medusa comics

Medusa comics

Medusa medusa comics the first of two children born to Inhuman nutritionists Quelin and Ambur. Medusa is considered a member of Attilan's Royal Family.

Medusalith Amaquelin was born to Quelin and Ambur , who were both members of the Inhumans. Quelin was the brother of Rynda , the wife of King Agon. Because of that family connection, Medusalith was considered a member of Attilan's Royal Family. Her parents had elected to expose her to the Terrigen Mists when she was young, which gave her a long, thick head of red hair which she could use like an appurtenance. She became widely known by her shortened name "Medusa," after the woman in Greek mythology who had actual snakes for hair.

Medusa comics

Her name and aspects of the character are derived from Greek mythology , as her hair has prehensile attributes like that of the mythological Medusa 's hair. The character has psychokinetic control over her hair, a power she obtained through Terrigenesis. With this power, she can extend her hair to double its normal length, using it to pick locks, lift objects, and contain objects and people. She appears in Fantastic Four 38, and in various subplot glimpses from The Inhumans also appear in Fantastic Four 82—83, with Medusa. The Inhumans are granted their first new adventure in Fantastic Four Annual 5, and a solo series in the split-book Amazing Adventures The first four installments are written and drawn by Jack Kirby. The second four installments are written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Neal Adams. Medusa has also figured prominently in the twelve part maxi-series The Inhumans written by Paul Jenkins and illustrated by Jae Lee in the s. Beginning in May , Medusa appeared as one of the main characters in A-Force , an all-female Avengers spin-off being launched by G. This five-issue mini-series is positioned between The Avengers 16 and 17 as a side story when the evil team thinks they have killed the Fantastic Four in Fantastic Four 38 , but no one knows it.

During the battle, Medusa's ship crashed to the ground and the impact caused her to lose her memory. Medusa comics, Ben, medusa comics, and Johnny soon followed and they found Sue, but too late to escape the Wizard's nuclear trap.


Medusa is one of the 3 Gorgons, daughters of the sea deities Phorcys and Ceto. Athena could not retaliate against Poseidon and instead punished Medusa by turning her beautiful hair into living snakes. Medusa and her sisters Euryale and Stheno went to live in isolation. Her eyes were capable of petrifying any living creature. She was eventually sought out by Perseus and killed by decapitation, being the only mortal Gorgon. Her children Chrysaor a giant and Pegasus a flying horse were born at the time of her death. Her head was later used by first Perseus and then Athena. It could still petrify anyone who gazed upon it. Through the actions of a jealous Hera, Medusa's two gorgon sisters were set free from their prison on the then hovering Paradise Island.

Medusa comics

Her name and aspects of the character are derived from Greek mythology , as her hair has prehensile attributes like that of the mythological Medusa 's hair. The character has psychokinetic control over her hair, a power she obtained through Terrigenesis. With this power, she can extend her hair to double its normal length, using it to pick locks, lift objects, and contain objects and people. She appears in Fantastic Four 38, and in various subplot glimpses from The Inhumans also appear in Fantastic Four 82—83, with Medusa. The Inhumans are granted their first new adventure in Fantastic Four Annual 5, and a solo series in the split-book Amazing Adventures The first four installments are written and drawn by Jack Kirby.

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She was portaded by Serinda Swan known for portraying Zatanna in Smallville. She is a universal type. When Medusa became pregnant, Attilan's Genetics Council argued that mating should be banned, due to the unsteadiness of Maximus and ordered the pregnancy terminated. Though she was the first Inhuman character to ever appear in comics, she made her debut as the sole female member of the Frightful Four , a team of supervillains that opposed the heroic Fantastic Four. Under the effects of this illness, Medusa left Attilan and wandered across Europe as a thief. She appears to be a native French speaker and goes by "Madame" Medusa. She next superseded the authority of the Avengers' representative, Janet Van Dyne, and used the control over her hair to create a whipping motion so fast that it produced miniature sonic booms, which Venom was especially vulnerable to. Medusa appeared in four episodes of the series, mainly in the Inhumans Saga which ran three consecutive episodes. Ultimate Medusa Unlike the Earth Medusa, the Ultimate Medusa did not believe that Inhumans and humans could co-exist peacefully and was very patriotic towards her people's cause. A psionic field permeates her mutagenically altered hair-cells, causing mutual attraction across the gaps between strands. So why not bring in the queen of the Inhumans to build interest? Black Bolt sent an order to her and she knew what she had to do. With the help of Lockjaw, they teleported out of Limbo. She uses her psycho-kinetically controlled hair to create tendrils, shields, and blades, which are stronger and sharper than steel. The second four installments are written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Neal Adams.

Medusalith Amaquelin was born to Quelin and Ambur , who were both members of the Inhumans. Quelin was the brother of Rynda , the wife of King Agon.

After attempting to commit suicide, a dying Pietro is brought to Attilan by Crystal. A psionic field permeates her mutagenically altered hair-cells, causing mutual attraction across the gaps between strands. During the battle, Medusa's ship crashed to the ground and the impact caused her to lose her memory. But when a more-violent solution to those challenges is required, her psycho-kinetically controlled hair can be formed into tentacles, shields, and blades stronger and sharper than steel. Fantastic Four. For a complete history see Medusalith Amaquelin's Expanded History Medusa was the first of two children born to Inhuman nutritionists Quelin and Ambur. Maximus then tried to claim Medusa has his bride, but Black Bolt ran to steal back the Inhuman crown, reclaiming himself as the leader of the Inhumans, with Medusa by his side. Instead, her hair is her primary weapon. Fantastic Four: The Animated Series Fantastic Four Medusa appeared in four episodes of the series, mainly in the Inhumans Saga which ran three consecutive episodes. When this exposed a grab for power, both the Genetics Council and the Royal Family gave up leadership, though the Royal Family resumed leadership. In the process, they mended their relationship and found strength in each other once again, deciding to move forward as partners but not lovers.

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