serial killers named richard

Serial killers named richard

Content warning: This blog post contains text and images about violence and sexual assault that may be traumatizing to some audiences. Reader discretion is advised. Murder suspect Richard Speck during his criminal court hearing at S.

Richard Ramirez was known by many names. His family called him Richie. To others, he was the Valley Intruder, but the name that stuck, the one that the news media and Ramirez himself latched onto, was the Night Stalker. As far as authorities know, he was 24 the first time he took a life. June marks 37 years since Ramirez's first murder — or, least, the first one that earned him a conviction. Before his 26th birthday, he would kill at least 13 more people and commit at least 11 sexual assaults, in a wave of seemingly random attacks that terrified residents of Southern California in the summer of His crimes were deemed so cruel and callous that they earned him a whopping 19 death penalties.

Serial killers named richard

Richard Benjamin Speck December 6, — December 5, was an American mass murderer who killed eight student nurses in their South Deering, Chicago , residence via stabbing , strangling , slashing their throats, or a combination of the three on the night of July 13—14, One victim was also raped prior to her murder. A ninth potential victim, student nurse Corazon Amurao, survived by hiding beneath a bed. Convicted of all eight murders on April 15, , Speck was sentenced to death. His sentence was reduced to —1, years in This was later reduced to — years. Speck died of a heart attack while incarcerated at Stateville Correctional Center on the eve of his 50th birthday. The family moved to Monmouth, Illinois , shortly after Speck's birth. He and his sister Carolyn b. His mother was religious and a teetotaler.

On July 5, Whitney Bennett, then 16, was attacked with a tire iron in her parents home in Sierra Madre.

Serial murderer Richard Ramirez claims to be the right hand man of Satan. During the time of the Roman Empire, a carpenter named Jesus claimed to be the son of God. Many ridiculed him and others believed him. Several people, according to oral traditions, believed Jesus was simply a man who had gone mad. Others believed in him and became his followers. He was given a death sentence ordered by Pontius Pilot on behalf of the people.

Richard Ramirez was an American serial killer who murdered at least 14 people and was convicted of attempting to murder five others. After developing epilepsy as a child, he became a heavy drug user and cultivated an interest in Satanism, which became a calling card for investigators at his crime scenes. He committed at least 30 violent crimes that often included included rape and torture, mostly during the spring and summer of Apprehended in August of that year, Ramirez was sentenced to death at the conclusion of his trial in Richard reportedly sustained multiple head injuries at an early age; after he was knocked unconscious by a swing at age 5, he began experiencing epileptic fits. As an adolescent, Ramirez was heavily influenced by his older cousin Miguel, who had recently returned from fighting in the Vietnam War. The two smoked marijuana together as Miguel told Ramirez about the torture and mutilation he had inflicted on several Vietnamese women, corroborating these stories with photographic evidence. At age 13, Ramirez witnessed his cousin kill his wife. Miguel Ramirez was found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity and released four years later.

Serial killers named richard

Richard Ramirez was known by many names. His family called him Richie. To others, he was the Valley Intruder, but the name that stuck, the one that the news media and Ramirez himself latched onto, was the Night Stalker. As far as authorities know, he was 24 the first time he took a life. June marks 37 years since Ramirez's first murder — or, least, the first one that earned him a conviction.

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His actions could be interpreted as a reaction to things like this. They said there was blood all over the place. Archived from the original on October 29, That, combined with his extensive acne scarring, led her to describe Speck as "the archetypal XYY male". In other words, by humanizing themselves to Richard, they brought him back his conscience. Later that night, around 11 p. Multiple victims who survived encounters with Ramirez were also interviewed. Archived from the original on January 15, Br Med J. Comparison of selected men with Klinefelter syndrome and XYY chromosome pattern". The crime was not discovered until July 2, when she failed to show up for work. Ramirez also frequently enjoyed degrading and humiliating his victims, especially those who survived his attacks or whom he explicitly decided not to kill.

Ramirez spent over two years of his life raping and torturing over 25 victims and killing more than a dozen people. Most of these crimes were committed in the victims California homes.

Raging testosterone and a loss of conscience equals disaster. Convicted of all eight murders on April 15, , Speck was sentenced to death. First-degree murder 12 counts Second-degree murder Rape 11 counts First-degree burglary 14 counts [1]. Chicago Police received a lucky break and arrested Speck when a physician from the Cook County Hospital alerted them that a man they were treating following a failed suicide attempt was believed to be him. He gets really good at what he does. In August of , police brought her, and other victims, to the jail to see if they would pick Ramirez out of a lineup. On August 14, the trial was interrupted because one of the jurors, Phyllis Singletary, did not arrive at the courtroom. At age 12, Ramirez was taken under the wing of his older cousin, Miguel "Mike" Valles, [12] a decorated Green Beret who himself had already become a serial killer and a rapist during his service in the Vietnam War. For those girls, and for their families, and for me. Archived PDF from the original on July 3, After finding prints on a stolen car and releasing a mugshot to the public, Ramirez was apprehended after he was subdued by a group of residents and was beaten before cops could step in. Oral evaluations with extensive questionnaires for the prisoners to answer will be formulated.

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