teen titans characters

Teen titans characters

A team of five teenaged superheroes save the world from many villains around their city while experiencing things normal teens face today.

Core Team See here. A metahuman with insect-like wings capable of flight and the ability to shrink to a miniature size, Bumblebee also uses a pair of hand-held electric dart-guns as "stingers. She later becomes The Leader of Titans East. Adaptational Dye-Job : Bumbleebee is usually depicted having reddish chestnut hair. Here she is a Brainy Brunette. Adaptational Superpower Change : In the comics, her suit was originally just Powered Armor that let her fly and blast people. Here, her powers are part of her and include shrinking.

Teen titans characters

Robin is the leader of the Teen Titans. Despite lacking superpowers, he is fierce and highly disciplined, with heroic virtues based on experience and reputation. As shown in the episode "Go", [1] Robin formed the group after aiding Starfire in her escape from captivity with help from Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven. Prior to this, he left his mentor Batman in an effort to become an independent crime-fighter. The Teen Titans Go! In the future, he becomes Nightwing. Robin is best friends with Starfire, whom he secretly has romantic feelings for. Their relationship develops throughout the show, with them becoming a couple in the finale film Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo. Starfire as translated into English is a humanoid alien from the planet Tamaran. The episode "Betrothed" [2] reveals her real name is Princess Koriand'r. As shown in the episode "Go", [1] Starfire arrived on Earth while escaping captivity from Trogaar, an alien overlord who intended to sell her into slavery. She created mass havoc on an Earth city to break free, which attracted the attention of Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg. Raven later appeared to convince them to settle the dispute peacefully, and from there the five became friends.

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The Teen Titans are a superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics , frequently in eponymous monthly series. As the group's name indicates, the members are teenage superheroes, many of whom have acted as sidekicks to DC's premier superheroes in the Justice League. The original team later becomes known as the Titans when the members age out of their teenage years, while the Teen Titans name is continued by subsequent generations of young heroes. Over the decades, DC has cancelled and relaunched Teen Titans many times, and a variety of characters have been featured heroes in its pages. A high point for the series both critically and commercially was its " The Judas Contract " storyline, where the Teen Titans are betrayed by their teammate Terra Tara Markov. The s featured a Teen Titans team composed entirely of new members before the previous members returned in the series Titans , which ran from the late s to the early s.

The classically green-skinned member of the Doom Patrol and later the Teen Titans, Beast Boy has the power to transform into any creature of any size. As the first Robin, Dick Grayson was the most famous sidekick in comic book history. As he ventured forth on his own, he formed the Teen Titans and became their leader. When the boy became a man, he became the independent hero known as Nightwing. Half man, half machine - all hero!

Teen titans characters

Conceived as a vehicle to attract young readership, Robin garnered overwhelmingly positive critical reception, doubling the sales of the Batman related comic books. As Robin, Dick Grayson made regular appearances in Batman related comic books and other DC Comics publications from through the early s until the character set aside the Robin identity and became the independent superhero Nightwing. Following the retirement of Dick Grayson as Robin, a new version of the character, Jason Todd , debuted in Batman The new character made regular appearances in Batman related comic books until , when the character is murdered by the Joker in A Death in the Family Jason would later find himself alive after a reality changing incident, inevitably becoming the Red Hood. The premiere Robin limited series was published in , featuring the third incarnation of the character, Tim Drake , training to earn the role of Batman's junior partner.

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A mute superhero who lives in the mountains of Tibet. General Immortus is an ancient military commander knowledgeable in every combat strategy, mainly by being personally involved in every major battle in history. Prior to her official appearances in these episodes, Argent appeared in the episode "Lightspeed", [14] where she is briefly displayed on the H. Having won the race, Robin reclaims his briefcase from Ding Dong Daddy. Adaptational Dye-Job : Her bangs are dyed red. Wildebeest is made an honorary Titan following the Master's defeat at the hands of the tournament winner, Robin , alongside Hot Spot and Speedy. Slade : Who knows Download as PDF Printable version. Does Not Like Spam : He refuses to eat seafood, since he comes from the sea, and is incensed when Speedy buys fish tacos. New Green Lantern Kyle Rayner was also brought onto the title and given a prominent romance with Donna Troy, whose marriage with Terry Long had collapsed in the pages of Team Titans before the book's cancellation. Motor Mouths : Naturally, being speedsters they have a habit of talking fast. Herald is a young hooded African American boy who is made an Honorary Titan in the wake of the Brotherhood's efforts to seek and destroy the next generation of superheroes on Earth. Thunder and Lightning. Bad Powers, Good People : Jericho's possession abilities, which allows him to control anyone he wants like a puppet is a perfect power for villainous characters, but he's on the side of good.

Portrayals of the team have undergone many iterations with different sets of characters. Alternate versions of the team appear in parallel universes, and the team has also been portrayed differently in other media, including television and video games.

Furthermore, the addition of Danny Chase a teenage psychic drew negative fan response due to his abusive attitude towards the rest of the team. Flaming Hair : He occasionally appears to have a fire atop his head while transformed, especially while Burning with Anger , but usually keeps a bald look. Main article: Elasti-Girl. During this time, several back-up stories begin to run in the series: one called "The Coven", starring Black Alice , Zachary Zatara and Traci 13 and later, one starring Ravager. This article has multiple issues. It attacks with electricity and has and the ability to control and manipulate electric-powered machinery, but due to being composed largely of electricity, it is vulnerable to water. During the final battle between the Titans and the Brotherhood of Evil, he was defeated by Pantha, who was bound by honor to unmask him. Robin is the leader of the Teen Titans. It's also a pun on the Spanish phrase for "more and less". The Brave and the Bold 54 July I recently found out that a 3rd and 4th season is in the works. Growing Muscles Sequence : As it's revealed in his second appearance, Tramm can inflate himself to increase his muscle mass to the point of becoming a Top-Heavy Guy with immense strength and durability. Playing with Fire : He is Pyrokinetic. With Peterson controlling the book's direction, the series was rapidly overhauled. Mysterious Past : We never learn her origins.

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