teen vogue

Teen vogue

By Donya Momenian. By Kaitlyn McNab. Photography by Andy Jackson.

Teen Vogue is an American online publication, formerly in print, launched in January , as a sister publication to Vogue , targeted at teenage girls and young women. Like Vogue , it included stories about fashion and celebrities. The magazine had also expanded its focus from fashion and beauty to include politics and current affairs. Other publications would also follow and go digital, such as InStyle. The final print issue featured Hillary Clinton on the cover, and was on newsstands on December 5, Teen Vogue was established in as a spinoff of Vogue [7] and led by former Vogue beauty director Amy Astley under the guidance of Anna Wintour [8] with Gina Sanders as founding publisher.

Teen vogue


Retrieved January 9,


By Jewel Wicker. Photography by Chinazam Ojukwu. By Sara Delgado. By Kaitlyn McNab. By Aiyana Ishmael.

Teen vogue

Claire Dodson. Photography by Josefina Santos. By Kaitlyn McNab. Photography by Andy Jackson. By Jewel Wicker. Photography by Chinazam Ojukwu.

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Retrieved December 12, Archived from the original on September 28, November 7, Artists, survivors of violence, entrepreneurs and business leaders, public defenders, policy experts, restorative justice practitioners, and system-impacted people sat down for a series of conversations while exploring Remaking the Exceptional, a groundbreaking exhibition on torture and incarceration. Walker breaks down his entire process for the 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' live-action series, from studying the original movies to doing underwater training and so much more. The Cut. Coco Jones reveals her "first" mental health moments! Archived from the original on July 12, Carpenter later joined Swift for an onstage duet, just the two of 'em. Here's everything that happened during Glamour's annual Women of the Year celebration, from the red carpet to the stage. Retrieved March 6, Retrieved July 23, Archived from the original on April 7, Photography by Louisiana Mei Gelpi. The politics section has surpassed the entertainment section as the site's most-read section.

Teen Vogue is an American online publication, formerly in print, launched in January , as a sister publication to Vogue , targeted at teenage girls and young women.

The magazine had also expanded its focus from fashion and beauty to include politics and current affairs. Archived from the original on July 23, Latest Stories. By Shamira Ibrahim. November 7, Nostalgia and unforeseen silhouettes stole the show. Retrieved April 7, By Kaitlyn McNab. By Shauna Beni-Haynes. Archived from the original on December 14, Like Vogue , it included stories about fashion and celebrities. According to inaugural beauty editor Karen Jesella, Teen Vogue initially strived to be "apolitical" and tried to create "not not feminist" content.

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