Taliyah counters
Taliyah jungle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Taliyah jungle counters against jungle champions with a minimum of games, taliyah counters.
CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved. No results found. Taliyah Builds.
Taliyah counters
Matching her wave clear will reduce her ability to roam. When trading with Taliyah, always keep behind at least 1 minion. This will make it very difficult for her to deal damage with her Q. Make sure you also watch out for her W. Taliyah will want to delay a team fight for as long as possible while she pokes you down with her Q. Try and force a fight as soon as you spot her. Avoid splitting up and playing alone. Do not push up too far forward if you have no one nearby. Taliyah has good pick potential with her W. After she has her first item completed, Taliyah can quickly push the wave with her Q. The more items she gets the stronger Taliyah will be. Avoid letting her poke you down with Q as she will deal lots of damage to you.
You will always outrade her if you dodge her w knock up. Try setting up in the most likely bush for her to path back to lane through for a free combo. Kayle the Righteous, taliyah counters.
Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Taliyah Jungler, Mid. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths.
Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Taliyah Jungler, Mid. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths.
Taliyah counters
Matching her wave clear will reduce her ability to roam. When trading with Taliyah, always keep behind at least 1 minion. This will make it very difficult for her to deal damage with her Q. Make sure you also watch out for her W. Taliyah will want to delay a team fight for as long as possible while she pokes you down with her Q. Try and force a fight as soon as you spot her. Avoid splitting up and playing alone. Do not push up too far forward if you have no one nearby. Taliyah has good pick potential with her W. After she has her first item completed, Taliyah can quickly push the wave with her Q.
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You can block her Q. Freeze the wave at your tower so she loses a lot for her roams. But no one plays her. Watch out for her roams bot, they can be scary with her ulti. Brand Jungler. Taliyah wins against Ekko If shes good and hits her spells right she wins, always use ghost in 1v1s so you can dodge her abilities. Her whole kit punishes people who run in a straight line and when self taunted youre gonna eat every rock she throws every knock back from her W and every explosive stone from her E whenever you use Q or W dashes. Embody death itself! You have to counter gank her as she can move around the map pretty fast and kill your teammates faster. She can hurt but you do damage more than she does in the late game and heal back alot. Malphite Shard of the Monolith. Below is a detailed breakdown of Taliyah jungle counters against jungle champions with a minimum of games.
CounterStats provides valuable counter picking insights for League of Legends players. Play smart with our LoL champion counters. All Rights Reserved.
Leona Support. The winner is the one who gets the advantage. Syndra Mid. Pyke the Bloodharbor Ripper. I recommend going AD against her unless she is very ahead. Miss Fortune the Bounty Hunter. Yasuo Mid. She can even match your roams with her ultimate. Xin Zhao Jungler. Taliyah wins against Ekko The average opponent winrate against Kindredis Wards around mid and ping for her roam at level 6. Just don't use your Q to dash around in her E zone or you'll get stunned for it. Taliyah can be very devastating when fed so try not to die to her too much.
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