soft water contains sodium which may aggravate hypertension

Soft water contains sodium which may aggravate hypertension

Submitted by Ruben G.

Water softeners contain sodium to assist with filtration. The water shouldn't taste salty, but it can raise your blood pressure. Exactly how much sodium is in softened water depends on how hard the water is to start. Usually, the harder the water, the more sodium it will have once it passes through the filter. This article takes a closer look at how water softeners work and why they contain sodium. It also explains how sodium in softened water may affect your blood pressure. Water softeners work by removing these substances, but to do so, they have to add a replacement.

Soft water contains sodium which may aggravate hypertension

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September 08, 4 min read. However, exactly how much sodium is added to your drinking water is not always clear. For those high blood pressure or on a low-sodium diet, it is an important question to ask - How much sodium does softened water contain? If your water is very hard - meaning it has more calcium, magnesium, and possibly other contaminants - the water softener will have to replace more hardness particles with sodium. If your water hardness level is 15 grains per gallon, that means there is In reality, the amount of sodium is fairly little, to put it into perspective, a standard slice of white bread has between 80 and mg of sodium. As always, it's best to consult with your doctor before making any serious changes to your diet. Water softening via the ion exchange principle introduces a small amount of sodium into the water - in short, every calcium or magnesium ion is replaced by a sodium ion. In itself, sodium is not considered a risk. We all need sodium in our diet, because it is critical to the overall function of every cell in our body.

Soft water contains sodium which may aggravate hypertension

Water softeners contain sodium to assist with filtration. The water shouldn't taste salty, but it can raise your blood pressure. Exactly how much sodium is in softened water depends on how hard the water is to start. Usually, the harder the water, the more sodium it will have once it passes through the filter. This article takes a closer look at how water softeners work and why they contain sodium. It also explains how sodium in softened water may affect your blood pressure.


Was this page helpful? Search For best results enter two or more search terms. Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources. Upgrade to remove ads. Meet Our Medical Expert Board. Notes Access past notes and exams matches to your classes Study Groups Study with your friends by joining virtual study sessions Free Unlocks Download the mobile app and receive 3 free video solutions. Heart Health. Water softeners work by exchanging hard substances like calcium and magnesium for sodium. Softened water typically contains about However, if you are on a medically-prescribed low sodium diet, ask your healthcare provider to make sure.

We summarized epidemiological studies assessing sodium in drinking water and changes in blood pressure or hypertension published in English from to from PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. We extracted data on blood pressure level or prevalence of hypertension and calculated pooled estimates using an inverse variance weighted random-effects model. The pooled standardized mean difference SMD in 7 studies 12 data sets comparing the low and high water sodium exposure groups for systolic blood pressure SBP was 0.

Understand audiences through statistics or combinations of data from different sources. Commonly, that replacement is sodium. Ask your parent or guardian for help. A young woman on a vegetarian diet has decided to increase her intake of raw bright-colored vegetables and has recently noticed that her skin is turning a bright yellow color. Thanks for your feedback! Which of the following stabilizes bones and makes teeth resistant to decay? True False Sodium, the principal mineral of soft water, may aggravate hypertension. Get Better Grades Now. Log in. Log In. Measure content performance.

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