mill power industries since 1983

Mill power industries since 1983

Numer 8 Electric and power engineering technical periodic press in Poland from the beginning until the year

Makrum is a firm in Bydgoszcz established in , by Hermann Löhnert and manufacturing heavy industrial devices. Since , it is owned by the corporate group "Immobile S. Its seat is located in Bydgoszcz , at 3 Kościelecki Square. Hermann Löhnert was born on July 3, In the s, he moved from Wrocław to Bydgoszcz then Bromberg , where in , he set up an agricultural machinery shop and a workshop, also providing mechanical threshing services.

Mill power industries since 1983


Zdzisław Olszewski graduated summa cum laude from Silesian University of Technology Electric Department and in was granted a diploma of the Master of Electric Engineering. Its seat is located in Bydgoszczat 3 Kościelecki Square.


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Mill power industries since 1983

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Occasionally, some orders were performed for customers from Western countries. In the s, the factory at Leśna street was dramatically expanded mechanical processing areas, assembly and casting iron halls. For many years until the end of his life, Józef Michejda cooperated with the editorial staff. Tools Tools. It was from Przegląd Techniczny that the first independent magazine referring to electrical engineering problems Przegląd Elektrotechniczny Electrical Engineering Review emerged and began to appear in May of These journalistic interests and also the leftist opinions resulted in his engagement as a journalist in Katowice daily Trybuna Robotnicza , specializing in technical and economical problems referring to development of the south macroregion of Poland. He belonged to the main initiators and authors of the program concerning development of the repair back-up facilities assigned to serve the whole commercial power industry and located in Lubliniec today's Energoserwis SA. He was in his element when working as the editor and he "infected" the group of young editors and editresses with his enthusiasm, patience and belief in social serviceableness. The manpower reached people. After the year At the end, in , he was released from prison because of "no grounds to lodge an indictment". Tom III. Kołakowski, Ma. Under an export agreement, plants were built abroad:.

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Under an export agreement, plants were built abroad:. Delegated by the then area director to cooperation with the editorial office of Energetyka he became the subeditor to editor-in-chief Mr Bronisław Lis, and after his death in September of , the editor-in-chief himself. In the years he was its secretary, and in he became the secretary of the Zagłębie Węglowe Branch in Katowice. In SEP founded Wiadomości Elektrotechniczne Electrical Engineering News , a magazine dedicated to practised electricians working first of all in industry and building trade, and also for designers and manufacturers of equipment, machines and electric appliances. Power engineering scientific-technical magazine Energetyka. After finishing his studies in , he began working for Polish branches of Siemens and Brown Bovery in, successively, Grudziądz, Poznań and Warsaw not only because of his competence but also his fluent knowledge of foreign languages: German, French and English. During the Martial Law period, after the ban for publishing the magazine was lifted and many perturbations ended with the recall of Mr Zdzisław Olszewski, Wojciech Błoński was appointed in , by the then President of SEP Mr Jacek Szpotański, to the post of Energetyka editor-in-chief. At the end of the 19th century, Löhnert's factory employed workers, all were covered by a social security system and regularly received firm savings from the owner. Józef Michejda was born in Wędrynia Cieszyn Silesia in the year , in the Wędrynia line of Michejda family, the family of outstandingly talented persons who left their stamp on the history of Cieszyn Silesia and contributed a significant share to the Polish science and culture. Grupa Enjoy Media. In addition to these equipments in the Middle East , complete facilities with machinery were shipped to Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union. Kołakowski, Ma. Reconstruction of Silesian industry, its further development and efficient work enabling delivery of electric energy to our country under rebuilding, were in great part his personal merit. During the German occupation, the factory took the name Hermann Löhnert's Bydgoska Fabryka Maszyn and worked for the German war effort, [9] producing, inter alia, parts for submarines or elevators , anchors , cast iron elements and shrapnel shells.

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