Adolescentes follandi

A poor was applied to every teenagers, about personal details such as first sexual relations, contraceptive methods used in these adolescentes follandi sexual intercourse. The results of the survey revealed that the majority of our adolescents have sexual relations at an early age and also showed that the contraceptive method most known and used by our adolescent is condom. Other methods are used but with less frequency. The number of sexual partners according to sex and age found was between being more representative for female sex than male sex, adolescentes follandi, as a result of all this we consider that there adolescentes follandi a high level of promiscuity in our adolescents.

Gaceta Sanitaria accepts and publishes articles in Spanish and English. It is an open access journal. All of its articles are freely available without charge and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivatives 4. The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. SRJ is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and qualitative measure of the journal's impact.

Adolescentes follandi


Corresponding author. Lameiras, S. Gac Sanit, 16pp.


Los chicos de su edad le aburren. No le atraen lo suficiente y tampoco tienen nada que ofrecerle. Ella prefiere a los hombres mayores de Bueno, era. Ambos tienen dinero. Queda con ellos durante el fin de semana.

Adolescentes follandi

Pongamos que hablo de Telemadrid. Instinto Animal. Onda Pop. Vientos del sur. Municipios de Madrid. Ocio y planes por Madrid. El Tiempo.

Deleterious synonym

Long-term effectiveness of potent antiretroviral therapy in preventing AIDS and death: a prospective cohort study. Key words:. Morison, C. Alfaro, P. Reig-Ferrer, E. Tipo de convivencia. Han practicado sexo oral. Espinosa, F. SRJ is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. J Adolesc, 20 , pp. Fenton, L. However, significant differences were found between males and females in the following variables: anal intercourse was reported by a higher proportion of males than females, the number of sexual partners reportedby females was lower than that reported by males and the frequency of vaginal intercourse reported by females was higher than that reported by males.


Conclusiones Los datos de este estudio indican que los chicos y las chicas mantienen comportamientos sexuales diferenciados. Volpato, et al. Navarro-Pertusa, A. Wald, J. Serra, R. Lancet, , pp. Psicothema, 8 , pp. Gac Sanit, 16 , pp. Pediatrics, 89 , pp. AIDS Beba, 6 , pp. Ambivalent attitudes toward men predict gender ineguality in 16 nations. Tabla 4. Pap Psicol, , pp.

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