tarkin star wars

Tarkin star wars

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Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown.

Tarkin star wars

Last Name. Share this page. Follow Ballotpedia. He was in charge of the construction of the Death Star, which was described as the "ultimate power in the universe" and by Darth Vader as a "technological terror. Palpatine became a mentor and helped him join the Judicial Academy; he eventually became Governor of Eriadu, a planet on the Outer Rim of the galaxy. During the Clone Wars began, Tarkin served in the military and went on covert missions under Palpatine's direction. Once Palpatine became emperor, Tarkin was promoted to Grand Moff following his leadership during pacification efforts against Separatist forces in the Clone Wars. Under the newly formed empire, Tarkin was responsible for the governance of the Outer Rim planets and the secret construction of the Death Star, "a moon-sized space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet," during the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the empire. Tarkin used the Death Star to destroy Bail Organa 's home planet of Alderaan as a display of the empire's might. When Luke Skywalker fired the proton torpedo that destroyed the space station, Tarkin was killed in the explosion. The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Grand Moff Tarkin. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

With the Imperial V-wings coming under heavy enemy fire, Tarkin ordered his crew to charge the Executrix forward and attack the Nebulon-B frigate.

En la novela, Tarkin aboga por la Doctrina Tarkin , un sistema militar basado en "la amenaza de la fuerza, en lugar de la fuerza misma". Prisioneros de la Ciudadela, Tarkin y Piell son liberados del cautiverio por un equipo de rescate. Inicialmente pesimista acerca de estar en territorio enemigo, Tarkin se pone en desacuerdo con el Caballero Jedi Anakin Skywalker Matt Lanter , pero sus respectivas opiniones mejoran cuando cada uno se da cuenta de que ambos conocen al Canciller Supremo Palpatine Ian Abercrombie. En la quinta temporada, Tarkin, ahora un almirante, sospecha que Ahsoka fue el autor intelectual de un ataque terrorista en el Templo Jedi e intenta arrestar al padawan. Kanan es torturado por el Inquisidor y transportado al sistema Mustafar a bordo del Destructor Estelar de Tarkin. Durante el rescate de Kanan por parte de las fuerzas rebeldes, el Destructor Estelar de Tarkin es destruido y el Inquisidor muere.

Five standard years have passed since Darth Sidious proclaimed himself galactic Emperor. In the Outer Rim, meanwhile, the myriad species of former Separatist worlds find themselves no better off than they were before the civil war. Stripped of weaponry and resources, they have been left to fend for themselves in an Empire that has largely turned its back on them. Where resentment has boiled over into acts of sedition, the Empire has been quick to mete out punishment. It is the second novel released following the Continuity Reboot by Disney. With Luceno as the writer , many fans' expectations that the book would recanonize many aspects of the Legends EU were proved true, with Tarkin already getting his first name back among other things.

Tarkin star wars

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown. Wilhuff Tarkin was a Human male politician and military officer who was one of the most powerful Grand Moffs in the Galactic Empire. Tarkin was a leading figure in the shaping of Imperial doctrines and was the driving force behind the creation of its key embodiment, the Death Star. He then retired and entered politics , becoming lieutenant governor of Eriadu and the Seswenna sector , before returning to the military in order to serve Supreme Chancellor Palpatine as an agent of the secret Sith Lord's New Order movement. It was in that time that Tarkin learned of his friend Raith Sienar's designs for the Expeditionary Battle Planetoid and, convinced of the potential of the design, presented Palpatine with the plans for what would become the Death Star. Tarkin gained increasing stature as a vocal supporter of Palpatine and received notice as the Seswenna sector's governor throughout the Clone Wars.

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Shortly later, Tarkin and Vader learnt that the insurgents had jettisoned Vader's meditation sphere and destroyed Galidraan's hyperspace buoy; rendering themselves untraceable as well as invisible. Following this debate, Tarkin commended Skywalker on his efforts, while subtly insulting Kenobi by expressing a desire to see more Jedi with Skywalker's military sensibilities. One of Bergon's officers then told her that they had something incoming and Ackbar inevitably appeared, leading a swarm of aquatic vehicles. When the Ghost crew cause the destruction of his own Star Destroyer, he takes it personally and immediately gets Vader on the case and authorizes the squeezing of Lothal as punishment for the unrest the disaster caused. At the time, Tarkin did not know that the repeated failures of the Jedi were the reason why Chancellor Palpatine, who was a Sith Lord, wanted to keep the Jedi Order in command. Mining was planned to continue until the heavy mining equipment hit bedrock, by which time the oceans would be acid , forests destroyed, atmosphere heavily polluted and native species extinct. The situation was complicated when Motti refused to return, even hiring a bounty hunter of her own to counter Tarkin's agents. Wilhuff took these history lessons to heart. Vader did so, and Tarkin covertly moved the new slaves to the construction site. Information extracted from it explained about the Agarians , a sentient species of fungus who existed on the planet. Six months after passing this test, Wilhuff's training shifted to space combat.

He is the high ranking military governor of the Galactic Empire's Outer Rim territories and the commander of the planet destroying space station known as the Death Star. Hoping to ensure Emperor Palpatine's Darth Sidious' rule over the galaxy through fear of annihilation, Tarkin uses the Death Star's awesome power to destroy the planet Alderann before reading his plans to finish the Rebel Alliance to restore the Republic. Tarkin was intelligent, cunning, manipulative, ambitious, arrogant, he had a strong sense of duty and dignity, and he was well-known for his sharp memory.

Tarkin then suggested that Vader, who was unhappy with the hiring of Fett, capture Solo himself, leading to a fight between Fett and Vader during which Solo escaped. Adaptational Villainy : He wasn't always as evil in Legends where he had a son that he legitimately cared for and he got some orders from Palpatine that even he found too harsh. Ironically though if you read the trope page this actually proves that Machiavelli was right because he believed a leader should be feared, admired, or respected but never hated. Vader did so, and Tarkin covertly moved the new slaves to the construction site. Tarkin: We will crrush the rrebellion with one swift strroke. The next day, Tarkin ordered K-4D8 to bring all four of the Grafs to a large procession of Imperial flametroopers in the compound's courtyard, preparing to burn down all of the Agarians. Time and again the Clone Troopers had been shown to be a far superior fighting force, thanks to their creative thinking and more outside-the-box tactics, compared to the numerous but highly ineffective Stormtroopers the Empire would use. As a reward for his services, the Emperor promoted Tarkin to the newly—created office of Grand Moff , a position which had oversight over several sectors comprising an oversector. Soon later, Vader faced down five of Tarkin's hunters as they fired on him, hitting his armor many times. Tarkin then told the Jedi he only trusted those who took action and was concerned what would happen when things did not go according to their plan. Download as PDF Printable version. His cadet squadron had performed excellently, and Tarkin extended Fel an invitation to join his personal bodyguard squadron, an elite posting.

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