sc market bulletin

Sc market bulletin

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The future of the ammonia and hydrogen market in the EU is considered in this article. A comparison of the properties of hydrogen and ammonia was made, including a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages. Ammonia properties was compared with other vehicle fuels. The volume of ammonia production in the EU is presented and the ammonia hubs are mentioned. Available technological pathways for green ammonia production and ammonia applications are indicated. It was explained that ammonia and hydrogen should be considered as possible energy carriers from the entire palette of available solutions.

Sc market bulletin

Wykorzystujemy anonimowe dane z cookies, aby ciągle ulepszać naszą stronę internetową. Więcej informacji o użyciu cookies. Zapoznaj się ze zmianami w naszej polityce ochrony prywatności. Opcje wyszukiwania. Kolejność Według trafności Według daty. Biography Education Ph. The euro area labour force: recent developments and drivers. Abstract The strong rebound in the labour force is a notable development in the euro area labour market and supported the resilient employment growth in recent quarters. In particular, over the last year and a half the main source of employment growth has been the strong inflow of people joining the labour force rather than a fall in the number of unemployed. This box provides an overview of recent euro area labour force developments, using data from Eurostat and the ECB Consumer Expectations Survey. It also analyses the drivers of the euro area labour force using a mixed-frequency Bayesian VAR to disentangle the push and pull factors behind the labour force dynamics.

Abstract This box analyses recent developments in the financial account of the euro area balance of payments. While the growing importance of China is reflected in the sc market bulletin trade weights of euro effective exchange rates, it appears that the increasing integration of the euro area with other European economies accounts for the largest variation in trade weights, sc market bulletin.


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Sc market bulletin

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Skip to content Article. Abstract Amid elevated volatility in economic activity and international trade due to the pandemic, the overall euro area current account surplus narrowed only slightly in compared with , from 2. This supports the notion that the persistence of the unemployment shock is an important factor of the consumption response to a job loss. Abstract In light of persistently large net foreign liability NFL positions in several euro area countries, we analyse episodes of sizeable NFL reductions for a broad sample of advanced and emerging economies. At the same time, the euro area recorded a retrenchment in foreign direct investment flows, mainly reflecting transactions vis-à-vis the United States, most likely linked to the US tax reform. The implications of globalisation for the ECB monetary policy strategy. Virtual proximity and audiovisual services trade. It presents the new methodology for calculating the underlying weighting scheme, which is based not solely on trade in manufactured goods but now also on trade in services. We interpret our findings as evidence for the existence of a global financial cycle, only some of which is driven by policies and events in the US. The euro area current account can therefore be expected to recover, driven by a partial rebound in the terms of trade, anticipated fiscal consolidation and largely unchanged demographic factors. Our paper offers a systematic exposition of the necessary conditions for TARGET balances to emerge and provides a clear link to monetary policy.


The euro area current account can therefore be expected to recover, driven by a partial rebound in the terms of trade, anticipated fiscal consolidation and largely unchanged demographic factors. On the contrary, for listed shares we find that euro area investors rebalanced away from domestic towards extra-euro area securities in both the first and the second quarter, which may be associated with better relative foreign stock market performance. The empirical analysis furthermore suggests that these risk sharing properties of net capital gains have increased through time, in particular in the s and earlys, on the back of a declining equity home bias and financial market deepening. The quantitative estimates proposed should be regarded with caution given the current volatility in the price of a barrel of Brent crude oil and the uncertainty surrounding the amplitude of the shock, which will depend on how the conflict develops. America First? Cross-border banking in the EU since the crisis: What is driving the great retrenchment? We show that it does, in addition to its well-established relevance for the level of trade. Martin Schmitz Marcel Tirpák. Instead, we observe that euro area investors increased their absolute and relative exposures to UK-issued and pound-denominated debt securities since the Brexit referendum. Ustawienia cookies są nieaktualne Wykorzystujemy anonimowe dane z cookies, aby ciągle ulepszać naszą stronę internetową. Wykorzystujemy anonimowe dane z cookies, aby ciągle ulepszać naszą stronę internetową. Channels of international risk-sharing: capital gains versus income flows. The euro area current account after the pandemic and energy shock. Zapoznaj się ze zmianami w naszej polityce ochrony prywatności Rozumiem i akceptuję cookies Nie akceptuję cookies.

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