Mara jade skywalker movie

Star Wars bringing one popular Legends character - Mara Jade - into mara jade skywalker movie would be easily done, mara jade skywalker movie, yet one aspect of her character cannot be translated from her original stories. The idea of Mara Jade becoming canon has been long theorized since Disney's production began on the sequel trilogy. As such, Disney's production of a sequel trilogy set shortly after the New Republic era led many to wish Mara Jade would be introduced into Star Wars canon.

Mara Jade could rejuvenate Star Wars fandom as her live-action debut is being discussed for an upcoming project. For hardcore Star Wars followers, this is an event they thought would never happen. That report has been confirmed. Whether or not Filoni will still use the title is irrelevant. He will turn Heir into a movie, and there will be tweaks to the original material. Heir debuted two characters that will play significant roles in Star Wars films and TV series going forward.

Mara jade skywalker movie

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Mara Jade Skywalker was a Force-sensitive human female who was during different times in her life, an Emperor's Hand , a smuggler , and later a Jedi Master who sat upon the Jedi High Council. She was raised as a servant and assassin to Emperor Palpatine and became a high-level Force-using operative. As an Emperor's Hand, Jade carried out the Emperor's bidding, killing Rebels and corrupt Imperials alike with cold professionalism, even as a young woman. As Palpatine's assassin , she received top-notch training from experts in a variety of fields as well as training in the Force, which was continued by Luke Skywalker years later. After Palpatine's death, she received his last command, which was to kill Luke Skywalker; however, the death of her Master caused her to go rogue. Eventually she joined smuggler chief Talon Karrde , becoming one of his best smugglers and his second-in-command. During the predations of Grand Admiral Thrawn , she was forced to work with Skywalker, and developed a grudging respect for him. During the Galactic Civil War , Mara Jade proved herself skilled in a variety of fields; she was a good pilot and mechanic and trained in the use of both a blaster and hand-to-hand combat even without relying on the Force. Over the years, she continued to work for Karrde and interact with Skywalker intermittently, training at his Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 for a short period of time. She was groomed by Karrde to take over the Smugglers' Alliance and had a brief relationship with Lando Calrissian as part of that role, although she later admitted it was a charade. She also continued to grow closer to Skywalker and worked alongside him on numerous occasions, including the Almanian Uprising and the Corellian Crisis. The two finally realized in 19 ABY while on a mission to Nirauan that they were in love, and wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong War , she fell ill due to deadly coomb spores that she'd been infected with by a Yuuzhan Vong agent.

Sent to Abregado-rae to retrieve a ship of Karrde's, the Etherwaythat had been impounded, her departure from the system was interrupted by the arrival of the Victory -class Star Destroyer Adamant. Some time later, while the Solos were on Belsavis, they contacted Mara Jade to see if she had information on the planet. Jade Skywalker was experiencing some of the more unpleasant side effects of pregnancy, including morning sickness and mood swings, mara jade skywalker movie.

When the character of Mara Jade was first introduced in Timothy Zahn's follow-up to the original Star Wars trilogy Heir to the Empire , the character soon established herself as a fan favorite. Between her fascinating history with the Emperor, her redemption and Mara Jade's relationship with Luke Skywalker , fans couldn't help but feel a great character was being thrown away when she, along with many other Expanded Universe characters, was relegated to Star Wars Legends after Disney bought LucasFilm in But with the franchise stepping away from the Skywalker Saga, and with the love for other Star Wars spinoffs like The Mandalorian focusing on other parts of the galaxy, perhaps a Mara Jade solo movie could come to fruition and finally bring the character back to Star Wars canon. A Mara Jade solo film could be a perfect way to bring the character back into Star Wars canon, given the number of Legends characters and planets that have been brought back to the franchise in recent years. Chief of which is Grand Admiral Thrawn , whose story though not identical to his Legends counterpart, still remained mostly the same in his retooled Star Wars Rebels reintroduction.

Star Wars ' upcoming The Mandalorian era movie is all but confirmed to be an adaptation of Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, which means it's finally time to decide whether Legends Jedi Mara Jade is canon. When Disney purchased Star Wars in , they declared the old Expanded Universe range of novels to be non-canon or "Legends". Since then, though, Lucasfilm has been absorbing the best elements of EU into new canon. Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, for example, is clearly the inspiration for Dave Filoni's plans in The Mandalorian era - with many key elements already canon ahead of a movie generally expected to be called Heir to the Empire. Mount Tantiss served as Thrawn's home base during the Thrawn trilogy, with the Noghri being the species of Thrawn's personal bodyguard-assassin Rukh. Despite this, one key element is still missing from Star Wars canon. The element in question is none other than Mara Jade.

Mara jade skywalker movie

Mara Jade was an iconic Star Wars character for years before the Disney acquisition, but her reappearance in canon stories feels inevitable — especially in a few upcoming Star Wars projects. In later books and comics, Mara continued to appear alongside the original trilogy's aging heroes, and eventually even married Luke Skywalker. But after the purchase of Lucasfilm by Disney , and the production of the sequel trilogy with a distinct lack of Mara, the character was deemed non-canon. However, Mara's popularity has not waned, and many fans are clamoring for Mara Jade's return to canon. But with the sequel trilogy already done, a new interconnected TV universe, and upcoming theatrical outings leading up to the sequels, in which future projects could Mara Jade fit into this new canon Star Wars timeline? It is the next major release, and if Star Wars intends to further connect these stories, setting up a likely important character like Mara Jade in the first project would be advantageous — especially if Din Djarin is taking down former Imperials, potentially including Mara. Also, Mara Jade has always been synonymous with this era of the timeline in Legends , which makes this an ideal place to debut her, as this is the first time the New Republic Era is seen on the big screen. Some viewers have theorized Katy M.

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Tekli believed that it should be investigated by a Jedi who had more experience with that type of thing. Heir to the Empire However, back on Coruscant, Leia Solo announced their wedding , which was taken by the press as symbol of Imperial and New Republic unity. The defenders were able to hold off the Yuuzhan Vong advance, though at heavy cost. Her physical discomfort had returned, as had her illness. While the Jedi destroyed several enemy yammosks and Lah's flagship, the Sunulok , the Jedi starfighter wing paid a heavy price with many casualties. Only her timely arrival allowed him to survive the pirate base's self-destruct sequence by floating a short distance across vacuum to her ship in a Jedi hibernation trance. Fictional universe of Star Wars. She concluded that the person she killed was not the real Dequc, but a cleverly placed decoy. Jade Skywalker managed to knock the spy to the ground after discovering that she could kill the amphistaff with a blow to the center of its head, but after realizing that the Yuuzhan Vong were almost immune to the effects of a blaster set on stun, she decided to end the fight with a quick jab to the spy's temple. She even accompanied him to the planet's surface, partially out of her concern for Skywalker and partially because she feared what Kueller could do to the galaxy.

Mara Jade Skywalker is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. She appears in the now non-canon Legends series as the wife of Luke Skywalker and mother of Ben Skywalker. Her first appearance was in Timothy Zahn 's Heir to the Empire

However, she was stopped in Madine's quarters by the general, who pulled a blaster on her and called for reinforcements. Categories : Anthology films. Mara Jade used a hold-out blaster to execute a member of Black Nebula. While the Jedi destroyed several enemy yammosks and Lah's flagship, the Sunulok , the Jedi starfighter wing paid a heavy price with many casualties. Her husband, meanwhile, had just returned from a meeting with the New Republic Advisory Council , and Jade Skywalker advised him about the rash actions of Jedi Knight Wurth Skidder in destabilizing the situation over Rhommamool. Dark Horse Comics. Her absence and failure to report in caused the second-in-command, Faughn , to head out on the Starry Ice to seek help, leaving her stranded there. Mara Jade while captured by Drach'nam. The Skywalker family. However, Sidious was also not content with Jade's absense; to punish her for her treachery, he sent several of his servants to intercept her in route to a Smugglers' Alliance meeting in the Senex sector , including the mysterious Blackhole. First, she went to the auction house where the paintings had been sold, but gleaned little information.

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