Slaanesh daemon prince

A massively customisable kit, with loads of options to build your own daemon.

A Daemon Prince is a Human Champion of Chaos who has been elevated to daemonhood as a reward for their actions on the behalf of one of the major Chaos Gods or by the will of Chaos Undivided. Daemon Princes have chosen to trade their Humanity for the god-like power and immortality of a creature of the Warp. A Daemon Prince is a living extension of the force of Chaos. To ascend to the rank of Daemon Prince is the ultimate goal of the most powerful Champions of Chaos , as it gives them immortality and power beyond the reckoning of mortals. For the devotees of the Ruinous Powers , this is far from an impossible goal. Those few who climb the path of the Champion to its apex are granted the prize of eternal life. Though thousands of lesser aspirants will fall by the wayside, a supremely talented devotee will clamber over mountains of the slain until they reach the pinnacle of their bloody craft.

Slaanesh daemon prince

Lust, pride and self-indulgence are the hallmarks of all who follow it. Slaanesh is the youngest of the four major Chaos Gods, having come to full self-awareness within the Immaterium only during the 30th Millennium. The name Slaanesh is a corruption of the Aeldari term Slaaneth Slaa meaning "ecstasy" or "pleasure" and Neth meaning "lord" or "prince" in the Aeldari Lexicon ; hence, the "Prince of Pleasure" , though ironically, the Aeldari refer to this foul entity only as Sai'lanthresh , "She Who Thirsts. Slaanesh is the Prince of Pleasure, the Dark God dedicated to the pursuit of earthly gratification and the overthrow of all decent behaviour, as well as hedonism and pleasure for its own sake. It is the god of obsession, the Master of Excess in All Things, from gluttony to lust to megalomania. Its sacred number is six and the colours associated with Slaanesh are riotous purples, pinks and black. The Daemonic armies of Slaanesh are known as the Legions of Excess. Wherever mortals are ruled by their own unquenchable desires, the Dark Prince of Chaos is there in the shadows, whispering, tempting, and feasting on a banquet of souls. But this is true in all things, not just carnal pleasures. Those who desire to indulge in the finest culinary delights, the most beautiful artworks, even the most sensual clothing, could all be amongst Slaanesh's disciples.

In the Realm of Chaoshowever, all things are possible. There was as yet nothing within the Empyrean to hunger after those souls.


In his hand he held a rod of twisted bone, crossed and double-crossed to form the sign of his dark lord, a symbol of his power and fruit of mortal longings well-fulfilled. He rose above the company, far taller than they, and looked with black pride upon these, his frightened slaves. He snarled and heard the sound of noble hatred echoing from the skies. He stared the savage stare of immortal fury and death was in his gaze. And on that blasted hearth his ashen servants burned, cowed by fear and awe alike to see their lord transfigured into that most mighty of creatures which mortals call a Daemon Prince. A Daemon Prince is a former mortal servant of the Chaos Gods who has been raised to become a Daemon as a reward for their extraordinary service to their divine patron during life. Daemon Princes are among the greatest and most powerful servants of Chaos.

Slaanesh daemon prince

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The denizens of Slaanesh spread the depravity of Chaos to the unwary and uncaring with heretical crimes that cry out against nature and the true order of the world. Adepta Sororitas Important Links. Though the decimation of the Aeldari and its pursuit of the remaining few of their species is a source of great joy to Slaanesh, it has much, much grander desires to fulfil. They are still revered by the Traitor Legions of Chaos Space Marines they corrupted millennia ago, even though it has become uncommon for them to personally lead these Legions in battle from their Daemon Worlds. As such, like Lords of Change, Daemon Princes of Tzeentch are master manipulators and strategists in the service of their god's Thousand and One Plots. Slaanesh can assume any alluring physical form at will and it is impossible for a mortal to look upon it without losing their soul and becoming a slave to the Prince of Pleasure's slightest whim. More can be achieved. The mountains that rise up on the horizon reflect a glorious warm light, letting all who see them know that they too are formed from gold. In the 41st Millennium, most of the Daemon Princes known to the Imperium hail from the ranks of the Chaos Space Marines , as these often ancient warriors possess the capability and desire needed to successfully serve the interests of Chaos well and long enough to earn daemonhood. When a Daemon Prince conquers a world in the physical universe using the mortal forces of Chaos that serve him, his patron Chaos God or the Chaos Gods as a whole if he serves Chaos Undivided bestow the world upon him as his own personal realm. While generally referred to as a "he" by Humans and as a female by the Aeldari , Slaanesh is actually neither gender, combining characteristics of both and perfecting them.

Tales from the Liber Malefic tell how once-great warriors, consumed by their desires and temptations, literally transformed in front of others. At the moment of these startling alterations, skin fell from muscle, bone reshaped, wings and horns sprouted, and all manner of foul appendages surfaced. Relative to the Keeper, the Daemon Prince offers a flying unit which can excel on walled or chokepoint maps, or hunting evasive flying lords like mounted spellcasters.

While Daemon Princes come in as wide a variety of shapes and sizes as there are facets of Chaos, most are massive beings composed of hulking muscle and thick sinew, displaying traditionally daemonic characteristics like horns and bat-like wings. From its glittering palace in the Dark Prince's Realm , the Lord of Excess revels in each new sensation discovered. Upon emerging from the delightful torments of the previous five circles, anyone who could resist the seduction placed before them at this point would surely become legend. There is simply no need. If the legends are to be believed, there was one being born into the Warp from the depravity and corruption of an entire species. There was as yet nothing within the Empyrean to hunger after those souls. The memories of an arduous journey fade into nothingness. Through the incredibly advanced technology and psychic mastery that the species had developed over the Terran millennia, they passed the days living in unimaginable luxury. But as time goes on, it requires ever more extremes of sensation to feel the same bursts of pleasure, soon leading to a need to be constantly surrounded by extremes of sound or garish colour, particularly bright pinks and purples. While generally referred to as a "he" by Humans and as a female by the Aeldari , Slaanesh is actually neither gender, combining characteristics of both and perfecting them.

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