gay tours barcelona

Gay tours barcelona

You are on the right page! Known for its fabulous monuments such as the Sagrada Familia, for its energetic cultural life, for its creators, especially in design and fashion, for its young restaurateurs, gay tours barcelona, its tapas and cocktail bars, its beaches The Catalan capital is also a great place for its gay scene. Hotels, restaurants, gay tours barcelona, saunas, clubs, shops all contribute to this effervescence.

All Gay Cruises. All Gay Resorts. All Gay Destinations. Barcelona boasts a cosmopolitan and welcoming environment for all types of travelers from every corner of the globe. Barcelona is one of those cities that has so much to offer, you can never see it all. Quote or Reservation.

Gay tours barcelona

We've rounded up the best gay tours to do in Barcelona for gay travelers, whether you like tapas, art or drinking! A city which bakes under constant sunshine. Buildings that hold an old-timey charm, yet still look new and polished. A rich, albeit tragic history filled with twists and turns. A community of people who welcome you with open arms and wide smiles. What would we ever do without Barcelona? Having toured the city so extensively that we could easily navigate from one end to the other blindfolded, we can't get enough of this shining Spanish metropolis! From its fiery culture to the stunning beaches, we've put together a list of LGBTQ themed tours you need to do and will make you fall in love with this city. Heads up: We just wanted to let you know that this post contains affiliate links. That means if you book something through one of those links, we'll get a small commission, at no extra cost to you. It helps us keep our blog going — so thank you in advance for your support! This tour is so much fun to join in on! If like us, you can't ever say no to a party, then this gay nightlife tour of Barcelona is a must. We partied until dawn, bouncing from lively bars like Moeem , to sacrilegious spots like La Chapelle , which has walls covered in Christian artefacts…! With crosses, Virgin Mary statues and rosary beads galore, we thought we'd walked into a Madonna fan club!

Discover the city of Gaudi with a gay local guide.

The city is also the true LGBT capital of Southern Europe, boasting innumerable venues for all tastes, world-famous dance parties like Circuit but most of all a friendly, inclusive and tolerant culture. Get ready for special tours in this amazing city! Learn more about the history this incredible church discovering the secrets of the Sagrada Familia. With your skip-the-line ticket enter Barcelona's unmissable landmark. Learn more of the history of Barcelona from Roman times to the medieval period through a special Gothic Quarter walking tour, which has a charm all of its own with its narrow, cobbled streets, wrought-iron street lamps and buildings that comprise hidden corners you can lose yourself in. Then continue to Barcelona Cathedral, built in different artistic styles, next to the important ruins of the Roman walls. Here lots of gay shops, bars, discos and restaurants appeared in the last years.

Join us for 10 nights on a gay Barcelona and Pyrenees soft adventure tour. Enjoy local food and wine while enjoying the adventure that Spain has to offer. Biking, hiking, rafting and canyoning are some of the extraordinary activities we will enjoy on this tour. Enjoy the cultural along the way with village walks, a shepherd experience, and Eixample, the most centric quarter in Barcelona. This is a unique area of Spain that has a lot to offer the adventurous soul. Raft the thrilling Noguera Pallaresa River. Hike Aiguestortes National Park.

Gay tours barcelona

Book your accommodation in Barcelona. Thank you for your newsletter subscription! We are sorry. There was an error sending your message. Please try again later. English en. Start Destinations Contact Book your guide Start. Discover the Medieval Barcelona in the Gothic Quarter, enjoying the architecture of amazing gothic buildings Where you can feel the unique atmosphere of medieval Barcelona.

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When we finish the tour you will be able to go inside the Sagrada Familia on your own and stay there as much as you want. The price above based on two persons sharing one standard room in EUR. Explore the city center and the Town Hall, a building built on the site of the medieval castle of Sitges. NOTE: This tour package can be fully customizable to fit your travel plan. Get ready for a special full day Gaily Excursion from Barcelona Gay with us! Personal Address:. Enjoy a Sangria tasting also alcohol free drink available while looking hot boys and girls walking through this district. Website Created by Happy Travel. This structure broke down barriers in the world of architecture with its one-of-a-kind appearance. The city is also the true LGBT capital of Southern Europe, boasting innumerable venues for all tastes, world-famous dance parties like Circuit but most of all a friendly, inclusive and tolerant culture. This tour takes you to the real deal, where all the locals hang out and you're likely to be the only foreigner in sight!

The city is also the true LGBT capital of Southern Europe, boasting innumerable venues for all tastes, world-famous dance parties like Circuit but most of all a friendly, inclusive and tolerant culture.

Selected Gaily Tour:. A rich, albeit tragic history filled with twists and turns. Enjoy your included drink also alcohol free drink available and own the night! Check availability. For more, check out our comprehensive gay guide to Sitges. When the tour ends, around 1am, welcome to the Spanish culture, we will give you the last recommendations if you want to go to the newest and hottest clubs or the lifelong ones, because Barcelona has been offering the most exciting gay nightlife for more than 25 years. We partied until dawn, bouncing from lively bars like Moeem , to sacrilegious spots like La Chapelle , which has walls covered in Christian artefacts…! All rooms have natural light and different views depending on their orientation. Heads up: We just wanted to let you know that this post contains affiliate links. Gay Hotels. Making friends with the sexy bartenders at Moeem! When we finish the tour you will be able to go inside the Sagrada Familia on your own and stay there as much as you want. With us the fun is guaranteed!

3 thoughts on “Gay tours barcelona

  1. Unfortunately, I can help nothing, but it is assured, that you will find the correct decision.

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