dota ward spots

Dota ward spots

Dota 2 players must use all tools at their disposal to win matches. Warding is one of the most important tools in Dota 2 that gives a team leverage over the opposing team. While players may know what an observer or sentry ward is capable of, they dota ward spots not understand their true potential. Players that consistently ward in the popular MOBA can give their team vision and protect them from being flanked.

Jan 13 - Apr January 13 - April Jan 20 - Mar January 20 - March CDL Major 2 Qualifiers.

Dota ward spots

Of course, my friend! Did you think those yellow and blue things with eyes just decorated the map? Having vision every time a team fight is about to start, or knowing where the enemy carry is farming, might help you to win the whole game. These useful artifacts are invisible to the enemy and if you place them correctly, it might be hard for them to detect. They not only help with giving vision but also you can block neutral camps with them! If you play the support role, let me tell ya that these yellow friends will become your best buddies for life. But, be careful because they can be destroyed by the enemy team. I will tell you how below. These wards will grant you vision in a radius and will last for 6 minutes. So, be aware of the timing and keep buying wards.

The art of warding is more complex than we thought. With a much more expansive map and a lot of new elements, players, both dota ward spots and new, will surely face some confusion. Warding in the Early Game: This is the stage where the first minutes of the game are developed and having good vision is crucial.


Warding is a feature in Dota that is sadly overlooked, but if utilized correctly, it can change the trajectory of the game. The Observer Wards are pretty self-explanatory, they provide you with the vision of a certain area when you plant them, alerting you of any incoming rotations or allowing your team to gank the unsuspecting foes. Wards are undoubtedly essential to the game, a mechanic which we wish never gets removed. These spots are up to date with the current 7. This is a standard ward placed by both Radiant and Dire supports in the early game to spot any rotations or incoming ganks from the enemy mid-laner to the Radiant safe lane. The ward also helps the Radiant carry farm without worrying about the enemy's presence in the jungle area.

Dota ward spots

Of course, my friend! Did you think those yellow and blue things with eyes just decorated the map? Having vision every time a team fight is about to start, or knowing where the enemy carry is farming, might help you to win the whole game. These useful artifacts are invisible to the enemy and if you place them correctly, it might be hard for them to detect. They not only help with giving vision but also you can block neutral camps with them! If you play the support role, let me tell ya that these yellow friends will become your best buddies for life. But, be careful because they can be destroyed by the enemy team. I will tell you how below.

Catherine mcsherry

In this sense, we can have full vision of the possible gank and prevent a disaster for your midlaner. This will help you to know if there is an enemy ward or not: If they see you placing a ward, before placing a sentry, it will not make sense since they know the ward position now. Patch 7. Radiant: This ward is perfect to have some vision and also block the neutral camp to avoid pulling. Sometimes, all you need is a good pickoff of a core to win the game and this type of warding can lead you to a faster victory if you already have the advantage. The enemy Hard Carry started Jungling: This usually happens when you have an aggressive offlane and you force the enemy HC to go jungle to get some farm and exp, because he might be dying too much on lane. Currently, in this 7. Map Updates: Dota Warding Map 7. Your midlaner is gonna need an amazing ward in order to have vision in both the power-up runes and high ground of the mid lane. You can also place your ward right next to the Twin Gates , which will give you clear vision over players teleporting to outposts or making movements toward either Roshan Pits. Mar 28 - Mar

Jan 13 - Apr January 13 - April

These characters have the important Dota 2 role of placing the Observer Wards and Sentry Wards around the map. At minutes, bounty runes spawn and the environment gets darker, which means less vision. How to Ward in Dota 2. The amazing web platform OpenDota gathers the information of every match you have and presents it with amazing charts and pictures for you to understand what happened in your game. You can see how much you invested in detection and in which time exactly you placed your wards. February 25 - March In this sense, we can have full vision of the possible gank and prevent a disaster for your midlaner. If you cut certain trees, these might give you a new spot to place your ward and the enemy support will never find it! The following are potential locations you can take advantage of that are untested and not the most obvious. Having vision every time a team fight is about to start, or knowing where the enemy carry is farming, might help you to win the whole game. DOTA 2.

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