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In a small Spanish village, Gloria, the imperious head of a troubled family, is devoted to her two sons, demonio negro torrent. Read all In a small Spanish village, Gloria, the imperious head of a troubled family, is devoted to her two sons. Juan is the handsome, irresponsible, best-lov

Oilman Paul Sturges' Lucas idyllic family vacation turns into a nightmare when they encounter a ferocious megalodon shark that will stop at nothing to protect its territory. Stranded and under constant attack, Paul and his family must somehow find a way to get his family back to shore alive before it strikes again in this epic battle between humans and nature. The Yellowstone franchise continues to be incredibly successful, drawing in a series high during the Season 4 finale with 9. Fernanda began her career as a series regular on the series 16 in From that moment on, she has worked extensively in Chilean, Mexican, and eventually American TV and film, working in over thirty projects in the early span of her ever-growing career.

Demonio negro torrent

Stranded on a crumbling rig in Baja, a family faces off against a vengeful megalodon shark. Junior : So, you do believe it's Tlaloc? Paul : No. But I know a big-ass shark when I see one. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. The Black Demon R 1h 40m. Play trailer Drama Horror Sci-Fi. Director Adrian Grunberg. Carlos Cisco Boise Esquerra.

Official site. Details Edit.


Stranded on a crumbling rig in Baja, a family faces off against a vengeful megalodon shark. Junior : So, you do believe it's Tlaloc? Paul : No. But I know a big-ass shark when I see one. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.

Demonio negro torrent

Stranded on a crumbling rig in Baja, a family faces off against a vengeful megalodon shark. Junior : So, you do believe it's Tlaloc? Paul : No. But I know a big-ass shark when I see one. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

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Runtime 1 hour 40 minutes. But I know a big-ass shark when I see one. User reviews Review. It's just a poor cousin of one of the "Meg" movies, only with Josh Lucas trying to save the day rather than Jason Statham. Ultimately his greatest role to date is being dad to his three children he loves and cherishes. Pedro Basanta Especialista. Omar Chaparro Sidekick. Top cast Edit. Top cast Edit. Recently viewed. Featured review. Follow Like Follow. See the full list. See the full list.


A camera pan around the circle comes back to Paul, and the watch is not on his left wrist, which is still holding Tommy's right hand. See our picks. Francisco Merino Vendedor ambulante. Film to handle US distribution. More to explore. Create account. Dominican Republic on location. Oilman Paul Sturges' Lucas idyllic family vacation turns into a nightmare when they encounter a ferocious megalodon shark that will stop at nothing to protect its territory. Connections Features Anna See detailed box office info on IMDbPro. Follow Like Follow. Release date April 28, United States.

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