
Summary: Snakemake is a workflow engine that provides a readable Python-based workflow definition language and a powerful execution environment that scales snakemake single-core workstations to compute clusters without modifying the workflow, snakemake.

This is the development home of the workflow management system Snakemake. For general information, see. The Snakemake workflow management system is a tool to create reproducible and scalable data analyses. Snakemake is highly popular, with on average more than 7 new citations per week in , and almost k downloads. Workflows are described via a human readable, Python based language. They can be seamlessly scaled to server, cluster, grid and cloud environments without the need to modify the workflow definition.


Snakemake is an open-source tool that allows users to describe complex workflows with a hybrid of Python and shell scripting. Snakemake has been developed for and is most heavily used by the bioscience community, but there is nothing about the tool itself that cannot be easily expanded to any type of scientific workflow. If you'd like to see examples of how people are using Snakemake, see the Snakemake workflows GitHub repository. Astute readers of the Snakemake docs will find that Snakemake has a cluster execution capability. However, this means that Snakemake will treat each rule as a separate job and submit many requests to Slurm. One of the main advantages of workflow tools is that they can often work independently of a job scheduler, so we strongly encourage single node Snakeflow jobs that will run without burdening Slurm. The Snakemake docs have an excellent tutorial that we won't reproduce here. We do however highly recommend that you work through the tutorial. Snakemake is a relatively complex tool with a lot of different capabilities; the tutorial will give you a helpful snapshot. Note that to run the tutorial, you will need to create a custom conda environment called snakemake-tutorial as they specify. Note that you don't need to install miniconda-- you can just module load python and build your custom tutorial environment on top of our default Python. You can delete your snakemake-tutorial environment when you're done with the tutorial. How to write Snakemake rules. The Snakemake developers recommend Mamba instead of conda which struggles with Snakemake so we'll follow their recommendation. Assuming you have built your snakemakeenv custom conda environment and worked through the tutorial, you are now ready to start using Snakemake at NERSC.

Offering further ways of performing the tutorial is indeed a good idea, snakemake.

With Snakemake, data analysis workflows are defined via an easy to read, adaptable, yet powerful specification language on top of Python. Steps are defined by "rules", which denote how to generate a set of output files from a set of input files e. Wildcards in curly braces provide generalization. Dependencies between rules are determined automatically. By integration with the Conda package manager and containers , all software dependencies of each workflow step are automatically deployed upon execution. Rapidly implement analysis steps via direct script and jupyter notebook integration supporting Python, R, Julia, Rust, Bash, without requiring any boilerplate code.

This tutorial introduces the text-based workflow system Snakemake. Snakemake follows the GNU Make paradigm: workflows are defined in terms of rules that define how to create output files from input files. Dependencies between the rules are determined automatically, creating a DAG directed acyclic graph of jobs that can be automatically parallelized. Snakemake sets itself apart from existing text-based workflow systems in the following way. Hooking into the Python interpreter, Snakemake offers a definition language that is an extension of Python with syntax to define rules and workflow specific properties. This allows to combine the flexibility of a plain scripting language with a pythonic workflow definition. The Python language is known to be concise yet readable and can appear almost like pseudo-code. The syntactic extensions provided by Snakemake maintain this property for the definition of the workflow. Further, Snakemakes scheduling algorithm can be constrained by priorities, provided cores and customizable resources and it provides a generic support for distributed computing e.


This is the development home of the workflow management system Snakemake. For general information, see. The Snakemake workflow management system is a tool to create reproducible and scalable data analyses. Snakemake is highly popular, with on average more than 7 new citations per week in , and almost k downloads.

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Published by Oxford University Press. However, this means that Snakemake will treat each rule as a separate job and submit many requests to Slurm. About This is the development home of the workflow management system Snakemake. Aug 14, Feb 12, While the params directive is now included in the new example in Figure 7, it is still mentioned as one of the design patterns that are less common in section 3. We consider these four criteria in lexicographical order. Snakemake directly supports such benchmarking by defining a benchmark directive in a rule line 7. Feb 28, In the following, we elaborate on each of the available mechanisms.

Released: Feb 26, Workflow management system to create reproducible and scalable data analyses. View statistics for this project via Libraries.

Here, we analyze the properties needed for a data analysis to become reproducible, adaptable, and transparent. The main issue I have with the manuscript is that the authors overstate the readability of snakemake workflows. Two rules of the example workflow Figure 3a are grouped together, a spanning one connected component, b spanning two connected components, and c spanning five connected components. Let us call the jobs in the latter partition J o , the set of open jobs. May 3, The site is secure. This directive takes a path to a TSV file. Sep 14, Snakemake interoperates with any installed tool or available web service with well-defined input and output file formats. Status: Approved with Reservations. First, to gain full in silico reproducibility , a data analysis has to be automated , scalable to various computational platforms and levels of parallelism, and portable in the sense that it is able to be automatically deployed with all required software in exactly the needed versions. Snakemake executor plugin for Google Batch under development. While having been almost the holy grail of data analysis workflow management in recent years and being certainly of high importance, reproducibility alone is not enough to sustain the hours of work that scientists invest in crafting data analyses. Nov 3,

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