metroid fusion sector 2

Metroid fusion sector 2

Sector 2 TRO has a humid climate and a jungle environment, housing various creatures. It is also the largest sector on the BSL station.

Great Metroid Area Ranking. Metroid: Samus Returns. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Metroid II: Return of Samus. Summer of Metroid Madness.

Metroid fusion sector 2

While it is not particularly difficult to reach this Data Room, some fans may be confused about where they are to go after obtaining the ability. For those players that are indeed stuck after getting Bomb in Metroid Fusion , this guide is here to help. After obtaining the Bomb ability, players should reenter the room to the right and navigate to a ledge in its top-right corner. Here, Metroid fans should place Bombs to clear a Morph Ball-sized tunnel, which can be used to reach an alcove that holds a Missile Tank. Players should now make their way to the bottom-left corner of the preceding room and place a Bomb to reveal a hole in the ground. Fans should use this hole to reach the room that is below and then navigate to the door in its bottom-left corner. Once players pass through that door, they should head left and place a Bomb on a block near the left wall. This action will cause a pillar to emerge from the block, and fans of 2D Metroid games should stand on it when it reaches its full height, jump, and fire a beam at the left wall to reveal a Morph Ball-sized hole. This hole leads to a room with a Missile Tank , and fans should place Bombs to the left of the block on the ground to reveal a pillar that can be used to reach it. Players should now return to the preceding room and start making their way downward, using Bombs to boost over and destroy blocks as needed. While fans that are thorough with their bombing should be able to get through this section without much trouble, the images that are above outline the path. After completing the maze and passing through the door in the bottom-left corner , players should drop and use the door in the bottom-right corner of the metallic room.

In the first room to your left, drop a Power Bomb immediately upon entering the room to clear out all Fake Blocks to your left.

It's been a while since your last heart-to-heart with the computer, and apparently the trusty machine has been doing its homework while you were off exterminating the X in Sector 1. The latest Navigation Room report is full of important tidbits, such as the identity of the elevator saboteur: the aptly named SA-X, an X clone of Samus herself at full power. The SA-X has helped spread the parasites throughout the station, and Sector 2 is next on the list of places for you to inspect. But be careful -- you're no match for the SA-X at this point in the game, and it won't take much for it to flatten your life-signs with its lethal ice beam. Instead of fighting the SA-X, your computer advises an alternate solution: find the bomb upgrade by first unlocking the Level 1 security hatches. The Security Room isn't labeled on your map, so we'll have to find this one the good old-fashioned way. Begin by saving and refilling your energy and weapons on the way into the sector.

Your trusty computer has determined the source of the power failure to be the vegetation entangling the Central Reactor Core. Thus, your mission is now to seek out its roots and destroy them to fully restore power to the station. Begin by exiting the Navigation Room to the left, pass through the shutter, and continue left into the Central Reactor Core. Once inside, don't forget to grab a quick save via the Save Station in the lower right corner of the room. Now that Samus has the Space Jump ability, she can reach a small crack in the middle of the left wall in this reactor room by first shooting out the decayed roots, and then clinging to the ledge and squeezing through to the left. In the next room, drop a Super Bomb to quickly clear the path, and then continue left. This hidden shortcut shall whisk you back to Sector 2 TRO , where an evil surprise awaits.

Metroid fusion sector 2

Great Metroid Area Ranking. Metroid: Samus Returns. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

Chamber 36 berry street

Summer of Metroid Madness. You can go up if you want, but with the enemies and whatnot in the way, you might be better off just getting the red X from the Gadora coming up here in a sec. Begin by saving and refilling your energy and weapons on the way into the sector. Bombs are not only great for laying waste to pursuing enemies, but also serve as a key to investigating your surroundings and hunting for Fake Blocks, secret items, and secret passageways. As usual, if you need energy or missiles, you can repeatedly fire missiles or Charge Beam shots into it's protective shell to release regenerative X parasites. Enter the now functional doorway woo! Your Mainbar:. Fans will then find themselves in another green room, and Metroid 's Samus Aran should place a Bomb on the thin platform that is just ahead and fall through the hole. This thing knows no mercy, and it is more than willing to demonstrate that fact for you by ending your game in a matter of seconds. Metroid Prime. A Power Bomb Tank in Sector 2.

It's been a while since your last heart-to-heart with the computer, and apparently the trusty machine has been doing its homework while you were off exterminating the X in Sector 1. The latest Navigation Room report is full of important tidbits, such as the identity of the elevator saboteur: the aptly named SA-X, an X clone of Samus herself at full power. The SA-X has helped spread the parasites throughout the station, and Sector 2 is next on the list of places for you to inspect.

A narrow vertical room is just beyond that metallic room, and players should set their sights on the third door up on the right side. As you exit the Data Room, the ground will shake with an explosive force, and you'll hear haunting footsteps echo in the distance. L Sector 2 TRO. Surprised by your ability to regain the Plasma Beam, your computer tells of the latest news: an alarming explosion in the wintry Sector 5 Data Room. A Main Deck. The final tank in this sector requires both the Screw Attack and Space Jump. Samus fleeing an SA-X during her second visit to the sector. Once back in the central shaft, you'll notice a large number of new carcasses littered throughout, clinging to the walls and platforms as if their lives were instantly and unexpectedly snubbed by a powerful force. Cancel Save. Sector 5 ARC Electronic junkyard. Well, now you can. Top Guide Sections And the story continues Now Samus can jump the entire vertical distance of the screen in a single bound, in addition to jumping while in ball form, which is extremely handy for maneuvering and dropping bombs at various elevations.

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