zeref fairy tail

Zeref fairy tail

Spoilers for all works set before the end of Fairy Tail are unmarked. Examples pertaining to Years Quest can be spoiler tagged if deemed necessary.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! He first appeared as a self-hating youthful recluse who could not control his Powers and was later revealed to be the estranged older brother of Natsu Dragneel , illegitimate father of August and creator of the Etherious originally created to kill him. He was also the love interest of Mavis Vermillion , co-founder and first Guild Master of the titular organization Fairy Tail.

Zeref fairy tail

I'm not an ally to anyone. I'm not an enemy to anyone. But still, if an age is about to end right now I might awaken once again. Despite being hundreds of years old, Zeref has the appearance of a young man. He wears high-collared red black in the anime and tan robes with gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso. He has short black hair, dark eyes, and abnormally sharp canines. He also wears a pendant, [7] [8] where he keeps a childhood picture of Natsu and himself. When angered, Zeref's irises become red [10] and gain a black ring around the pupil, giving him a much more menacing appearance. Zeref is said to have been the darkest, most evil Mage in the history of the Magic World, mastering the Black Arts and creating many Demons, some of which still wreak havoc in the present. In the modern era, Zeref seeks to isolate himself and is very calm, sincere, and conflicted. He shows concern for others when he warns them not to come near him, knowing that they would die if they did.

Precht also shows surprise Zeref : This day shall forever mark the end of the current era I'll paint over your very existence with the darkest of black!


I'm not an ally to anyone. I'm not an enemy to anyone. But still, if an age is about to end right now I might awaken once again. Despite being hundreds of years old, Zeref has the appearance of a young man. He wears high-collared red black in the anime and tan robes with gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso. He has short black hair, dark eyes, and abnormally sharp canines. He also wears a pendant, [7] [8] where he keeps a childhood picture of Natsu and himself. When angered, Zeref's irises become red [10] and gain a black ring around the pupil, giving him a much more menacing appearance. Zeref is said to have been the darkest, most evil Mage in the history of the Magic World, mastering the Black Arts and creating many Demons, some of which still wreak havoc in the present.

Zeref fairy tail

Fairy Tail offers a wide variety of complex characters with tragic backstories. Perhaps the most complex character of them all is the main antagonist, Zeref. Though Zeref's existence starts as one big mystery, his truth slowly unravels as the story progresses towards its final arc. With unexpected relations to multiple characters and hidden secrets behind his evil, Zeref is understandably painted as a dark and mysterious force that is full of surprises. But underneath it all, there are also deep layers of tragedy and sin in Zeref's character that make you simultaneously love and hate him. Here are ten lesser-known facts about this intriguing wizard.

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Some of his devoted fanatics have sought to use his magical tools of resurrection to bring him back from his presumed death centuries ago; others believe he was merely sealed away and waiting for someone to unleash his dark powers on the world. Even Evil Has Standards : He has a noted disgust for most Dark Guilds, especially those who commit atrocities in his name, with Grimoire Heart having earned the dubious honor of being the guild whose actions finally convinced him that Humans Are Bastards. In his years before becoming immortal he normally wore a version of his usual outfit consisting of a white robe, blue toga and wooden sandals. After her death, the Curse caused him to deny his own feelings for her, even to the point where he unceremoniously dumped her body at Precht's feet before walking away. After creating things such as the R-System and the Eclipse Gate , he was expelled from the academy for breaching the sacred teachings of Ankhseram , however he was cursed by Ankhseram and then killed everyone around him with his newfound, unwanted Curse of Contradiction. He explained that in the beginning, immortality drove him mad and that even now he wants to die, but tried to comfort her by saying that they have time to do whatever they feel, citing his creation of the Etherious to kill himself and his building of a nation as ways to pass time. Where the justification lies is that Zeref's curse has driven him completely crazy, to the point he's still not sure if he wants Natsu to kill him or for him to kill Natsu, despite what he says, and he really wants to fight Natsu. Five Dragon Gods. Ret-Gone : This is what his master plan means in spirit. When the two finally see each other again in Chapter , Zeref greets him by smiling, and saying that he knew Natsu would be strong enough to make it that deep inside of Tartaros' headquarters. Zeref outright states that learning the value of life made him weaker, but it also led to his Power Incontinence , suggesting not so much a loss of power as a loss of control. He set his spirit on fire for this! He reveals to Makarov that not only does he know what Lumen Histoire is, he knows that 'Lumen Histoire' is a code name for 'Fairy Heart,' which is a magic that is even more powerful than the Three Great Fairy Magics.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! He is considered the strongest mage in the series, as he possesses incredibly deadly, powerful, and destructive magic.

Upon conversion, Zeref displayed great sorrow for the disasters caused by his presence until he buried any emotions under a cold warped shell that turned into the exterior of the person he became known as over the following years; he did this again after losing Mavis by telling himself that falling in love had been a mistake on his part. Long ago, years , to be exact, I witnessed countless Human conflicts and the devastation they wrought. I hope you two meet in Heaven. He then taunts Natsu very briefly, but expresses shock upon seeing a draconian tattoo on Natsu's right arm; after sensing the Magic Power and heat created from the tattoo, Zeref is repeatedly beaten around by Natsu, even having his very Magic burned away by the other Dragneel's fire. Reasonable Authority Figure : Yajeel claims that he is one. Mavis went on to create the titular guild, which became the defining guild of Fiore, while Zeref was indirectly responsible for just about every dark guild in the series that came after his heydey especially Tartaros. Though given The Reveal in Chapter , he apparently spent part of the last few hundred years establishing an empire on another continent. I might awaken once again. Single-Target Sexuality : He has never fallen in love with—or expressed a casual interest in—anyone other than Mavis, in the entire four centuries of his life. How many times has this happened He founded it, and is The Emperor.

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