grand admiral tarkin

Grand admiral tarkin

The enforcing Empire was the ultimate fear factor within grand admiral tarkin original trilogy. Even though Lord Vader was the face of fear and crushed all Imperial officers who failed him, there was one in particular whom he respected, and he even took commands from him.

Wider elements of Star Wars canon have confirmed just how important Grand Moff Tarkin was to the Empire including why his death was such a significant event. While upcoming Star Wars movies are unlikely to feature the return of Tarkin, other shows, books, and comics have explored his history at length. Tarkin's Star Wars timeline before the events of A New Hope is one of the more interesting regarding minor characters in a galaxy far, far away, and proves just how vital he was to the Empire. Through this book and other elements of Star Wars canon, Tarkin's death has been revealed to have shaken the Empire given the Grand Moff's crucial role in expanding the tyrannical regime across the galaxy. One of the core reasons for Tarkin's importance to the Empire was his home planet of Eriadu. Interestingly, the capital of the Empire is Coruscant in the Core Worlds meaning the reach of the Imperials was not quite as forceful in the Outer Rim upon its formation.

Grand admiral tarkin

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown. Wilhuff Tarkin was a Human male politician and military officer who was one of the most powerful Grand Moffs in the Galactic Empire. Tarkin was a leading figure in the shaping of Imperial doctrines and was the driving force behind the creation of its key embodiment, the Death Star. He then retired and entered politics , becoming lieutenant governor of Eriadu and the Seswenna sector , before returning to the military in order to serve Supreme Chancellor Palpatine as an agent of the secret Sith Lord's New Order movement. It was in that time that Tarkin learned of his friend Raith Sienar's designs for the Expeditionary Battle Planetoid and, convinced of the potential of the design, presented Palpatine with the plans for what would become the Death Star. Tarkin gained increasing stature as a vocal supporter of Palpatine and received notice as the Seswenna sector's governor throughout the Clone Wars. At one point, he served as a captain under Jedi General Even Piell , where he and his crew were held in the Citadel , a Separatist prison , and escaped with the help of a strike team of Jedi and clone troopers.

However, Tarkin was never attached to Thrawn, remaining focused only on his personal goals.

Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, introduced as the main antagonist of the original Star Wars film [a] although he has less screen time than his iconic subordinate Darth Vader , in which he was played by Peter Cushing. In the film, Tarkin is depicted as a high-ranking officer of the Galactic Empire , placed in charge of the operations on the Death Star , the Empire's moon —sized battle station. He orders the destruction of the planet Alderaan by the station's superlaser, and dies at the end of the film when the Death Star is destroyed by Luke Skywalker. He is also the protagonist of the novel Tarkin , which details the character's backstory and rise to power within the Empire's ranks. In the novel, Tarkin advocates for the Tarkin Doctrine , a military system based on "the threat of force, rather than force itself".

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm.

Grand admiral tarkin

An ambitious, ruthless proponent of military power, Wilhuff Tarkin became a favorite of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and rose rapidly through the Imperial ranks. Shortly after the Empire's creation, he was put in charge of the construction of the Death Star. Tarkin saw the Death Star as a way to crush all dissent to the Empire's rule -- fear of the station's planet-killing superlaser would keep the galaxy's star systems in line. He demonstrated the station's power by destroying Alderaan, but died soon afterwards when the Death Star itself was destroyed. The experience taught Tarkin that life was an ongoing battle for survival, with the strong and smart staying on top by gaining and keeping control of those below them. When the Clone Wars began, Tarkin opted for renewed military service, undertaking a number of covert missions on behalf of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. It was a fateful meeting, though the two would find themselves at odds when Tarkin -- now an admiral -- led the investigation of a terrorist attack on the Jedi Temple and prosecuted Ahsoka Tano in connection with that attack. After the Clone War ends, the new Empire reappropriates Kamino training facilities to challenge the value of continuing to employ clone soldiers. In the training facility where many rookies proved their worth as cadets for the Republic, Admiral Tarkin uses devious tactics and live rounds to test the clones who remain, including assessing whether or not the unique soldiers in Clone Force 99 can learn to adhere to Imperial protocol.

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Tarkin addressed the nervous manager of the farm, whose daughter had been crushed to the ground by a falling scrubber during the rebel attack. The Trade Federation security forces were to be disbanded and disarmed, their assets turned over to the Republic. Without hesitation he ran to the console and sent out a message, ordering his forces on Mon Cala to ceasefire. Unable to match the combined firepower of the starfighters, the Carrion Spike flew rings around the tanker to prevent the Imperials from shooting it. Tarkin asked Major Rantu if his teams were ready, to which he replied they had already been running simulations. However, he was interrupted by the arrival of a heavily injured Darth Vader, who blasted two of the guards into the office window, knocking them unconscious. In response, the enemy carrier tried to form a wedge between the Executrix and the convoy. Nothing could redeem Tarkin's reputation within the Rebellion and New Republic, however. Even with his position as Governor during the Clone Wars, Tarkin was able to be recommissioned into the Republic Navy as an officer. He orders the jump to hyperspace to the planet, where an ongoing battle between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance rages. A New Dawn Servants of the Empire — ISB Colonel Wullf Yularen speculated that political dissenters were planning to launch a propaganda operation similar to the wartime Shadowfeeds utilized by the Separatists. Weeks later, Obitt woke up in the medbay on the Executrix.

Examples relating to Disney's EU and the new movies can be spoiler-tagged if deemed necessary. Tropes specifically applying to the characters based on their appearances in Star Wars Legends can be found here. To return to the Character page for Star Wars , go here.

As the first shipment was far from complete, Tarkin sent the droid to investigate a crash-landing in the nearby fungus forests , which he suspected was the children. The early Tarkins had helped settle Eriadu; they had been their own police force. Taking the loss of his Star Destroyer personally, Tarkin orders that Maketh Tua be brought before him for her failure to find the Lothal rebels. Two stormtroopers, the captain, and the communications officer had been killed. He reported that it would either meet or surpass expectations. With the beginning of Project War-Mantle , the Imperial initiative to replace clones with birth-born recruits, Tarkin decided to put Crosshair in charge of an Elite Squad of non-clone soldiers to test their capabilities by fulfilling the mission Clone Force 99 had previously failed at. His philosophy becomes central to Imperial policy and earns him the position of the first Grand Moff in the Empire. Tarkin told them that it had barely hurt Mon Cala and since Major Rantu was at Dac City when it was swept away, Tarkin had to assume he was lost in the cataclysm. Though Tarkin himself viewed the clones unfavorably, he noticed the efficiency of Clone Force 99 during an impromptu fight in their cafeteria. However, Lome wondered when this would be, and thought it was likely linked to the mining conglomerate's connection to the Separatists during the war. As the group continued to make their way to the rendezvous via the old tunnel system, Tarkin became increasingly impressed with the layout of the Citadel and its virtually impregnable status—much to the surprise of Tano. He stopped the Vice Admiral before he could order his gunners to destroy the Carrion Spike in an attempt to hide his collusion with Teller's insurgents.

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