

Log In Sign Rokurou. What do you need help on? Cancel X.

He is a 22 year-old, free and happy-go-lucky young samurai, who is actually a Daemon. Being one of those affected by the daemonblight disease that transforms them into monsters, but still maintains his sense of reason. He later joins Velvet on her journey as a way for paying of his debt for telling him where to find the sword he wears on his back. Referring to it as "This sword is my life. Once a samurai of the renowned Rangetsu clan, Rokurou is now a daemon who retained his sense of reason, and accompanies Velvet in her journey in order to repay a debt to her. Despite carrying a longsword he claims to be his life on his back, he wields dual blades in battle. Rokurou has mid-length, spiky and black hair which covers the right portion of his face specifically to cover his right eye.


Despite having become a daemon , he continues to walk his own path. Rokurou is a part of the Rangetsu family from outside of the continent, signified by his unusual appearance and attire, alongside Ichiro Rangetsu , his firstborn brother. He is the sixth child, thus the name "Rokurou". Eventually, Ichiro killed their mother, and became the next Shigure of the Rangetsu clan. Due to how the heir inherits Stormhowl while the siblings get imitations, Rokurou owned a counterfeit Stormhowl, until Shigure broke it using the genuine sword. Out of envy of Shigure, Rokurou spread a rumors about his brother for an excuse to kill him, one of which was that Shigure meant to abandon their master, Lancelot du Capalus. As a response for this treachery, Lancelot ordered Rokurou to kill Shigure, for a Ragnetsu swordsman can only be defeated by another Rangetsu swordsman. On the day the two fought, Rokurou came at Shigure with a large sword. Shigure single-handedly defeated his brother with only a knife. Shigure told Rokurou to get stronger before leaving. Humiliated and filled with hatred toward his own weakness, Rokurou became a daemon, but managed to retain himself. As punishment for failure, Lancelot had Rokurou thrown in Titania. He later joins Velvet Crowe on her journey as a way of paying off his debt for telling him where to find his false Stormhowl.

I think that is the core of my disliking of the game rokurou its narrative i think.


He is a 22 year-old, free and happy-go-lucky young samurai, who is an unusual hybrid of human and daemon. Being one of those who caught only a certain affected portion of the daemonblight disease that transforms them into monsters , but still maintains his human self, such as his sense of reason. He later joins Velvet on her journey as a way for paying of his debt to her for telling him where to find the sword he wears on his back. Referring to it as "This sword is my life. Despite carrying a longsword he claims to be his life on his back, he wields dual blades in battle. Rokurou has mid-length, spiky and black hair which covers the right portion of his face specifically to cover his right eye.


Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 3 Next Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. This topic contains spoilers - you can click, tap, or highlight to reveal them. So I've obviously seen the scene where Rokurou kills his brother and I can't help but feel alienated by this character or rather by this character's entire arc. At first I thought there was some reason why he hated his brother as much Perhaps that his brother killed his father or someone else in Rokurou's life.

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How many katz boxes are there? Rokurou mentioned that as a child, his parents very strict in teaching him the ways of the Rangetsu Style , a secret form of martial artes passed down exclusively by the Rangetsu family. My problem is that I find it pretty weird to see someone like Eleanor or actually anyone in the party treat him like a friend, a murderer or during the course of the majority of the game someone who intends to murder his brother. It's nice at first it combo well with Eizen's Break Soul for instance , but the character clearly lack an additionnal mechanism to make him more interesting. Sign In Register. Recent blog posts Forum. You spend so much time hating on Velvet, and criticizing how she plan to use people to her advantage I was having a discussion with someone on this recently. He basically starts from scratch again. After she gives it back, the three discuss their plan to escape. At first I thought there was some reason why he hated his brother as much Tech Support. Sign In Register. Tales of VS.

Rokurou belongs to the Rangetsu family. The family has a tradition that involves passing down a sacred and secret sword technique through generations.

Three years prior to the events of the main game, Rokurou was one of the few who became a daemon during the events of the Scarlet Night. I guess the game is really not for me. Tales of VS. At the end of the story he chooses not to be purified, and with Stormhowl, he continues to search for worthy opponents to battle. Recent blog posts Forum. Rokurou's answer is always the same tho mostly because it's true, but also because she wouldn't fully understand him and is too sensitive anyway. Crossover Title appearances. Rokurou also wears traditional sandal footwear for that of samurais; with straps and socks. I'll still answer you normally tho. It's nice at first it combo well with Eizen's Break Soul for instance , but the character clearly lack an additionnal mechanism to make him more interesting. Break Soul render in Tales of Berseria. Rokurou is a cheerful young swordsman who carries his ways of a samurai the same as when he was human.

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