La bamba sintonia de amor
Gero eta ezagunagoa zen, eta Manuel Romerok aktore protagonista eta gidoilari gisa sartu zuen Mujeres que trabajan filman.
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La bamba sintonia de amor
Zoaz hotelera, eta bihar etorri funtziorako.
The song is typically played on one or two arpa jarochas harps along with guitar relatives the jarana jarocha and the requinto jarocho. However, versions such as those by musical groups Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan and Los Pregoneros del Puerto have survived because of the artists' popularity. The traditional aspect of "La Bamba" lies in the tune, which remains almost the same through most versions. The name of the dance referenced within the song, which has no direct English translation, is presumably connected with the Spanish verb "bambolear", meaning "to sway", "to shake" or "to wobble". According to a article in Life , the song and associated dance were brought "out of the jungle" at Veracruz by American bandleader Everett Hoagland, who introduced it at Ciro's nightclub in Mexico City. Huesca re-recorded the song for RCA Victor in , [9] and the same year the song featured as a production number in the MGM musical film Fiesta , performed by a group called Los Bocheros. The Swedish-American folk singer William Clauson recorded the song in several languages in the early and mids. He claimed to have heard the song in Veracruz, and in performance slowed down the tempo to encourage audience participation. Ritchie Valens learned the song in his youth, from his cousin Dickie Cota.
La bamba sintonia de amor
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