Runeterra decks

Welcome to RuneterraCCG. Right click and save image or click the button download. Meta Tier List Updated for Patch 5. Check Out Now.

Note that our experts update the tier list often so there may be some lag time between this blog version and the one on our site. Elder Galio Morgana is a midrange deck that combines its powerful raw stats with pesky curses to tax its opponents while it takes over the board. Mordekaiser Morgana is a Shadow Isles control deck that looks to gain incremental advantage with Deathless and summon abilities. Elder Mordekaiser Viego is a Shadow Isles control deck that combines Mordekaiser and Viego to generate insane late game value. Its late game potential alongside the SI removal suite makes it a huge threat against any board-centric matchups. You can also keep applicable removal spells. Keep Portalpalooza against slower matchups.

Runeterra decks

As explained in the Technical Note at the end of this article, we'll first take a glance at a snapshot of our LoR Meta Decks Tier List , which sorts archetypes that's to say, the aggregate of all decks with the exact same Champions by popularity, and then we'll dive into the data to check how individual decks perform, to showcase the best LoR decks. A snapshot of the LoR ladder shows pretty much the same faces as last week — which continues to be a bit puzzling, but by now we can expect it: Galio Elder Dragon Morgana is neck, wings and shoulders above the competition, but the playerbase has collectively taken the chivalrous stance of not abusing this GEM on the ladder, and its playrate has kept roughly constant. And Pyke Rek'Sai is definitely back; its performance is far from amazing, but if not even death could stop Pyke, feeble facts and figures are not gonna stop the school of Lurker enjoyers. The LoR official account on X will release or has released, depending on when you read this a vid about the game's future at some point during Thursday at about 10am PST, if I had to guess :. The video on the future of LoR was completed early, and will be released tomorrow to grant quicker insight into the future of the game. We're also sharing an FAQ with more in-depth answers to questions we've seen asked, and ensuring players have access to that information. For the time being, here are the current best-performing decks for the Legends of Runeterra ladder! Decks in this category have at least games played in the last three days, and good to great win rates — as far as current numbers go, these are the best LoR decks in the Standard ladder. Two weeks ago, the best Galio Elder Dragon Morgana deck had a 6. At any rate, and for clarity's sake: This is the best deck in LoR right now ; the strongest we've seen in a very long time. Pilots have shown restrain in adopting it, but had they flocked to it instead its playrate could match that of Azirelia's in its heyday. It does have a couple of counters—Mordekaiser decks like Mord Morgana or Elder Mord Viego—but, overall, it's unstoppable. These decks have between and games played in the last three days — thus far, they are among Runeterra's heavy-hitters! It's also and may not be happy if Elder Morgana Shivana keeps gaining traction. It dies horribly to anything that punches face fast, like Annie Jhin or Gwen Zed — and against Teemo Yuumi it might just as well concede on the spot.

Keep Stalking Shadows against slower matchups.

The journey of Mastering Runeterra, from inception to its heartfelt conclusion, underscores the resilience and passion of its community. Amidst gratitude for every supporter and lessons learned from challenges faced, emerges Chrono - a beacon of hope and collaboration. This new venture seeks to capture the essence of beloved card games while fostering a unique, community-driven experience. As we pivot towards creating Chrono, we extend an invitation to all who share our passion. Together, let's shape a game that embodies our collective dreams, ensuring a legacy that transcends the end of one era and heralds the dawn of another. Join us in this exciting journey. Sorry talks about the cards he wants buffed in Patch 5.

Elder Morgana Shyvana is a Demacia Dragon tribal deck. It takes advantage of Dragon Boons to bolster its units and fight spells to combat the board. You can keep one piece of interaction alongside a good curve. Elder Galio Morgana is a midrange deck that combines its powerful raw stats with pesky curses to tax its opponents while it takes over the board. Gwen Zed is an aggressive combo-like deck that creates powerful, difficult-to-block boards of quick attack, elusive, and ephemeral units. With Dragon Ambush, its opponents always have to be ready for a surprise attack during their own turn! Greenglade Duo and Shadow Apprentice are best kept for bigger attacks during the mid game.

Runeterra decks

Note that our experts update the tier list often so there may be some lag time between this blog version and the one on our site. Elder Galio Morgana is a midrange deck that combines its powerful raw stats with pesky curses to tax its opponents while it takes over the board. Teemo applies puffcaps, Acorn grants cost reduction, and Byrd empowers your following turns. Skip is a great keep to mess with the opponent. Keep Yuumi alongside Skip or a 1-drop elusive. Fizz and Skip are slippery and disruptive, making it challenging for the opponent to handle. Cheap protection spells can be kept alongside a good hand. Against aggressive matchups, look for other cheap units such as Yadulski Snowdog. Mordekaiser Morgana is a Shadow Isles control deck that looks to gain incremental advantage with Deathless and summon abilities. Elder Elites is the modern version of the old classic Mono Demacia midrange.

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Trifarian Hopeful. Are you tired of playing the same meta decks? Enraged Firespitter. Heroic Refrain. Freljord 10 cards. Opulent Foyer. Bandle City Mayor. However, it can lack definitive ways to close the game. Be cautious with your resources! Against more aggressive matchups, Camavoran Soldier makes a nice target. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Lurk is an aggressive deck that grows more threatening every turn. Ashe LeBlanc Reputation deck guide to help you pilot the deck and how to approach different matchups.

Search our library of Legends of Runeterra decks, created and rated by the RuneterraFire community. Find the best Legends of Runeterra decks for you by filtering for champion, card, region, or title. We want to be sure that you find the best decks possible for the current meta, so our deck list is sorted by decks that are well rated and are updated to the most recent patch, including the new Runeterra Glory in Navori decks.

Noxian Fervor. This can help you decide when to commit more to the board, and when to more aggressively push damage. Join Raphterra as he provides his analysis and evaluation of all the latest balance changes in the highly-anticipated LOR Patch 4. Opulent Foyer. Teemo applies puffcaps, Acorn grants cost reduction, and Byrd empowers your following turns. Premium Articles. Flame Chompers! As always, Sorry is here to provide an in-depth analysis. Sai'nen Thousand-Tailed. Demacia 27 cards. It takes advantage of Dragon Boons to bolster its units and fight spells to combat the board. Time your attacks appropriately to make the best use of it. Xerxa'Reth, The Undertitan.

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