Zeus vs superman

Who is stronger? But it is certain that these two generate a force that seems to have no limits.

Boss16 Can superman take down the legendary God. Superman Prime, the Guardian-amped verion of Superboy Prime, no. Zack Fair Zeus Boss16 Do you guys mind explaining your reasons. Mshinu SMP punches trough time, hitting Kronus in the balls rendering him incapable of fathering Zeus. Prime wins.

Zeus vs superman

Speed is equalized. They both have full gear, they both have morals off and neither have prep. They fight on an indestructible earth. Lol doesn't Superman have more feats? And more impressive ones as well? What did Zeus do? Beat his father? Throw some lightning bolts? Pfft Superman one shots. Hercules was able to hold up the world for most of a day. Apollo was able to wrestle evenly with Hercules. Keep in mind, gods can take on any form they want including water and fire or make themselves as large as they want but Apollo was just wrestling in his human form. Apollo isn't even that strong among the Olympians! Ares and Athena are probably stronger.

I'm looking at the fight even as I'm typing it and there is two separate - but very, zeus vs superman, very explicit - notes that time was flowing differently for Thor and Zeus, and the only measurement of time attributed to their battle was clopaydoor instant".

Wanna see your favourite characters fight? In this book, we do our research and we help you answer and end the most heated debate of all time. Requested by zangetsu Some of the greatest heroes in stories are powerful power houses, especially if they have defeated giant powerful Berserkers before. Kryptonian Physiology: As a Kryptonian, Superman's powers rely on his cells' ability to absorb and metabolize solar energy from yellow stars like Earth's Sun. His Kryptonian body is a living "solar battery" that absorbs solar energies and converts them to fuel for vast superhuman abilities that wouldn't otherwise be afforded under Rao, Krypton's red supergiant. His cells also store yellow sun energy so he can use his powers under objects, at night, in dark places, and in space.

Since ancient times, the concept of a hero figure has been integral to many cultures, from pop culture to classic mythology. Two of the most enduring and popular heroes in the collective imagination are Zeus, of Greek mythology, and Superman, from the eponymous DC Comics franchise. While both are equally strong and powerful, they have various differences in their abilities and overall power. This article will dive into the differences between the two iconic figures and determine which one is the stronger hero. Zeus: Zeus is the head of the Greek pantheon of gods, known in classical mythology as the supreme ruler of gods and men alike. He is the son of Cronus and Rhea, and the youngest of the first generation of gods. Zeus was the god of the sky and lightning, and was believed to be the most powerful of all the gods. He had various abilities including flight, summoning lightning and storms, and magical powers. He also carried a powerful weapon, the thunderbolt, with which he could command the forces of nature. These powers include superhuman strength, speed, invulnerability, flight, heat vision, and others.

Zeus vs superman

He is responsible for maintaining balance and order. Conclusion: While they may come from different worlds, both characters have similar roles in their respective universes as powerful protectors. His most prominent superpowers include lightning bolts, thunderbolts, superhuman strength, and immortality. Superman is also incredibly durable and has a heightened sense of hearing, enabling him to detect the slightest sound. Other than that, he does not possess any major weaknesses. He is featured prominently in many works of literature and literature, both ancient and modern. He can throw lightning bolts, thunderbolts, and hurricanes, as well as control the weather. Additionally, he can summon his siblings, the other Olympians, to his side.

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The only measurements of time used to describe their battle are very small ones, in conscious contrast to the long time measurements used for the battle below. Other than that, I'm not putting anyone else on there. Even if he is magic? Originally posted by LGU You're remembering it incorrectly. Sam Winchester vs Buffy Summers. If you think getting knocked down is the ultimate low feat on his end, then I don't think you've ever read a comic Prime has appeared in HolySerpent : Superman would not stomp the Hulk. You've utterly defeated your own point. Originally posted by Supra show me You made the claim prove it or shut up. Zeus getting grappled from behind is meaningless. Among his many abilities, the best known are weather and lightning control. Pfft Superman one shots. You can take the confused face off now. Originally posted by wolverinos superboy getting a bloody lip doesnt change anything, he still pummled every freakin body. Superman is an individual who comes from a planet called Krypton.

Zeus , also known as Jupiter by Romans, was the king of the Old Gods , worshipped by the Amazons , ancient Greeks and Roman civilizations. He is the father of numerous children, which include: the fearsome God of War Ares , the Goddess of Hunt Artemis , as well as the heroic demigods Hercules and Wonder Woman.

He was sent, by his parents, to planet Earth when Krypton was destroyed. I don't think it is easy for you to use words though. He's always been knocked around by low level heroes. I don't know if you can't see pictures or what Your denial sustains me He is Miracleman Leo from the greatest comic series ever written by Alan Moore, unfortunately due to copyright and legal arguments it is unavaille at the moment. Becuase I ask for feats and give me nothing but nonsense. Brainiac vs Ultron. He explicitly refutes the suggestion: "for you, mayhap Otherwise you better re-examine your brain head thought process stuff and reiterate in a way someone with a hint of brain matter can understand. He had Hercules almost knocked out for the rest of the comic with one punch even some time after Herc was still dizzy , and he made Hulk puke without glowy fists. Let's lowball. Other than that, I'm not putting anyone else on there. Thanks mate , its just I don't see the point of one sided threads Zeus is to much for present Supes The thread is stupid and spam I don't think Supes is unbeatable, He just beats most normal characters. The sheer speed, strength, and durability of SBP is what allows him to destroy skyfathers with ease.

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