world of warcraft memes

World of warcraft memes

Remember the thrill of your first epic drop, the agony of being ganked, or the camaraderie of late-night raids that turned into early-morning chats? These WoW memes are like a Hearthstone teleporting us back to those memories, world of warcraft memes, filled with both triumphs and the sort of epic fails that only fellow players can truly understand. From the never-ending faction wars to the eternal struggle of balancing real life with just one more dungeon runworld of warcraft memes memes speak our language - the language of loot, lore, and laughter. And let's not forget about those infamous WoW moments that have become part of gaming legend.

All right chums, I'm back! Since it's existed for nearly 20 years and has a dev team that loves to get in on the fun, it's no surprise that World of Warcraft has as many memes as it does. Please add entries in the following format: The meme. General and Pre- World of Warcraft. If Saurfang killed himself , everyone else would die instead.

World of warcraft memes

When a game has been around as long as World of WarCraft has, there are a thousand and one memes swirling through its community circles. The WoW community has always had a fine assortment of memes. With the release of Classic came some of the finest ever seen. It's also nice to see people meme about experiences many players remember from vanilla. It's easy to come across a wide assortment of WoW-centric memes, but it's more difficult to find the truly hilarious ones. Sometimes it takes a bit of research or just patience while someone else builds a list of the best. Thanks to comedian Eric Andre and his sketch show, this popular scene even made its way into the WoW community. The problem is that in Classic , players need a key for entry. It's a cheeky meme, more than likely targeted at newer players unfamiliar with some of the intricacies of the vanilla days. Keys are such a big deal in Classic , the UI actually has a section called the keyring, which houses all collected keys. Looks like this player has yet to collect the Key to Searing Gorge. Not really, but there are various, chitinous shields in the game with extraordinary armor for their level.

Rouges are world of warcraft memes Nomi's Ascended Meme status peaked during April Fools in the open beta, where Blizzard made all of Dalaran attackable Various pastiches of the conversation began to make their rounds on fan sites, including ones similar to Hitler Rants where Arthas and Uther discuss completely unrelated topics.


The World Of Warcraft coterie prides itself in being one of the best meme communities in the gaming world. And not without good reason. With the recent launch of the Shadowlands expansion, the meme community went to work almost instantaneously. The latest expansion to WoW features a dark and broody setting coupled with some very difficult areas for players to prove their worth. This makes for a perfect setting when it comes to memes but then every setting is perfect for the talented World Of Warcraft meme community. The memes below do not have any major spoilers whatsoever so players should feel free to go through them even if they haven't completed the Shadowlands expansion yet.

World of warcraft memes

When a game has been around as long as World of WarCraft has, there are a thousand and one memes swirling through its community circles. The WoW community has always had a fine assortment of memes. With the release of Classic came some of the finest ever seen. It's also nice to see people meme about experiences many players remember from vanilla.

Marinette y alia

Foreshadowlands explanation Yet another insulting nickname that appeared towards the end, referencing Shadowlands' numerous Aborted Arcs and poorly-elaborated plot. A lot of people love comparing the scene where Grommash drank the demon's blood to the merger between Activision and Blizzard, stating Blizzard would've thrown away the cup Players quickly got weary of having to do this quest on every single character they made. Rouges are overpowdered! However, it works like a normal mount, meaning that in areas where flying is disabled currently all max-level zones it swims, rather than floats, which many players found dumb since the mount is literally a boat. Has reached the real world in a review for the World of Warcraft Cookbook. The War Within Punished Anduin Explanation The expansion cinematic reintroduces Anduin Wrynn, traumatized from his actions during Shadowlands , with a much older and rugged design. Log In. This was referenced when the Nighthold was revamped as a neutral zone for playable nightborne in 7. Tauren rogue or draenei rogue. The Pimple Popper DK explanation The Unholy Death Knight was heavily redesigned in Legion to be focused around giving enemies "Festering Wounds" with certain abilities, while "bursting" those wounds for extra damage with others. Much like the Ice stone example however, one of the quests needed to progress the Venthyr assault requires to feed a gorm npc that, once you feed him enough,floods this message to the chat boxes of every player doing the invasion. Combined with his apparent lack of depth, personality, or motivation, this has resulted in several jokes about how his nipples are the most notable thing about him.

For that reason, we've created a gallery of the funniest World of Warcraft memes of all time with jokes for veterans and noobs alike.

Much like the "Greymane's forces" meme from Legion , the meme appears to have caught on mostly because Magni's world quest prompts can take players by surprise. It doesn't help the fact Shadowlands is scheduled to conclude its narrative in a. Throw more DOTS. Ascended not in the game proper, but in Heroes of the Storm where Jaina gets a Dreadlord skin. It then gained plenty of new life during the debacle with Diablo Immortal , since it had been hyped as another new entry in the series only to be revealed as a mobile game that was a reskin of a preexisting one. Zappyboi Explanation An Ensemble Dark Horse troll shaman from the Battle for Azeroth cinematic, who gained notoriety for his Impossibly Cool Clothes and his spectacular spellcasting, even taking down Genn Greymane with his lightning blasts. Explanation Another Ensemble Dark Horse that appears during the quest to recruit Lightforged Draenei and whom you have to help through the trial, T'paartos has a tendency to speak in third person and is very Her little voice-break in the middle of betrays was very distinctive. Maybe that's why he refuses to stick around for long. Dragonflop Explanation A nickname given to Dragonflight after it was confirmed the expansion sold way less copies than Shadowlands and Battle for Azeroth.

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