meditation for positive energy

Meditation for positive energy

And the worst thing? Those feelings tend to follow you around for the rest of the day. I remember exactly what it felt like when my alarm rang at 6am and I flew out of bed knowing I had 12 minutes to get organised meditation for positive energy walk out the front door. A few times, I even left my train ticket on the kitchen bench and had to go back for it!

This is a beautiful guided meditation for positivity. There are enormous benefits which you can bring into your life if you are in a positive frame of mind. The whole universe will rise up to help those who stay positive. It is very difficult to attract good things in your life if you are in a negative frame of mind and are thinking negative thoughts. In fact, you can find yourself in a negative vortex spiralling downwards if you allow one negative thought to another. So it is vital to be able to bring yourself back into a postive mindset and this is what this guided meditation aims to do. The guided meditation begins with a deep breathing exercise aimed at relaxing you and getting you to focus on your breathing.

Meditation for positive energy

Sometimes anything negative, be it a complaint or an argument, has hardly any effect on you. And at other times, even a constructive criticism can blow things out of proportion. Have you ever wondered about this? We are happy and calm if the energy in us is high and positive. And experience lows, if the energy within plummet. The good news: the play of energies is temporary and we can, certainly, up the levels. Meditation is a crucial factor here. A healthy body and a happy mind increase the levels of positive energy. Hence meditating every day is highly recommended. You can choose from these online meditations. When you make meditation a regular practice, the reason for doing the practise starts fading away.

Rather than just saying the words in your mind, try to actually feel the meaning of the affirmation more and more.

Better Life , Blog , guided meditations 0 comments. I like this one a lot and hope you will too! As events in our lives create memories, it is these memories that can create emotional blocks in our energy. Forgiving, releasing and letting go, early and often, is the best way to clear the chakras and create positive energy in our lives. Change is a constant. The challenge is to not get attached to the outcomes of any of these events. It is the clinging and attachment to past events that causes discomfort and blocks in our flow forward.

We like to go through life thinking that our minds and our thoughts do not shape our world. The mental and physical move in lock step , they go hand in hand. It has been said that really, everything is a form of energy. Whether you see it or feel it — you navigate through all kinds of it as you go about your day. Positive, neutral, or negative, you create energy every moment of every day. If you focus your thoughts, words, and actions on creating more positive energy , your life will improve in ways you now believe impossible. Everything in your life and everyone in your path will move to a higher plane of vibration. How awesome would it be to transform into a positive energy beacon, radiating beautiful light everywhere you go, everything you do — using your higher state of vibration to make the world a better place? You can!

Meditation for positive energy

Life can drain the energy out of us sometimes, fortunately regaining our positive energy can be done easily, through our habits, actions, and by managing those pesky thoughts in our head. Meditation helps you recognize what thoughts keep flowing in and out of your mind. There will be moments in life where positive energy seems impossible. Life can be hard sometimes. Try out this positive energy meditation below to help you spark more positivity in your life. Meditation increases positive energy by allowing you to enter a flow state.

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In other words, you may have less time to do all these wonderful things than you think. The world is our oyster. This meditation is all about building our capacity to feel comfortable with the unknown. Stay positive. Breath well: It is a well-known fact that 90 percent of our nutrition comes from oxygen while food and water constitute the remaining 10 percent. Comments Have your say about what you just read! I acknowledge this without judgement. Have you ever wondered about this? For example, foods like the green vegetables, fresh fruits are light, easily digestible and hence are sattvic. It simply cannot exist in your body as you gradually fill the body up with this white source energy. Benefits of Meditating in the Morning According to research, meditation can stimulate the release of endorphins and might even boost your mood as much as running! Over time, I discovered and developed fun and meaningful ways to meditate and create positive energy for the day. Give out and it will come flooding back multi-fold. Thank you — I so appreciate your support. Remember that any challenges are tests on this laboratory called Mother Earth.

Below you can find my recording of one of my first guided meditations on YouTube for positive energy. You can access the masterclass below.

According to Ayurveda, there are three gunas in every person: Rajo guna: It is the quality which is responsible for activity in the body and mind. Really feel the whole body relaxing. The challenge is to not get attached to the outcomes of any of these events. The whole universe will rise up to help those who stay positive. Thank you — I so appreciate your support. Meditation 4: Sunshine Visualisation In this meditation, you will practise inviting positive energy into your body and mind. What if you could start each day feeling grounded, refreshed, inspired and focused? Back to Guided Meditations page. Reach out and make someone smile. As you bring in this white luminescent source energy with each deep diaphragm sourced breath imagine that it is reaching and flooding every cell in your body so that your body is gleaming and shining with this white luminescent energy. Just take yourself to that blissful location and that big smile will spread across your face. Rejoice, for you have discovered the secret to life and happiness and success. Click here to find out more and grab your copy today. Leave me a comment in the box below. Keep letting the air escape until there is none left and then give an extra push to really empty your lungs and then pause for a few seconds before slowly ever so slowly beginning the process with those deep diaphragm centred breaths gradually filling your lungs until no air an be inhaled.

1 thoughts on “Meditation for positive energy

  1. You have hit the mark. It seems to me it is very good thought. Completely with you I will agree.

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