roger american dad

Roger american dad

American Dad!

Roger is one of the main characters in the animated comedy series American Dad! He is a space alien whose appearance resembles that of the greys living with the Smith family. Roger is sarcastic, surly, amoral, self-centered, hedonistic, alcoholic, and dresses up in a variety of personas. Four years prior to the series, he was incarcerated by the CIA in Area 51 , when Stan Smith, then an intelligence officer, was on duty at the base. Tired of living in a laboratory, he escaped his holding cell, thus triggering a lockdown investigation. Stan tracked him down in a kitchen and was about to kill him before Roger pleaded for mercy, but the security team threw a grenade into the room, from which Stan was knocked out and Roger pulled Stan to safety. They slid down a laundry chute into a waiting truck.

Roger american dad

TV 22 min Animation, Comedy. Stan creates the avatar of a sexy high school girl so that he can participate more in Steve's life, and Roger gets revenge on a group of fraternity brothers who stiffed him on a limo ride. Votes: Stan discovers that Roger is one of his all-time heroes: a member of the U. Olympic Hockey Team. But when he also discovers that Roger used steroids, he turns to his other hero for advice on how to handle it. Francine fakes Roger's kidnapping so that she can prove to Roger that Stan still cares about him. So why won't Stan pay his ransom? Roger feels humiliated after the Smiths roast him for his birthday, so he sets out to kill the family. When Hayley and Steve leave for their respective summers of fun, Francine looks forward to her newfound alone time with Stan. There's only one problem: Roger is still living in the attic See full summary ». In an attempt to prove his manhood to Stan, Roger joins the Police Academy. However it's not very long until he becomes a corrupt cop.

Nice Guy : One of Roger's nicer personas.

Roger is a narcissistic alcoholic sociopath who usually only has his own interests in mind, which is caused by his species "needing to get their bitchiness out". He does on occasion do some selfless acts, such as saving Stan's life at the CIA,and willing to be sacrificed to save the Smith's from torture. On one occasion his caring for a girl named Judy Panawits actually caused one of his personas to break free. He often dresses in varies of costumes and takes on different personalities for each. Roger seems to like to dress like a woman, and does it very often.

Roger's role in American Dad! Sometimes the Smiths ridicule the alien as unremarkable, while other times Roger exhibits amazing abilities. The alien's physiology allowed him to survive intense physical conditions, produce electrical shocks, enter people's dreams and use super strength and speed at different points in the series. One of Roger's most remarkable abilities is his increased lifespan. As of Season 5's "Great Space Roaster," the alien is 1, years old. Roger's physiology makes him durable. His skin also appears fireproof in Season 3's "Big Trouble in Little Langley" and Season 6's "Stan's Food Restaurant," as he is set on fire in the former episode and blasted with a blowtorch in the latter.

Roger american dad

It's taken some time for American Dad to get the respect it deserves, but it stands tall as one of the longest-running and most consistent adult-animated comedies ever made. American Dad has produced some of TV's most surreal and hilarious episodes. However, if there's anything that separates American Dad from other adult animated shows, it would be its series' mascot, Roger the Alien. Roger often defies explanation, but his chaotic demeanor also causes the biggest conflicts in American Dad , some of which are completely avoidable. Many dismiss Roger as a stale and stagnant character, but he exhibits surprising growth. American Dad always has a winner on its hands when Roger is the episode's focus, whether he's lost in his selfish whims or attempting to right some wrong. Basic updates and maintenance of outdated links and the order of entries have also been adjusted. Roger has a strong tendency to take over any hobby that he's into, which gives Stan great trepidation when he's told to let Roger play basketball with him and his friends. The episode becomes an excellent distillation of Roger's tendency to go overboard and the heights of this basketball-based dilemma eventually bring Shaquille O'Neal and Yao Ming into the mayhem.

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Can't Take Criticism : In one episode, he tries to outright murder the Smiths after they roasted him at his birthday party, something he wanted them to do. Anti-Hero : Or Anti-Villain. American Dad! He even lampshades it: "I have a Masters degree in City Planning. Demitri Krotchliknioff. Bartender Various depending on alias. Roger's flamboyant and dramatic nature is enhanced by his alcohol dependency. Roger has very wide hips and huge buttocks, which is even more noticeable when he's not wearing anything or cross-dressing as a "attractive" woman. It is revealed in his youth, he was in a relationship with Emperor Zing but cheated on him. Roger gets a job at the CIA when he poses as a photographer who got pictures of an alien. Disproportionate Retribution : Frequently plays this trope to its most extreme. Martin Sugar Martin Sugar The owner of an illegal sweatshop.

Roger Codger Roger is believed to be dead. Stan is humiliated at work when a new agent, Duper, bests him in an operation simulation. He grows even more bitter when the new guy takes over his more prestigious assignments.

Villain Protagonist : The most out of anyone else in the family, he goes far beyond the line of a mere Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist into this. Martin Sugar. It is revealed in his youth, he was in a relationship with Emperor Zing but cheated on him. Perverse Puppet : He's even more psychotic than the regular Roger due to the fact that the makeup used to simulate his wooden appearance is causing psychosis. Since he has little to no problem with this behavior however, it still counts. In the same episode, it was revealed that Roger had risked being blown up in order to save Stan even though he'd only just met him. South Dakota Slim A teenage boy and bumper pool champion. Roger also once admitted that he wasn't a fighter, indicating that he was aware of his own weakness. When voicing the character, MacFarlane speaks in a swish accent intended to resemble that of Paul Lynde. Eviler than Thou : Roger is terrified of him. Pete Pendelman An executive for a concrete company. Manipulative Bastard : He pretends to go straight as part of one long con that ends with Steve getting framed for it and put in jail. Poke the Poodle : His actions range from genuinely awful things like pooping in the chest of someone undergoing open-heart surgery and killing Bullock's wife with a samurai sword on her birthday to minor, petty things like stealing candy from a little girl and refusing to hold the elevator for someone.

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