yoncalık eğitim fakültesi

Yoncalık eğitim fakültesi

Editorial: Popular music and leisure.

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Yoncalık eğitim fakültesi

Free full text available. Today, where technology is in every aspect of life, it is important to integrate their courses with technology in order to successfully carry out technology integration in education, as well as for the teachers to use these technologies well, as well as to integrate them into technology. This study aims to reveal the needs and expectations of the current use of the IT technology of the faculty faculty. In the analysis of data, descriptive and predictive statistical calculation methods have been used. Research findings have shown that the faculty uses basic technological tools, such as computers and projections, more complex tools such as interactive wood and camera. Similarly, more basic programmes, such as word processor and presentation programmes as teaching technology, were more favoured than more advanced tools such as educational games and social networks. It has also been found that factors such as hardware and in-service education are the most important factors preventing technology integration in classrooms. In this context, teacher trainers have an important role on training quality preservice Teachers. The purpose of this study is to investigate and to reveal the needs and expectations of current technology using in pre-service teacher education. In this respect data were collected from 75 faculty members from Ataturk University Kazim Karabekir Education Faculty, in Erzurum province. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods are used to Analyze data. Findings suggest that, teacher trainers use basic technological tools such as computers and projectors more than complex technologies such as camera and smartboards. Similarly, it is observed that, teacher Educators prefer basic computer softwares such as wordprocessors and basic presentation programmes more than complex ones such as Educational games and social networking tools and websites. Additionally, the lack of equipment and in-service training are the basic barriers to integrate technology into the teacher education curricula in teacher training institutions in Turkey.

The purpose of this study is to investigate and to reveal the needs and expectations of current technology using in pre-service teacher education. Lin, E.

The effects of two cooperative learning strategies on the teaching and learning of the topics of chemical kinetics. Journal of Turkish Science Education. This study included a total of students studying chemistry in three different classes during the academic year. One of these classes served as the investigation group, using group investigation, while the second served as the jigsaw group, using the jigsaw technique, and the third served as the control group, using the traditional teaching method. The questions in the ckAT are related to the rate of a chemical reaction, measuring reaction rates, the effect factors on rates of reaction, the order of reactions, and reaction mechanisms.

Ulusal 2. Ulusal ve 2. Our f Our laborator Our primary goal is to develop new techniques for the a Micro CT Laboratory Computed microtomography Micro-CT is an imaging technique that allows the different density components of samples to be examined in high resolution, non-destructively, in 3D. Since the beginning, lots of projects have been conducting. On the other hand, eGL is supported by Emin Candansayarin TheGMGis an academic andmulti-disciplinary research unitwithin theDepartment

Yoncalık eğitim fakültesi

First, the item pool was created by taking expert opinions and examining the items of the measurement tools previously developed in Turkey and abroad. Then example cases were written for the elements of the administrative process cycle in order to make the items more concrete and understandable and item pool was recreated. An academician and the researcher created a pre-test form by selecting items from the pool. The pre-test form, created with the selected items, was sent to five lecturers and four teachers who are experts in their fields in order to obtain their opinions and ensure content validity.

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For the eight items among the left eleven ones, the mean values of females are higher than the mean values of males. Articles 1—20 Show more. Today, where technology is in every aspect of life, it is important to integrate their courses with technology in order to successfully carry out technology integration in education, as well as for the teachers to use these technologies well, as well as to integrate them into technology. Davidson, N. The purpose of this study is to investigate and to reveal the needs and expectations of current technology using in pre-service teacher education. Based on the results of this research, it was concluded that the teaching of chemical kinetics via the jigsaw and group investigation techniques was more effective in increasing academic achievement compared to the traditional teaching method. Journal of Chemical Education, 75 1 , The questions in the ckAT are related to the rate of a chemical reaction, measuring reaction rates, the effect factors on rates of reaction, the order of reactions, and reaction mechanisms. Talking, relating, and achieving: Effects of cooperative learning and whole-class instruction. Eilks, I. Choi, M.


It is seen that there are popular music courses and samples in the instutions where music education is provided in terms of professional and educational dimensions in Turkey. Last GoTriple update: New articles related to this author's research. Merged citations. Getting cooperative learning started. Cooperative learning. Johnson, D. New York: Longman. Group investigation: Theory and practice. SPSS for intermediate statistics: Use and interpretation. The development of Jigsaw IV in a secondary social studies classroom.

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