ludo bagman harry potter

Ludo bagman harry potter

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Ludovic "Ludo" Bagman was a wizard and Ministry of Magic employee. His career at the Ministry ended in mid- , when he had to go on the run from goblins , against whom he had lost several bets. He has a brother named Otto. According to Ludo, he did not know that Rookwood was a Death Eater. Rookwood had been a friend of Ludo's father and had persuaded Ludo into giving him the information by talking about getting Ludo a job at the Ministry.

Ludo bagman harry potter

Ludovic Bagman , head of the Division for Magical Games and Sports is a very flamboyant wizard, always bounding around and trying to look like he is having a lot of fun. He is relatively short, rather fat, and has the look of a powerful man rather gone to seed. He seems rather flighty, paying more attention to his entertainments than to his job. Ludo Bagman bounces around the campground at the Quidditch World Cup , talking up a storm and placing and taking bets. He is commentator for the match, but when the Snitch is finally caught, he seems rather shaken, and becomes rather hard to find; obviously, he has made a few bad bets. One of the bets that had been placed was with Fred and George Weasley , that the Bulgarian Seeker, Krum, would catch the Snitch but that Ireland would win, and they had won that bet. During the riot at the campsite, Harry , Ron , and Hermione meet Ludo in the woods. Ludo seems preoccupied, and is unaware of the riot until told about it; he then Disapparates , possibly to the campground to see what is going on. Shortly after the Dark Mark appears, he Apparates back in, and is quite surprised to see all the wizards who have appeared to find the spell-caster. Throughout, Ludo appears preoccupied. Ludo is present at Hogwarts for the selection of the Champions at the opening of the Triwizard Tournament. He is present again when the names of the Champions are produced by the Goblet on the following day.

The Harry Potter Compendium Explore. Ludo went on the run shortly after the third task. His looks aren't going to change so much in a couple of years that he becomes unrecognisable.

At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Spoilers will be present within the article. Ludovic "Ludo" Bagman fl. His career at the Ministry ended in mid- , when he had to go on the run from goblins , to whom he owed a substantial amount of gold. At some point in his life, Ludo joined Wimbourne Wasps team as a Beater. He was considered by Arthur Weasley to be the best beater the team had ever had. He also played for the English national team.

Harry Potter. Written by Mohandas Alva. It is revealed that he used to play Quidditch as a beater for the Wimbourne Wasps and later for the English Quidditch team. He is present at Hogwarts along with Barty Crouch Sr to inaugurate the Triwizard Tournament and is also a Triwizard Tournament judge for the three tasks. It is eventually revealed that Bagman is an avid gambler, and his gambling addiction eventually strips him of his dignity in the magical community as he owes gold to a lot of people, especially a group of goblins. This prompts him to go on the run, and he almost never resurfaces in the community. Ludo Bagman is believed to have been born in or before the year into the Bagman family. He had a brother named Otto Bagman.

Ludo bagman harry potter

Ludovic "Ludo" Bagman was a wizard and Ministry of Magic employee. His career at the Ministry ended in mid- , when he had to go on the run from goblins , against whom he had lost several bets. He has a brother named Otto. According to Ludo, he did not know that Rookwood was a Death Eater. Rookwood had been a friend of Ludo's father and had persuaded Ludo into giving him the information by talking about getting Ludo a job at the Ministry. Barty Crouch attempted to place Bagman in Azkaban for this exchange of information for a certain amount of time, but much to Crouch's annoyance, Ludo was cleared of all charges, partly due to being a popular Quidditch player; one witch within the jury, in fact, stood up and congratulated Bagman for his impressive play in the previous Quidditch match, with the others cheering him.

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If Tonks was looking directly at him, in battling him, even a hood and hair wouldn't make it not Ludo -- so, maybe he was doing something to make himself less noticeable, but at that point.. One witch within the jury stood up and congratulated Bagman for his rather impressive play in the previous Quidditch match, with the others cheering him. Remus, who is the only fully-grown wizard, says the BBDE is big, while the three students say he is variously enormous, huge or massive. Well just say the word. During the task, Bagman took the role of commentator, and was very impressed at Harry's flying skills around the dragon. If he were really either the coward or oathbreaker then surely he would have been located and killed and his demise commented upon somewhere in the wizarding world. I would still say it's possible to make out his face - at least make it out enoguh to see a resemblance. Without a full report from any of the participants, but making a reasonable inference, it can be assumed that the only words passing the BBDE's lips were the spell incantations. Meanwhile, Fred and George thought that Bagman gave them the Leprechaun gold by mistake and tried gently prodding him throughout the year but Bagman ignored their letters and made up excuses. I'll expect a retraction should I prove correct. Even if they didn't recognize it as Bagman in that instant, it would have sounded familiar to them, and I'd find it very odd that none of them would mention it when they actually do talk about the blond Death Eater. The twins therefore stalked Bagman for the entire school year, trying to get their money, and later realised their attempts were unsuccessful. Previous Share Flag Next. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery.

When his Quidditch days were over, he joined the Department of Magical Games and Sports and eventually c. He served in that capacity until his somewhat informal departure from the Ministry in late June under a cloud of gambling allegations GF

He is described as having a boyish face page , Bloomsbury hardback edition, Chapter 14 - The Four Champions and as looking rather excited when Harry is chosen as the fourth champion. Also the Death Eaters are in the habit of wearing hoods and these would conceal their identities further. The only people in canon with Death Eater associations who have been described as big or large or tall are Ludovic Bagman and Goyle Snr. Once he summons his Firebolt , however, all else fades; while Harry does still hear the occasional ecstatic comment from Ludo, he is largely oblivious. It transpires that this is exactly what Dumbledore says regarding Severus Snape as well. He then takes Harry aside, out of the tent, for a private word. For the final task, Bagman had the sole responsibility of showing the champions the maze which had been constructed on the school Quidditch pitch since Mr. When he saw Harry there, he offered him his help in the Triwizard Tournament, but Harry declined and asked Ludo what the goblins were up to. Harry says, no, he has a plan. Rita Skeeter says to Hermione: "I know things about Ludo Bagman that would make your hair curl - not that it needs it. Ludovic Bagman.

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