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Fuel up on spookiness! Your mileage may vary on any of the articles listed below. What that means could be a couple of different things:. The article might call for a value judgment and your judgment call could be different from another troper's. Example — The article claims that a character is completely lacking in redeeming features. Your idea of "irredeemable" and someone else's might almost certainly will differ.


The initialism YMMV is common online. You'll see it frequently on social media, and in text messages and website comments. Unsure what it means? That's what we're here for! YMMV stands for "your mileage may or might vary. It's also a fairly common phrase in real-world conversations. The literal version, which refers to the actual gas mileage a vehicle gets, is a helpful disclaimer. Even if two people drive the same car, they might get different gas efficiencies based on their driving habits. Unlike other initialisms, which were invented and grown on the internet, "your mileage may vary" goes back to the s and '80s in the U. During that time, automobile manufacturers frequently promoted their estimated mileages to compete. However, due to the variations in driving conditions, they had no way of guaranteeing the exact mileage customers would actually get.

Japanese English to Japanese, ymmv. Questionable Casting : An actor is cast as a character viewers think is out-of-place. Each of you is making ymmv judgment call.

YMMV is a slang acronym you may encounter in online messaging, text messaging, or social media. But what exactly does it stand for? YMMV Stands for:. Your Mileage May Vary. It is commonly used when answering technical-type questions in online conversations or when someone asks for a specific review of a product, service, or website.

The initialism YMMV is common online. You'll see it frequently on social media, and in text messages and website comments. Unsure what it means? That's what we're here for! YMMV stands for "your mileage may or might vary. It's also a fairly common phrase in real-world conversations. The literal version, which refers to the actual gas mileage a vehicle gets, is a helpful disclaimer. Even if two people drive the same car, they might get different gas efficiencies based on their driving habits.


Fuel up on spookiness! Your mileage may vary on any of the articles listed below. What that means could be a couple of different things:. The article might call for a value judgment and your judgment call could be different from another troper's.

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Development Heaven : A creator handled the making of a work in a way fans think is awesome. Improved by the Re-Cut : When the Re-Cut of a work is considered superior to the cut originally released to the public. Poor Man's Substitute : Actors who can pass for each other. Video Learn English. Secondary School. Suspiciously Similar Song : A song which is very similar to another. Italian images. We discuss Japanese words and terms that have made their way into everyday usage, How many are you familiar with? The point is that there is no accounting for taste. Polished Port : Porting a game from one platform to the other is cool!

YMMV is a slang acronym you may encounter in online messaging, text messaging, or social media. But what exactly does it stand for?

English—Polish Polish—English. It is much easier to err on the side of being too professional and then relax your communications over time than doing the inverse. Take That, Scrappy! YMMV as "better" is subjective. This is YMMV because some people may think the reveal was somehow hinted at. Glurge : A story that is meant to be inspirational but doesn't come off as such. Mandarin Chinese images. Demographically Inappropriate Humour : Stuff aimed at kids sometimes has jokes that aren't suitable for children. The Woobie : A character who is felt sorry for. Unconvincingly Unpopular Character : A character who is smart, funny, fashionable and good looking is portrayed as being much less popular than they would be in real life. Quiz German confusables. Aluminum Christmas Trees : Something depicted in fiction, contrary to popular belief, is real. Engaging Chevrons : Something that only happens to fill in time. Clampiest Mar 18, High-Tier Scrappy : An unpopular video game character who's unpopular because they're too good.

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