rwby cinder

Rwby cinder

Written by ReaverArklight. To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support.

She is a member of Salem's Inner Circle and was the leader of her own faction. She is also the current Fall Maiden. Her machinations are the driving force behind the events of the first three volumes and cemented her as the primary antagonist of the Beacon Arc. She made her debut in the first episode of Volume 1 , " Ruby Rose ". Cinder used a special Grimm glove to steal half of the Fall Maiden's powers from Amber. During the Fall of Beacon , she gained the other half and killed Ozpin in battle. When Beacon fell, Ruby Rose unleashed the power of her Silver Eyes , putting Cinder into a state of near death and causing her to lose her left eye and part of her left arm.

Rwby cinder

Spoilers for all works set prior to the end of Volumes 8 are unmarked. I want to be feared. I want to be powerful. And I refuse to starve. You're just not worthy of such power. But I am. An ambitious and enigmatic woman with power over fire, Cinder Fall is the leader of an equally mysterious group closely associated with crime lord Roman Torchwick. She and her teammates, Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai, infiltrate Beacon Academy in Volume 2, posing as transfer students from Mistral's Haven Academy while subtly preparing the terrain for a war between the kingdoms, the results of which are coming to fruition by Volume 3. Cinder's signature weapon is a pair of glass swords called Midnight that combine into a compound bow. Her Semblance is Scorching Caress, which allows her to superheat and manipulate the shape of objects, such as turning sand into glass. Cinder prefers to shape said glass into a variety of blades containing fire at their cores. A — F Achilles' Heel : Cinder's greatest physical asset is simultaneously her greatest weakness.

Spontaneous Weapon Creation : In "Dance Dance Infiltration", when she spins around, her limbs illuminate orange, and she materializes a pair of swords rwby cinder of Dust for battle.

Growing up in an environment of violence prior to being taken to the Glass Unicorn, Cinder spent her early years as a malnourished slave while being forced to wear a shock collar, subjected to electric shocks as a form of discipline while barely supplementing her diet with scraps. In a desperate bid for freedom, Cinder stole a sword from the visiting Huntsman Rhodes, who sniffed her out and offered to train her in hopes of a future as a Huntress. Her health would greatly improve during her training with Rhodes, building up her athleticism with regular exercise and sparring sessions. Sometime afterwards, she was recruited by the immortal sorceress Salem, submitting herself in a bid for the power and agency she so desperately craved. During this time, Cinder was implanted by a parasitic Grimm beetle that allowed her to forcibly steal Maiden powers, though this implant would be her undoing at Beacon.

Spoilers for all works set prior to the end of Volume 8 are unmarked. I want to be feared. I want to be powerful. And I refuse to starve. You're just not worthy of such power. But I am. An ambitious and enigmatic woman with power over fire, Cinder Fall is the leader of an equally mysterious group closely associated with crime lord Roman Torchwick. She and her teammates, Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai, infiltrate Beacon Academy in Volume 2, posing as transfer students from Mistral's Haven Academy while subtly preparing the terrain for a war between the kingdoms, the results of which are coming to fruition by Volume 3.

Rwby cinder

In her childhood, Cinder Fall lived in an orphanage [1] in Mistral , where she scrubbed floors and was bullied by the other children and was implied to have also been starved and overworked by her caretakers. There, Cinder was introduced to the Madame's two biological daughters. Once there, the Madame explained Cinder's new duties and work of cleaning the hotel and delivering food to the rooms and making her position and responsibilities as her "step-daughter" clear. Since then, both the Madame and her Two Daughters heavily mistreated, overworked and abused Cinder and forced her to singlehandedly do all the needed maintenance to keep the Glass Unicorn running. In order to keep her in line, the Madam would have Cinder wear a shock collar disguised as a necklace. During her time with her new "family", Cinder was constantly shocked by her "Step-Mother" for even the smallest of blunders in order to keep Cinder in under control during the times she would act out due to her mistreatment from them and mostly for her own amusement at punishing her "daughter".

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Javelin Thrower : During the battle of Haven, she summons a javelin to use on the battleground. Though, this is still mitigated by the fact that her Grimm arm now consumes more of her body and the muscles can be seen underneath it. Ambition Is Evil : Her ambition for power has made her try and kill the Fall Maiden to take her powers for her own, and indirectly caused mass chaos and some other deaths. Cinder is only able to partially complete the process and, when on the phone to a mysterious contact, she describes the feeling she's been left with as an "emptiness that burns like hunger". In Volume 7, the Grimm arm has spread all the way up her shoulder joint and appears to be exposing muscle. The act leaves a tattoo on her back. She can block high-caliber sniper rifle shots with her bare hand. The Chain of Harm : Cinder grew up being abused by a stepmother and is now abused by Salem. It's unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours. The arm is capable of regrowing after being cut off with no permanent damage, as seen during " The Enemy of Trust " when it was cut off by Winter Schnee. After atoning, she repeats her mistake against the Winter Maiden.

When RWBY premiered in , what the villains wanted was a mystery.

It figures that a Schnee would be the last one standing - letting all her friends die first. Wizard Duel : In the first episode of the series, Cinder engages in a long-range duel with Glynda Goodwitch that is distinctly magical in appearance. Cinder is determined to uplift herself at the expense of everyone else and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. Whenever she uses the Dust that is sewn into her dress, the designs on the arms, back and chest glow bright orange. All with that damn smile on your face! Our kingdoms are at the brink of war, yet we, the citizens, are left in the dark. You can do as you please. It is possible that her appearance is influenced by East Asian culture, as the designs on her dress are styled similarly to traditional Japanese or Chinese patterns. However, her hair falling across that side of her face makes it hard to see most of the time. Four volumes later, she deliberately presses Ironwood's Trauma Button by leaving a glass chess piece in his office; attempting to secure the Winter Maiden's powers inadvertently leads him to reveal her secret location to Cinder. All clear indicators to her mistreatment within the Children's Home in Mistral and signs that she was being overworked and not fed properly. By the time she obtains the Fall Maiden's total power, her golden eyes glowing like fire are a sign that she's about to do something extremely evil with her magical ability.

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