avatar the last airbender tv tropes

Avatar the last airbender tv tropes

These characters hail from the Fire Nation. Most of them serve as antagonists to Aang and his friends. The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will and the energy and drive to achieve what they want.

I can't fight them all I'm just one kid. The year-old well, technically year-old plucky Airbending boy destined to save the world. When he was caught in a storm, he defensively used his powers to seal himself in an iceberg, which protected him for a century while the other Air Nomads were exterminated by the Fire Nation in an effort to kill him. After being freed from the iceberg by Katara and Sokka, he now must face his destiny by mastering all four elements and defeating Fire Lord Ozai to restore balance to the world. For tropes applying to the Avatar entity in general, return to the main Character page. Also one could argue his chakra becoming unblocked during the fight with Ozai allowing Aang to enter the Avatar State again.

Avatar the last airbender tv tropes

It's time for you to stop doing this! The titular Last Airbender. He is the Avatar, the only one who can bend all four elements to his will. Adaptational Angst Upgrade : He spends most of the movie angsting and brooding about his responsibilities as the Avatar and being the last airbender. While Aang had occasional moments of this in the cartoon, he was always The Pollyanna at his core. Age Lift : According to the novelization. He was twelve in the show, but is thirteen in the movie. Big "NO! Blow You Away : His native element is air. The Chosen One : He's the Avatar. Composite Character : Downplayed, but he does take on some of Katara's role like inspiring the Earthbenders to rebel. Elemental Powers : He's the only one with all four of them.

Beard of Evil : Mongke has one, but Kahchi sports a truly impressive one. Leave No Survivors : His method of "taking his knowledge back", which involves burying the library with anyone still in it, once he learns Team Avatar's reason for accessing the place is no different from other humans before. Chekhov's Gunman : Roku is the Avatar seen bending all 4 elements in the opening then vanishing.

These characters are the mentors to Team Avatar. Previous Avatars. In General The four Avatars that came before Aang, listed in descending order. Even after their deaths, they serve as Spirit Advisors for the current Avatar, and can lend Aang their power through the Avatar State. Since Roku is the one that came directly before Aang, he does most of the advising. Four-Temperament Ensemble : Roku is Phlegmatic; best shown by his dealings with Sozin , he was kind, forgiving, and placed great stock in peace and harmony.

Four nations. One destiny The Last Airbender is a film written, co-produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan , based on Avatar: The Last Airbender the word "Avatar" being omitted to prevent the title from bumping into the film Avatar. It was planned to be the first film in a trilogy matching the three seasons of the show, but plans were canceled after it barely broke even at the box office. Each society has people capable of manipulating—or "bending"—the element that is their namesake. Only one person in each generation, the Avatar, is capable of bending all of the elements ; their duty is to be a mediator and peacekeeper of the world. The film's hero is Avatar Aang, an Air Nomad boy who froze himself in an iceberg to avoid his destiny. One hundred years later, he reawakens to find that his people have been massacred by the Fire Nation, which is trying to take over the world. Seeking to take his calling seriously and challenge the Fire Lord, he journeys with his new friends, Water Tribe teenagers Katara and Sokka, to the North Pole to find a Waterbending master to learn the art.

Avatar the last airbender tv tropes

I don't want it. I've always had to struggle and fight, and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am. Even as the prince of the Fire Nation, Zuko has always struggled in life, particularly in matching his prodigy sister Azula and getting his father's acknowledgment. This came to a head when Ozai punished him for a perceived slight by horrifically burning his face and sending him into exile, refusing to let him return until he had captured the Avatar. This was intended as a Snipe Hunt , since Aang had been missing for a century. Determined to prove his worth to his father, Zuko hunted Aang across the world for the first season while trying to find his own destiny. Despite being an antagonist at the beginning, he serves as the Deuteragonist , making him just as important as the good guys on Team Avatar. A-B The Ace : Definitely not at the beginning of the series, but by the time the show ends and the comics roll around, Zuko is a master swordsman, experienced with throwing knives and knifeplay, skilled at hand-to-hand combat, one of the greatest natural physical talents in the franchise, a master firebender, a skilled tactician, an expert at infiltration, and a competent public speaker and leader.

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Though the experience mellowed her, if we take her word for it. Fear that Zuko will attempt revenge on him? She still treated him kindly, and as a result, was spared from his planned escape. Even Tenzin wasn't exempt, as he felt intensely pressured to live up to Aang's legacy, and was deeply insecure about where he fell short - it takes an intervention from Aang himself in the Fog of Lost Souls to get Tenzin to move past it. Its later revealed that learning of Gyatso's death filled Aang with guilt over running away from home and not being there to protect his people. Well-Intentioned Extremist : As illustrated by his quote. Call on Me : Like previous Avatars, Korra can call on him for advice. Race Lift : Jackson Rathbone is white, while Cartoon Sokka had the ambiguous racial features dark skin, brown hair, blue eyes common to Water Tribesmen. Second Love : Early in the series, Katara crushed on Jet, only to get disappointed in him because of his extremist ways. During the eruption of the volcano of Roku's island, he has to choose between saving his best friend's life or letting him die to pursue his dreams of conquest. She was deeply saddened by doing this and wondered if there could've been a way to save him. The only person who comes in spitting distance of him is Toph , and the jury's out on who is stronger. As a young boy, Jet's family was killed by the Fire Nation. The only knowledge we have of him and his actions besides Zuko's memories comes from two in-universe sources, neither of whom is bound by Villains Never Lie. Physical God : By using Aang as a conduit, La manifests in the form of a massive being made of water, and proceeds to single-handedly annihilate the Fire Nation forces.

The legend of the Avatar begins Long ago, the Four Nations lived together in harmony.

If anything, all she's doing is lashing out at civilians and potentially giving them more of a reason to despise Waterbenders. Power-Strain Blackout : At first, activating the Avatar state left him weak and visibly exhausted. It's unstable to say the least. Kuvira points this out to Korra, telling her to mind her own business, and that Kuvira's war against the United Republic was actually an internal Earth Kingdom matter over which the Avatar has no jurisdiction. Lampshaded frequently by Katara. Azula pitched in on the basics of Sozin's impact on the world at the beginning, too. Big "NO! During that time, the Equalist leader Amon would attempt to use chi-blocking and his own bending to wipe out Benders entirely, including the new Avatar and the friends and family of Avatar Aang, and nearly succeeded. Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves : Being an Evil Chancellor and all, he is definitely a traitor to the King and his people as a whole. She only appears in three episodes of the season, and barely gets any lines in two of them, and while her actions in "The Boiling Rock, Part 2" do end up planting the seeds for Azula's Villainous Breakdown , she still doesn't retain much importance to the plot of the series for the season like Azula and Mai do.

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