserable for good managers or good processes to fix. After I graduated college and before I started grad school, I spent the summer in Boston living with a friend, and I was looking for a summer job just to have something to do. I ended up lying on my resume and saying I was an artist who dropped out of college. Finally I got a job at The Gap. Working at The Gap, the processes seemed fine, and the managers were very kind and helpful people. You basically just stand around, fold clothes all day, and watch the other employees to make sure nobody steals anything. But, I think if I worked there my entire life I would hate capitalism and become a huge antiwork supporter. There are three main problems with the job. One problem is that it was extremely boring. I think this was fundamental to the nature of the business - the management had these projections of expected foot traffic based on seasonal projections, past holiday performance, new promotions, and it varied a lot.

I don't disagree, it sounds infeasible.

Want to read about some of the horrible ways companies have treated their employees? A forum on Reddit can provide a few laughs and make you cringe at the way some bosses interact with their workers. First, we'll explain a little bit about how Reddit works. Reddit is a huge collection of forums, each centered on topics known as subreddits. Aggregated together, Reddit is one of the most popular websites in the world — ranking number 11 overall in and eclipsing sites like LinkedIn and TikTok. Subreddits can be a free-for-all of comments, memes, and rants.

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R antiwork

The antiwork movement holds that modern work and working conditions tend to be meaningless and degrading, and that we should question the role work plays in our lives. Proposed solutions range from arguing that people should not have to work, to a belief that employees should only do as much work as needed to support themselves, rather than work tirelessly to make more money for their employers. The antiwork movement seeks to question and critique the role of work in our lives, arguing that the majority of modern work is unnecessary and unfulfilling.

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Maybe I don't understand the concept fully but it seems a bit absurd and unfeasible. Aunche on Feb 7, parent prev next [—] If you subscribe to a subreddit literally called antiwork that clearly states its ideology in its sidebar, you shouldn't be surprised by Doreen celebrating laziness as a virtue. That is, literally destroying money not to be confused with wealth. It just also isn't the glorious workers revolution I guess so we have to burn it all down. You are trying to disagree here. Posts commonly criticize hustle culture [27] and share stories of employees' negative experiences at their jobs, [16] including unfair treatment by employers and poor working conditions , [15] [28] as well as poor pay. I have friends way richer than me who definitely don't need to work who also support a UBI. Centigonal on Feb 7, root parent prev next [—] it's an idiom that's confusing because of how "have But the stress of two part time jobs spreads out far beyond your work hours. The author has a very clear agenda here, and while they're welcome to construct a case for that view, they've left out inconvenient details while attempting to appear neutral.

The subreddit was originally founded as a forum for discussion of anti-work ideology within post-left anarchism.

This really is the only way to make it work. If there is no effort, there is no value. The increase profit margins will attract competitive companies or existing companies will be forced to pay workers more for overtime to satisfy the demand. Only problem is that once you eliminate poverty the no-longer-impoverished have a tendency to pull the ladder up behind them. GameOfFrowns on Feb 7, root parent prev next [—] I assume with more 'normal' people being liberated from the yoke of work there might be more volunteers and volunteer initiatives to help those in need out. People would know that their assets can be seized whenever the government wants. Rent is expensive in big cities? Currently that means that normal people make less money, but it doesn't have to be that way. Cakes can be beautiful things which people of a certain time period, especially wanted to show off as a sign of their wealth, as refined sugar was expensive. Finally I got a job at The Gap. JSavageOne on Feb 8, root parent next [—] Who said anything about communism? What percentage of them don't work anymore? People always point to increasing automation and productivity, but they gloss over the fact that those aren't uniform. What stands out to me is that she says that the movement is to reduce the work that people are forced to do, that they still want to put in effort and labour but not in a position where they feel trapped.

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