you tube amanda ellis

You tube amanda ellis

Remember Me. I explore what is going on in our world, look at it from a higher perspective to bring love and unity.

There are those among us who I call the Masters It is who they are. It is their truest essence. And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. I have come to absolutely adore Amanda Ellis, a spiritual teacher from England, who works with the energy of Archangel Metetron primarily, but many other high-level master energies as well. I wanted to share links to two of her recent YouTube videos for which I have gotten permission thank you, Amanda! These videos require your time and attention, but for anyone seeking a greater understanding of the spiritual concept of duality , these are on the "must watch" list.

You tube amanda ellis


Linking also to Anubis God of the Underworld, we take a deep dive for this years alternative Valentines message - don't worry the love shines through too, you tube amanda ellis. It may well be also that after the shadow energy is exposed that breakthroughs happen. Also a trio of colours and sprays that help us get into the mode and embody the knights energy - messages from Archangel Metatron and Gabriel remembering soul mission and Archangel Michael calling to his army of light warriors.


There are those among us who I call the Masters It is who they are. It is their truest essence. And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. I have come to absolutely adore Amanda Ellis, a spiritual teacher from England, who works with the energy of Archangel Metetron primarily, but many other high-level master energies as well.

You tube amanda ellis

Remember Me. Welcome to my site! I am an international spiritual teacher, medium, writer, colour therapist, public speaker and a healer. I'm also one of life's perpetual students, believing that everything in this world is there to gift, show or teach us something.

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Let the sunshine and rain in your life be balanced by the vibrant colors of the rainbow. We use them to give you the best experience. The Return of the Knights of the Round Table Whatever the outcome, light will win…. What qualities do these knights carry? Who is Merlin, and Messages from Merlin too. Wishing you a Happy Valentines Day - you are always loved - remember that. We send healing and light to him, Kate and his children and ask spirit to awaken his strength and Arthurian energy and for the 'sleeping giant' to activate within him and us all. Not a member? External influences on the round table, how knights jostle for position and have to prove their worth, the enemy within and more. Amanda does this out of love for you, so if you are able, show her your appreciation and send her a little love cash. Who would be his Knights of the new round table - I name a potential 5 but others are shrouded and veiled. If money is short, think about sending her a note of gratitude. From a series of work on the return of Arthurian energy and the Knights of the round table AmandaEllis. Explore the hidden world of ultraviolet colors that are beyond our human perception.

Such a beautiful country and all organized by Marit Tessem, therapist, teacher and distributor of CM products. We all stayed in a school above the Artic Circle and Trondheim.

Discover the hidden truth of cults and their control mechanisms. Next week marks an important litmus test regards where we are at in the battle of light and dark on this planet. A discussion on heroes and reflections therein, staying grounded amidst 'crazy town energies' Also a trio of colours and sprays that help us get into the mode and embody the knights energy - messages from Archangel Metatron and Gabriel remembering soul mission and Archangel Michael calling to his army of light warriors. Looking at the Divine masculine and Feminine's energy to each other, state of the connection and the energies pushing their way to the surface at this time. Whatever the outcome, light will win…. Talking qualities of a knight - Loyalty, Honour, Valour, humility, humbleness, courage, grace etc Knowing also your strengths, weaknesses and areas to work on. Account Remember Me. This video explores her relentless determination and discusses the misconception that we all become angels in heaven after death. With such an explosive mix and Pluto linking to the underworld - I thought it would be a great time to lift the lid on the shadow wounds - and oh boy the divine masculine has a lot Significance of the repeating number 20 in many of the knights or their forbearers, tied into awakening - also a nod to what Spring Equinox on March 20th may bring to the table too. Linking also to Anubis God of the Underworld, we take a deep dive for this years alternative Valentines message - don't worry the love shines through too.

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