Star vs the forces of evil marco
Star vs. The series follows the adventures of Star Butterfly voiced by Eden Sherthe young turbulent heir to the royal throne in the dimension of Mewni, who is sent to Earth to mellow her reckless behavior.
Marco Diaz is a featured article , which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. A Latino-American California citizen, he has been assigned the task of helping Star Butterfly adjust to life on Earth. He has also come to serve the additional roles of aiding Star in fighting all matter of inter-dimensional monsters and apparently has even begun to form a friendship of sorts with her. By the series finale, he becomes her boyfriend. Marco is practically the exact opposite of Star.
Star vs the forces of evil marco
Marco Ubaldo Diaz "Frankly, I like taking risks. And would welcome a little danger in my life! Older son of the Diaz family, and also a Karate student with a red belt. Shortly after meeting her, he becomes Star's earthly friend, guide, and combat partner. A-F Action Survivor : He becomes this after surviving multiple dimensions for sixteen years. Almighty Janitor : Stripe or not, he's only a green belt about halfway through the learning stages in martial arts. He's still kicked more monster ass than most people. The most badass green belt ever. Season two reveals that he has been a green belt for five years though not because of his skill level, but because his sensei is also only a green belt. At the end of "Red Belt", Marco is now a red belt. Amicable Exes : In "Sophomore Slump" Jackie gently breaks up with Marco because she believes that their relationship will sour overtime because Marco can't accept that he's left Mewni as well as Jackie believing that she's forcing Marco to stay on Earth to make her happy. When they meet up again in "Britta's Tacos", Marco is afraid that he was a horrible boyfriend to her, but she reassures him that he was a "standard boyfriend" and that they just didn't work.
Despite initially griping that he wanted to impersonate one of the guards, by the end he asks to keep the dress. At the end of " Conquer ", when Marco and the rest of Meteora's victims regain their souls and return to normal, he and Star share another embrace.
Marco Ubaldo Diaz is the deuteragonist of Star vs. As of " Doop-Doop ", he goes back to living on Earth with his family. From " Here to Help " onward, he is Star's boyfriend. Marco is a Latino-American teenager of medium height with a slender build, tan skin, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a mole on his right cheek. He usually wears a light gray shirt, a red hoodie, dark gray skinny jeans, and olive and white sneakers. As a result of Hekapoo's constant searing smacks to the back of his head, he has an occasional bald spot, but his hair always grows back. In " Deep Dive ", Marco has glowing, apricot-yellow crescent moon-shaped emblems on his cheeks while casting the All-Seeing Eye spell.
She continues to battle villains throughout the universe and high school, mainly to protect her extremely She continues to battle villains throughout the universe and high school, mainly to protect her extremely powerful wand, an object that still confuses her. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Star vs. Play trailer Animation Action Adventure.
Star vs the forces of evil marco
The animated series Star vs. It follows the adventures of Star Butterfly, heir to the royal throne of the dimension of Mewni, who is sent to Earth so she can complete her education and learn to be a worthy princess; and Marco Diaz, a human teenager. As they live their daily lives, go on adventures in other dimensions, and, in the first season, try to prevent the evil Ludo and his minions from stealing Star's magic wand. On her 14th birthday, she is given the family heirloom - the royal magic wand - but after she causes a big accident, she is sent to the Earth dimension as a foreign exchange student. She then lives with the Diaz family. Nefcy had originally designed Star as a fourth-grader obsessed with Sailor Moon and wanting to become a magical girl despite not having any powers. The design was initially just her with heart cheeks and the devil horns came later. By the time she pitched the idea to Disney she had made the character older, and an executive suggested she would have actual magical powers, leading to the current foreign exchange student concept. Nefcy says Star is very much like her, and that she has a lot of flaws and aspects of being a real girl. Sher describes Star as Disney's first-ever butt-kicking princess and identifies with her a lot: "She's always wrong.
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He ages for an unspecified amount of time in " Ransomgram ". Marco accidentally upsets her when he says wrestling shows are fake, but she forgives him quickly, and later invites Marco to her house to cook Earth food. Spy The Whizzard of Ow. Season two reveals that he has been a green belt for five years though not because of his skill level, but because his sensei is also only a green belt. Marco has been crushing on her for years and he's still struggling to say something past "Hello" to her. Retrieved May 30, A-F Action Survivor : He becomes this after surviving multiple dimensions for sixteen years. Nonetheless, they are both willing to give their lives for each other, showing how much their bond has grown. Please refer to me as SAGE! Archived from the original on March 12, In " Pizza Thing ", Marco begrudgingly includes Pony Head in his and Star's tradition of "Friendship Thursday", but his strait-laced personality clashes with her spontaneity and partying lifestyle.
If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! A Latino-American boy who live in California, he has been assigned the task of helping Star Butterfly adjust to Earth, and of providing Star with a home thereon. He has also come to serve the additional roles of aiding Star in fighting all matter of inter-dimensional monsters, and has become her best friend and closest ally.
From " Here to Help " onward, he is Star's boyfriend. Animation World Network Press release. Fan Feed 1 Inside Out 2 2 3 Anxiety. This quickly turns to annoyance when she teases him for his karate stance calling it a "sword hand dance" , and calls him "adorable". He was this to The Seeing Eye spell, despite the spell not fully understanding the consequences of telling the truth. Dork Knight : Marco practically gushes after he and Star defeat Ludo and his men. Like Star, Marco has a closer friendship with River, to the point of being one of the few people to call River by his first name on a regular basis. Though he is capable of serious butt-kicking himself. Otherwise, Marco has a lean build. In " Booth Buddies ", Marco works through his feelings for Star and how much their relationship has changed since the end of "Starcrushed". Following his return to Earth in " Sophomore Slump ", Marco begins constantly talking about his experiences on Mewni, which Jackie interprets as him having developed feelings for Star.
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