The night watch got

The Night's Watch is an ancient order of warriors tasked with defending The Walla colossal mile long structure that runs across the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms.

The Night's Watch [1] is a military order which holds and guards the Wall to keep the wildlings and White Walkers from crossing into the Seven Kingdoms. The order is a shadow of its former strength and its meager forces have been decimated by recent attacks from both wildlings and White Walkers. For the past couple of centuries, the order has been led from Castle Black. The Night's Watch is organized in three departments: the Rangers, who fight, defend the Wall and patrol the Haunted Forest ; the Builders, who maintain the Wall and the castles; and the Stewards, who support and feed the members of the Watch. Following the Breaching of the Wall , Jon Snow called for the remaining members of the Night's Watch to come to Winterfell to help defend against the Night King and the Army of the Dead , since the Wall no longer serves any defensive purpose.

The night watch got

Most prominent positions in Game of Thrones fall to their occupants through heritage. Kings place their sons on the throne, and lords employ nepotism to give their children power. When the people oppose a leader, the best they can hope for tends to be elevating another Noble House into their place. Only in the cruel world of the Wall and its guardians, the Night's Watch, does every man have a vote. The varied cultures in Westeros make Game of Thrones endlessly fascinating. There's so much worth exploring in the day-to-day lives of people in each kingdom. The average citizen of King's Landing would struggle to relate to any given Crannogmen from the swamps in the Neck. The Night's Watch provides a harsh world of bitter cold and vicious enemies occupied mostly by criminals evading justice. Life on the Wall may as well be on another planet. The Lord Commander of the Night's Watch is the leader and overseer of the men who guard, maintain, and occupy the Wall and its surrounding castles. The Lord Commander controls 19 castles , though only three remain manned, and the mile farming village called the Gift. He receives assistance from a staff of middle managers. The black brothers under the Night's Watch are broken into three jobs. Rangers are warriors and survivalists who patrol the Wall and fight Wildlings.

He decides the night watch got give up his rights as a Targaryen, which is a brave move, but he isn't really the most skilled fighter of the bunch. As for volunteers of the noble Houses such as Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, and Jeor Mormont who aren't sentenced to the Watch as a punishment but take it upon themselves to guard the Wall, they too swear an oath.

In Game of Thrones season 1, episode 10 "Fire and Blood," Jon learns that the boy king, Joffrey Baratheon has beheaded his father uncle in reality , and he briefly deserts the Night's Watch to ride South with his half-brother, Robb to put a sword through the king's throat. Though Jon has sworn the vow that he knows is a lifelong commitment, and only to be broken in death, he doesn't understand the weight behind the words. Jon's friend, and a sworn brother, Samwell Tarly reminds him that desertion is punishable by death. Sam quite literally stands in Jon's way, but he rides past him with his direwolf, Ghost behind him. They surround him, repeat their vows, and hand him over his famed Valyrian steel sword, Longclaw.

The Night's Watch [1] is a military order which holds and guards the Wall to keep the wildlings and White Walkers from crossing into the Seven Kingdoms. The order is a shadow of its former strength and its meager forces have been decimated by recent attacks from both wildlings and White Walkers. For the past couple of centuries, the order has been led from Castle Black. The Night's Watch is organized in three departments: the Rangers, who fight, defend the Wall and patrol the Haunted Forest ; the Builders, who maintain the Wall and the castles; and the Stewards, who support and feed the members of the Watch. Following the Breaching of the Wall , Jon Snow called for the remaining members of the Night's Watch to come to Winterfell to help defend against the Night King and the Army of the Dead , since the Wall no longer serves any defensive purpose.

The night watch got

Eliminating the White Walkers during the Battle of Winterfell fulfilled the purpose of the Night's Watch, but the military order remained active after Game of Thrones ended. Located along the Wall, the group guarded the structure against threats attempting to cross the boundary into the Seven Kingdoms. Based on Jon Snow's involvement and servitude as a Lord Commander, the Night's Watch always remained a key focus of the show. Though the primary job of the order was fulfilled, its existence transformed when Game of Thrones concluded. The Night's Watch was said to be founded 8, years before the events of Game of Thrones. Men who joined the order swore an oath that prohibited marriage, family, and land ownership.

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Episode 2. You came to us rich and you came to us poor. Once in a great while, a younger son or bastard son of a major noble House will decide to join the Night's Watch, but they can often afford to travel to the Night's Watch on their own initiative such as Jon Snow and Waymar Royce. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. Don't have an account? I am the sword in the darkness. Episode 8. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. Episode 2 3. It is unknown if there is any formal procedure to depose a Lord Commander and elect a new one, in cases where the current Lord Commander violates his oaths or is deemed medically unfit to lead, etc. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. He's skilled and afraid of nobody, which makes him a great member of the Night's Watch. The sworn brothers of the Night's Watch abide by the oath of duty that entails a great many sacrifices.

The Night's Watch is an ancient order of warriors tasked with defending The Wall , a colossal mile long structure that runs across the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. The Watch was founded over 8, years before the events of Game of Thrones , during the first war with the White Walkers. In a time known as The Age of Heroes , a winter that lasted an entire generation fell upon Westeros.

Any brother can be nominated as the Lord Commander, although typically, they are highborn or knighted, and often a Ranger. Start a Wiki. Given that there were never more than nineteen castles along the Wall, there were never more than nineteen maesters in the Night's Watch at any one time. Night gathers, and now my watch begins. The solid black color scheme also applies to their armor. In the years since then though, as the White Walkers faded from memory into myth, and eventually, into children's stories, the influence of the Night's Watch has dwindled. Any man of the Wall can also suggest any fellow crow for the position. A Dance of Dragons 5. He battles side by side with his brothers at The Wall, and that is one of his core traits. In Season 3 also appears the ruin of was was once the Nightfort. Edit source View history Talk 0. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. But even though he's a little older and a step slower during the show, Jeor always stands up for himself, which is an important trait as the Lord Commander. The Night's Watch is an ancient order of warriors tasked with defending The Wall , a colossal mile long structure that runs across the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms.

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