the last word with lawrence o donnell

The last word with lawrence o donnell

Join him every weeknight. Plus, President Biden authorizes an airdrop of supplies into Gaza as a ceasefire remains in limbo. And the GOP is facing political fallout over reproductive rights.

Join him every weeknight. Plus, President Biden authorizes an airdrop of supplies into Gaza as a ceasefire remains in limbo. And the GOP is facing political fallout over reproductive rights. Alexander Vindman ret. Neal Katyal, Laurence Tribe, Rep. Also, Democrats target anti-women GOP policies in key swing states.

The last word with lawrence o donnell


And the GOP is facing political fallout over reproductive rights.


By denying what everyone knew, Putin was creating unifying fictions at home at dilemmas in European and American newsrooms. It was exactly 24 hours ago that we got the word during this program, during the first few minutes of this program that, yes, in fact, the invasion had begun. And, of course, as you know, the United Nations Security Council was meeting at that time. And the meeting began before the invasion, but then while they were speaking, it actually was occurring. Just, really letting the Russian ambassador have it on the most -- just throw away his prepared remarks because the invasion has started in the minutes before he spoke. Security Council exchange happen, live on your air. At started off watching that, sitting on my couch, and by the end of it, I was standing in front of my television unable to look away. Just absolutely stunned by what we were seeing unfolding at that time. The shocks of the invasion happens, and also the presence of mind and the composure of that ambassador to do what he did in real time, in that moment as the world was learning what Russia was doing.

The last word with lawrence o donnell

The U. Senate unveiled its 2, page bipartisan infrastructure bill. On Saturday night, Senator Lindsey Graham says he, quote, "started having flu-like symptoms". Yale Business professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld says we have never seen anything like the long list of major American companies who are now refusing to make political contributions to the Republican members of Congress who voted to overturn the presidential election. You know, his -- his view is that there are lots of Americans like him.


Why Is This Happening? How do the smartest marketers and business entrepreneurs cut through the noise? Thank you Lawrence for your stellar reporting on the duties of the president versus the ignorance and laziness of so-called journalists who are complicit in shaping negative reporting. Into America. Help Privacy Policy Terms of Use. You Might Also Like. And Trump continues to underperform in primary elections. Your Library Podcasts News. Forty six years ago, on a warm summer night in Melbourne, Susan Bartlett and Suzanne Armstrong were stabbed to death in their home in Easey Street, Collingwood. The Chris Hayes Podcast. Michael McFaul, I, for one, appreciate that you are not tip toeing around the disgusting behavior that is going on in our country. Thank you, Lawrence, for speaking truth in these dangerous times.

Join him every weeknight.

The Ben Shapiro Show. Joyce Vance, Andrew Weissmann, Sen. And reduced funding for the post office raises concerns about voting by mail. And how do they manage to do it again and again? Morning Joe. Josh and Chuck have you covered. Top Podcasts In News. Neal Katyal, Laurence Tribe, Rep. You Might Also Like. Alexander Vindman ret. And disinformation poses an unprecedented threat in Mark as Played. Michael McFaul, The Rachel Maddow Show.

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