Scott manley twitter

Well, some of those special books got scott manley twitter me, University of Minnesota Press… Some of your precious precious academic words got out and they found their way to a sad sad loser who scott manley twitter how to read. Sorry it was late yesterday when I typed that and — as with the end of every week — the end of every day tends to be a time of great melancholy for me at the moment. Will there be an escape from it before the end of my working age life? And this stasis — which I abhor, scott manley twitter, by the way — I find it destructive and restrictive and so so so so so uninspiring and uninspired and I am unable to find space or a sense of self outside of it.

The first time, it tumbled out of control and exploded; the second time, an onboard fire triggered its self-destruct mechanism. A minute launch window opened at 8 a. SpaceX is streaming the launch on its website and on the social media platform X. Launch is expected just before You can follow along below.

Scott manley twitter

Pages: Congratulations to SpaceX on making history. Fantastic test massive progress. Successfully demonstrated that you can repeatedly launch a first stage with 33 engines and reliably fire them to completion more than just a one off. Got all the way to orbit!!! Amazing achievement. Everything after that was a bonus. As far as what happened next looked like they never really had attitude control once on orbit. Seems like the cold gas system just never really turned on for reasons unknown. Should be interesting to see why that happened. Was tumbling on entry as a result so you got more of a Ballistic entry than anything else.

So it scott manley twitter to be seen whether they can actually keep enough tiles on Starship for it to make it through re-entry. They are so crucial to how we became the animals that we are, that anything else is disingenuous.


According to Musk, the problem originated with the one Raptor engine used to slow the SN10 down before landing. Multiple fixes in work for SN This time around, the prototype managed to achieve an apogee of 10 km 6. However, a few minutes after it stuck the landing, the SN10 exploded on the landing pad. Whereas the SN8 and SN9 explosions were attributed to problems that took place during engine reignition, the cause of the SN10 explosion was not as clear. In the video, shown above, Manley starts with an observation regarding the engine flame, where one appeared to be burning hotter than the others. This became evident later in the flight when the SN10 was running on two engines, one of which was emitting a flame that was more orange than the other. This, according to Manley, could be interpreted as a sign that it was burning more fuel aka.

Scott manley twitter

We could fly to other stars and survive longer, but those stars, as far as we know, burn out in a trillion years. What next? Inside his head, though? The inquisitive and intelligent YouTube star originally made his name through EVE Online videos, explaining the mechanics of an extremely complex game in a way we mere mortals can understand.

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As coyotes and foxes and wolves encroach on our cities in the night and dogs fill our daydreams and our hearts during the day, then there is little to detract from the guarantee of a human-canid future.. Hopefully they can start getting the flight rate up and fly the next one sooner. The first time, it tumbled out of control and exploded; the second time, an onboard fire triggered its self-destruct mechanism. My life is like the life of a dog with an owner who has bought them a food delivery system they have to work at to get fed… Pointless, empty, of no consequence and a facile mockery of meaningful and satisfying toil. So it remains to be seen whether they can actually keep enough tiles on Starship for it to make it through re-entry. They are so crucial to how we became the animals that we are, that anything else is disingenuous. Amazing achievement. Order direct from the publisher here please TriumphoftheNow. Sign me up. But the booster failed to reignite its engines properly and exploded before it could descend back to the Gulf of Mexico. You can follow along below. Well, some of those special books got to me, University of Minnesota Press… Some of your precious precious academic words got out and they found their way to a sad sad loser who knows how to read.

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Moving fuel around will be critical for both lunar and Martian trips, as the vehicle will need to top off its tanks for both journeys. And less capitalistic extraction and less shit lives and less regimented work weeks and less pointless empty labour. Its durable stainless steel construction makes it easy to reuse, at least in theory, and could dramatically reduce the cost of launching satellites and people into orbit. We should spend more time with dogs. SMF 2. NASA has given billions to SpaceX to develop Starship as a lunar landing system that could deliver astronauts to the lunar surface. Am I fed? Will there be an escape from it before the end of my working age life? Dogs and humans are a codependent interspecies block that has been living and rotating in harmony for millennia and millennia…. And this stasis — which I abhor, by the way — I find it destructive and restrictive and so so so so so uninspiring and uninspired and I am unable to find space or a sense of self outside of it. How do you like that, ey? Very cool footage. WmThomas , Eer and Mr. Got all the way to orbit!!! It tumbled out of control for several seconds before finally breaking apart.

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