gsp coloring

Gsp coloring

Post by Blade » Wed Aug 23, pm.

Edit: it has come to my attention that this blog post is being shared and used as another reason to vote against black dogs being accepted into the AKC standard. To clarify, the gene is not affiliated with black dogs and has shown up just as much, if not more in liver dogs. Tan markings has absolutely nothing to do with the color black. Please read on for a full understanding. Dogs are not only my hobby and love, but also my livelihood and profession. It is pretty clear to anyone who knows me that I am passionate about dogs in general, especially the German Shorthaired Pointer. As a dog owner and trainer, I am constantly learning and evolving, as we all should be.

Gsp coloring

So I bought some pods and snails and stuff from aquarium depot last week. And everything was great. But it seems odd to me the way it looks. Is it something that will eventually color up? Or should I just expect a mix? All my other corals are doing great and the GSP is always out and full, just not all that green. People say there are pink and purple color morphs of gsp, and that they were more common in the past. Just what I've read, never seen any. Maybe there is a pathology I don't know about. Google pink gsp. I would buy some for my back wall if it were available.

Well, we live on a very big planet — color in GSPs is only a topic among some gsp coloring in some places.

Log in. Sign up. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It is changing mostly on his upper legs and around the base of his ears. I don't recall this happening before and I'm concerned that this may be health related. I don't notice any changes in him other than what I've described, he's active and eating well.

German Shorthaired Pointers, also known as GSPs or Kurzhaars, are considered the perfect pointer dog by many breed lovers. They are active hunting dogs that are still bred to be working dogs, even though they are becoming more popular as family dogs — especially considering the large number of German Shorthaired Pointer colors available. This dog breed originated from Germany. In fact, they were bred according to the German bird dog tradition that was established back in the s. They were used by German hunters as duck retrievers and gun dogs and were considered one of the best bird hunting dog breeds. With their high activity level and sleek bodies, they are also considered among the best water retrievers and make amazing swimmers. While some canine lovers confuse them with English Pointers, these two have many differences — and one of the most noticeable ones is in the coat length, as well as in standard German Shorthaired Pointer colors.

Gsp coloring

German Shorthaired Pointers are classified as gun dogs as they were bred to assist hunters in the field by locating prey. They are used as bird dogs but will also hunt rabbits, possums, raccoons, and deer. This article will examine the colors of German Shorthaired Pointers. German Shorthaired Pointers are beloved dogs, with some used for hunting and others living as pets in regular suburban homes. They are affectionate, and their goofy natures endear them to their owners. Many dog owners refuse to own any breed other than a German Shorthaired Pointer.

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To clarify, my blog piece is in no way advocating breeding tan marked pups. No papers, the reasons for my desire to breed her is for her to have the experience of being a mother, also the experience for our family. If you do, could we maybe discuss this? I try to soak up everything I can when it comes to this breed, and a recent learning opportunity fell right into my lap: color. If you attend dog shows in any of those 91 FCI countries, you could see all of those colors and markings represented in the ring. She is still crazy as ever and giving the gray squirel in the backyard hell every chance she gets. Next Schutzhund for a Bird Dog?? Search Advanced search. First of all, thank you for putting this information out there. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. Very solid dogs. Genetics hurt my head a bit.

The German Shorthaired Pointer, often referred to as the GSP dog, is a versatile and energetic breed known for their athleticism and intelligence. Originating in Germany, the GSP dog was developed in the 19th century with the intention of creating a multipurpose hunting dog capable of working on both land and water.

I am just trying to sort through it all. I am not a fan of too much white tho Just what I've read, never seen any. Post by grousehunter08 » Thu Apr 03, pm That never made sense to me no black. Post by Blade » Wed Aug 23, pm. Recommended Discussions. Interceptor said:. Those are great points! Next Schutzhund for a Bird Dog?? Color disqualifications may keep certain colors and markings out of some show rings in some countries. Braune is German for tan. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. Now with this information to understand it and UC Davis genetic testing, we can DNA test for it to prevent it from happening, and no need to throw out the baby with the bathwater so to speak. What's your favorite GSP coloration?

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