mudanya üniversitesi sıralama

Mudanya üniversitesi sıralama

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Browse by Date. Browsing by Issue Date Filter results by year or month Choose year Now showing 1 - 20 of Since societies are constantly moving and focused on development, educational organizations should improve their education processes. Today, we could say that the most significant change has occurred in technology. The digital transformation experienced with the development of technology has also caused educational organizations to be affected by this transformation. Educational organizations should be ahead of society and lead change to meet social needs.

Mudanya üniversitesi sıralama

Browse by Title. Browsing by Title Browse. Now showing 1 - 20 of Today, information technologies and their usage areas are increasing day by day. Advanced technologies such as the internet of things, smart devices and applications, machine learning and arti cial intelligence are a driving force in the spread of their usage areas. The increase in prevalence and use also increases the production and sharing of data. This increase causes various security problems and concerns in terms of data privacy. Therefore, a balance has to be struck between the need for data sharing and its security. For this purpose, the use of federated learning methods has been examined. Traditional data sharing methods focus on centralized solutions for the processing of private and sensitive data of data subjects, but this causes various problems and raises concerns in the sharing of sensitive data. In the federated learning model, it trains locally without data sharing. It has a distributed arti cial intelligence approach that can run di erent resources together. Thus, it o ers an alternative solution that can help address data privacy concerns arising from the traditional method. In this study, the basic principles, usage areas, advantages and difficulties of federated learning, which is also accepted as a modern approach in data privacy, are discussed. The data and examples obtained in the study will be presented.

The paper will introduce first the literature and the questions of the research and then discuss the methodology used in the study.

Emphasizing that waterfront areas are one of the most critical areas of the city to which they belong, the aim of this work is to demonstrate the share of waterfront use in urban development and the importance of urban life. Within the scope of this thesis, a study has been carried out in order to define the urban development role of waterfront use based on 'urban open space' reality, in the waterfront area of Mudanya district, which has a strategic position in the Marmara Region. According to the main structure of the thesis which is formed in this direction, the concept of the urban open space, its components and types are revealed in the first chapter. Conceptual formation diagram is prepared for urban open spaces where democratic, inclusive, accessible and public benefit concepts are emphasized. At the next stage of the study, detailed studies focusing on urban waterfront areas emphasized the importance of waterfront areas and use in urban literature and urban life. In the last part of the thesis, according to the approach taken with the urban waterfronts, The waterfront area of Mudanya has been examined in terms of cultural values and identity, the four main waterfront concepts which are 'natural waterfront, 'active waterfront', 'accessible waterfront', 'waterfront management'.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Side panel.

Mudanya üniversitesi sıralama


18feet in meters

Even though existing studies about Ottoman Istanbul take such historical contexts into consideration, they neglect to do so from a broader perspective. To determine the factors making the cities similar and peculiar and to generate ideas about their socio-historical and geopolitics reasons gives us strong clues in understanding the different urban practices of the Empire and different development forms of the cities. These tax and security records which we have thousands in the Ottoman archives include information on the people who lived in the Ottoman cities. Even in the early twentieth century, for in-stance Alfred T. We applied the modified McLaughlin procedure to the dominant right shoulder and, two months later, we used it to the left shoulder with a graft taken from the anterior superior iliac spine. However, this study attempts for the first time to achieve two further goals: connecting the data types to each other; and highlighting the distinguishing differences among the mahalles using the methods of hierarchical clustering, correspondence analysis, and creating maps by geographic information systems GIS applications—none of which is possible with conventional methods. In other words, I was able to reveal how these attributes concentrate at the mahalle neighborhood level and how Edirne's mahalles differ in terms of these attributes. History , Historiography , and Postmodernism. In other words, promoting participation and active use makes the community an accessible urban area, taking into account the user from every profession. The paper at hand on base of a three-year project funded by TUBITAK has a claim of doing this evaluation using GIS, beginning from scanning the literature, selecting the representative number of the cities from them, gathering the data about these cities, setting up a database, exploring the attributes-based typologies of the cities, and presenting the outcomes by means of thematic maps. In this study, the basic principles, usage areas, advantages and difficulties of federated learning, which is also accepted as a modern approach in data privacy, are discussed. Natural Waterfront: Providing the design and standards that will reduce most ecological and physical damage, protecting waterfront areas and effective waterfront use. This is very dynamic process both for the neighbors in the mahalles and for the mahalles in the city depending on the historical and socio-spatial contexts. Furthermore, no significant difference was observed between complication and revision rates. Acun, E.


Accessible waterfront; urban connectivity and continuity and all the possibilities provided by more users. Results A total of patients were included in the study, with a mean age of This article evaluates the trends in urban historical studies in Turkey after the s considering the spatial-turn and interactions among socio-historical and geographical approaches and methods. As a result of the study, although the conceptual categories regarding artificial intelligence generally had similar characteristics, it was observed that the justifications in the post-animation conceptual perceptions were more meaningful. While the development vision of the city is being developed, the waterfront area's unique character should be foregrounded and the importance of waterfront use should not be neglected. In other words, promoting participation and active use makes the community an accessible urban area, taking into account the user from every profession. Urban open spaces, based on accessibility concept, is a kind of rehabilitation area in the city that welcomes users from every profile. Knows the research processes that form the basis of medical knowledge, has a level of foreign language knowledge to follow the developments in this field. In this respect, all these activities need to be reinforced. In the last part of the thesis, according to the approach taken with the urban waterfronts, The waterfront area of Mudanya has been examined in terms of cultural values and identity, the four main waterfront concepts which are 'natural waterfront, 'active waterfront', 'accessible waterfront', 'waterfront management'. Since locating a mahalle or a building on a map has proven a very difficult task, only a few studies have showed so far the locations of mosques and mescids of an Ottoman city in the 19th or 20th century on a map. The relational approach adopted here greatly helped explore, first, the distinctive concentrations of any attributes recorded with the people and, second, the mahalles' specializations and the socio-spatial vicinities as opposed to their topographical neighbors in the city. This study includes a list of approximately 3, works in the form of books or Ph. However, spatially thinking lost its priority in time in analyses of historical, socio-political, and economic issues.

3 thoughts on “Mudanya üniversitesi sıralama

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