smith funeral home sarnia obits

Smith funeral home sarnia obits

Juan Pedroza Hurtado. Ernesto "Ernie" Guerra. James "J.

Burlington: Grimsby: Stoney Creek: About Us. Our Services. Order Flowers. Why Preplan. Green Funerals.

Smith funeral home sarnia obits

Peacefully, with his family by his side at Bluewater Health on Monday, June 17, , Scott passed away at the age of All his Published in the Corner Brook Western Star. It is with great sadness we announce the passing of our Ray "Newfie" Alexander at the age of 85, on Wednesday, June 14, , after beating the odds with numerous cancers. He is now proclaimed cancer-free. Ray was born on February 16, in St. John's, Newfoundland and raised in St. He is survived by his wife Dorothy Bowd Smith Formerly married to Bernadette Winkie Winslow. Garry is survived by his wife of 60 years, Margaret Wilcox Beloved husband of Mercedes Williams. Peacefully, with her family by her side, on Sunday, September 25, , at Bluewater Health, Pat Noftall passed away at the age of

Lyle Johnston Published in the Telegraph Journal. Dale Hays Dale A.


Peacefully, surrounded by loving family, on Saturday, March 9, , at Bluewater Health, Julie Smith passed away at the age of Julie was loved and cared for by her late husband Terry Wellington She had various jobs over the years, after which she began volunteering in the community and caring for her parents. Julie loved reading, and spent many hours at the Lambton Public Library. She also enjoyed spending time outside, especially in the sun with a cup of coffee. Her fondness for the outdoors began early at her family cottage in Lambton County. Julie and Terry loved living in the country with their dogs Etta, Pippen and Harley. They enjoyed practical jokes and having fun with one another. Julie was an amazing cook, and always had a box of treats out. She would take her time in the kitchen, listening to music, and the meals were always worth the wait.

Smith funeral home sarnia obits

Providing unique and personal service to the families in our community and surrounding area with the highest level of care and compassion. Through our services and support we strive to provide the trust, reliability, and comfort you expect and deserve. Thank you Sarnia, Lambton for trusting in us since From documentation to disposition, we will strive to fulfill all and any requests to achieve our promise that your needs come first, and that you will receive the trust, reliability and comfort you expect. To request our full list of services, or to find out more, click on the button below or simply call us at Allows for gatherings of large groups. For over 30 years, our family has served your family. Lunch and dinner options are available. We will help you choose which services are best for you, so that what you are planning for happens just the way you want it. This facility can comfortably hold up to people, and we will do everything we can to accommodate any unique requests or dietary restrictions.

Witcher forge

Brant Street Chapel. Preplanning Options. Predeceased by loving wife of 50 years, Janice Green Cann. John's Telegram. Phyllis leaves to mourn her son Rev. We invite you to view our fully-interactive online guestbook tributes, each of which feature a special place for the obituary, service information, condolences, social media tools and additional resources to support families when they need it most. All Rights Reserved. Pat will be missed by many siblings, He was on a lifetime move to Sarnia, Ontario. He soon moved to Granger, Washington where he would plant his roots until his final breath. Those wishing to sign Angel's online memorial gust book may do so at


Juan Pedroza Hurtado. Viewing and Visitation will be held on Sunday, March 17, from p. Mellick, P. Beloved husband of Phyllis D. No formal funeral services will be held. Ray was born on February 16, in St. Previous Next. What is a Memorial Gathering or Celebration of Life? All his Predeceased by loving wife of 50 years, Janice Green Cann. Start Planning.

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