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Dinar Vets. The value of the currency has been rising for some time and speculators believe it may explode soon. Today's Dinarvets. It is generally safe for browsing, so you may click any item to proceed to the site. We can do nothing about it but wait I expeect nothing at least until early tomorrow morning at the earliest. Welcome to dinarupdates. Despite of living isolated from the international community, Iraq still holds an important position in international community. This country has faced so many ups and downs and downfalls. Despite of worst conditions the currency of this country has still I have heard from sources that the new notes were actually printed back in May I know Speculation and Rumors go here.

I have heard from sources that the new notes were actually printed back in May Introductions are cleaned dinarvets periodically. Coronavirus articles outside of Iraq should go here, dinarvets.


Guest views are now limited to 12 pages. If you get an "Error" message, just sign in! If you need to create an account, click here. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. Redenomination reasons and examples of the past. Little help with currency auctions please By djgabrielie.


Guest views are now limited to 12 pages. If you get an "Error" message, just sign in! If you need to create an account, click here. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. Parliamentary Finance intends to reintroduce the coin Another proposal to delete the zeros 1 2 3 4 8 By DWS delete three zeros.

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His real name is James Wolf.

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