synonyme de mentionner

Synonyme de mentionner

Jan Huitema, rapporteur.

Write an e-mail. Press Press releases Press releases of Anuga. Copy text to the clipboard. Anuga Wide range of products from all over the world at "Anuga Organic The focus is on international organic innovations The coming edition of Anuga from 7 to 11 October in Cologne provides an overview of the worldwide offer of organic products. A concentrated spectrum of organic products that carry proof of a recognised organic certification commonly-found on the marketplace awaits the visitors in the specialised "Anuga Organic" trade show. The theme "organic" has gained additional significance over the past few years due to the consumers' growing awareness for health and the environment.

Synonyme de mentionner


Hier werden die neuesten Bio-Trends vorgestellt. I want you to help Bosnia and Herzegovina get this absorption capacity and not lag behind all the other countries in the Western Balkans.


Translation of mentionner — French-English dictionary. Add to word list Add to word list. Veuillez mentionner vos hobbies sur la fiche ci-jointe. Examples of mentionner. The resolution neglects to mention this. I would like to mention one other aspect of education. Je voudrais mentionner quatre points en particulier. I should like to mention four points in particular. I nevertheless wish to mention a few shortcomings.

Synonyme de mentionner

Let me mention another source of great pride: the proclamation of the twenty-first of June, the longest day of the year, as National Aboriginal Day-a day to honour the First Peoples of this land. It is very strange that the government would mention the unique character of Quebec society and the diversity inherent in the federation and yet not mention equality. I regret the fact that time does not allow me to comment on all aspects of what I truly believe is an enlightened framework, but there are a few more points I would like to mention. They do not want to talk about the fact that in unemployment rates were I would like to mention some examples of this commitment, for instance a balanced budget no later than

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We promote an increased participation and representation in STEM, in particular in engineering, ICT and advanced digital skills, all crucial for the development and future of our societies. Honourable Members, we need a common understanding of European history where there is a place for the historical experience of all European nations. Almost six years have passed since the EU signed this convention. We should set the targets and industry should find out what is the most efficient and best technology to achieve this target. The EU continues to stand by them in their struggle. And this engagement and this fight unite us from the left to the right, because we are still living now in and still one third of women across Europe have faced violence. Non chiamatele "auto pulite", "a zero emissioni", altrimenti vi chiederemo di chiamare anche le centrali nucleari "centrali pulite", "centrali a zero emissioni". This has been done in the cases of Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Cambodia and others. Because it is very clear that the next step for Montenegro, and this answers also the second part of your question, to be able to move forward, the country will need to deliver on the so-called interim benchmarks related to the rule of law area, basically cluster number one. In future, Europe and the West, as a whole, must no longer make such strategic mistakes. We will not live in a truly fair and equal union until women and girls live free of fear of aggression or violence. I would like to inform you that we have received two motions for resolutions. For a Europe made for people and not for traffic.


Now that they are candidate status, they have candidate status. Dorien Rookmaker ECR. For the first time since the Second World War, we are experiencing a war of aggression in Europe. Mensen vastketenen aan het verleden is geen perspectief geven op toekomst. All that is needed is political will. Milczenie oznacza bycie po stronie sprawcy. You have seen an immediate reaction from the government itself and the perpetrators have been arrested. I call on the Council and the Member States who have not done so yet to ratify the Convention , immediately. My very important question is, was the steam engine for personal cars administratively banned by anyone? Guido Reil ID. Behalve aan het klimaat hecht het Europees Parlement groot belang aan de consument en de werknemers in de automobielsector. Finally, the rule of law should be a crucial precondition for progress in accession, and the main feature of the new methodology.

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