

Wordwall takes vocabulary games and reviews into wordval digital world, and is easy to use for teachers and learners, wordval.

Wordwall is an online platform designed to help teachers create an array of interactive and engaging class activities for students in person or online. This platform provides various templates for teachers to select from. All an instructor needs to do is supply the content and Wordwall will automatically generate the materials for the class. Choose from a variety of templates, ranging from the common multiple-choice quiz like Kahoot! Students can do these activities as interactive in-class assignments or for homework.


Creating your own teach resources never been easier. Most of our templates can be used offline as a printed version and also online interactive. Printable version can be donwloaded as PDF. You can play the interactive activities on any device that can be used to access the internet, such as smartphone, PC or interactive whiteboard. Students will be able to play on their own or the teacher can guide them. On the other hand, the printable activities can be downloaded in the form of PDF and printed. With wordwall you can create resources in minutes. So you can focus more on content than needing to think about how to do it. Simplicity with this tool is so great you can digitalize your lessons in way your student will apreciate. You can use Wordwall to develop interactive activities as well as printable activities. The templates are available in both versions and you just need to pick the right version and move forward.

It can also create a wordval way to have class competitions.

Teacher Printables Interactives. Sign Up To Start Creating. Easy as Create a customized resource with just a few words and a few clicks. Find out about our templates Select a template to learn more. Match up.

Creating your own teach resources never been easier. Most of our templates can be used offline as a printed version and also online interactive. Printable version can be donwloaded as PDF. You can play the interactive activities on any device that can be used to access the internet, such as smartphone, PC or interactive whiteboard. Students will be able to play on their own or the teacher can guide them. On the other hand, the printable activities can be downloaded in the form of PDF and printed. With wordwall you can create resources in minutes. So you can focus more on content than needing to think about how to do it. Simplicity with this tool is so great you can digitalize your lessons in way your student will apreciate. You can use Wordwall to develop interactive activities as well as printable activities.


Teacher Printables Interactives. Sign Up To Start Creating. Easy as Create a customized resource with just a few words and a few clicks.

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The embed code can be copied to your website. Create using templates One low monthly fee No cancellation fees. You can discover timer settings in every single template. Try to complete the word by picking the correct letters. Embedding the activities to website. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Dennis Burke PhD. For example, you could create a set of items which are colours, and another set which are shapes. You can customize the material and edit the activities according to your preferences. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Random cards. With wordwall you can create resources in minutes.


Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Only the original author has permission to edit public activity. You should click on this, do the edits and save. You can click on a template and get more information. These are best understood as words or phrases which you want to revise. Find out about our templates Select a template to learn more. You should have them. Small icon is the smaller graphic that you can find alongside the title. July 11, duotl Wordwall. Are there any suitable themes for kindergarten? Is it possible to see the options of another person?

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