Reksai combo
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Home Blog Rek'sai Guide. My name is Corso and I am a multi-season Challenger Jungle main. I have been actively boosting for 7 seasons, and coaching for over 4 years. She has always been considered a strong and proactive early-game champion that falls off horribly in the mid-game and late game. With the correct understanding of your role, effective build pathing, and a creative mind for finding picks and fights, Rek'sai can stay more than relevant throughout the course of the match. That is assuming you are unable to end the game pre minutes which in almost every case is the goal. The general lack of vision means that you need to maintain an insanely good understanding of who the potential threats around you are.
Reksai combo
Her un-burrowed Q on towers enables fast split pushing and tower destruction. With Hullbreaker it enables her to apply immense pressure to side lanes and controlling map objectives. Black Cleaver: This item complements her abilities and synergizes well with Conqueror, shredding armor and providing extra health. Maw of Malmortius: Against heavy magic damage teams, Maw boosts her magic resistance and grants a lifeline shield, giving her a chance to turn the fight around in close situations. Guardian Angel: As a cherry on top, Guardian Angel offers a second chance, reviving upon death and allowing her to continue running the enemy team down. Force of Nature is a solid choice against heavy magic damage teams. Titanic Hydra adds damage, tankiness and clear speed. Choose the appropriate item based on the situation to maximize your impact. Sustained Trades: Build up rage with Q and press E when rage is fully stacked. Burrow for health regen, and repeat during trades for prolonged sustain. Poke and All-ins: Safely farm against ranged opponents, use Burrow Q combo for poke and space creation. Survival and Outplaying: Avoid engaging with E against champions like Darius.
This is a really easy match up for Rek'Sai. This can be the difference between success and reksai combo.
You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Olaf wins this match up pre-six. You can win after six if you haven't fallen behind, but you need to knock him up before he gets his ult off. Rek'sai loses this match up at all points in the game.
This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page. You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. You can just blow her up early, and most Camille players are cocky so they'll engage onto you. This champ is just busted. You can somewhat blow her up early but watch out as she can cancel 3 autos into 6 Qs and 2 Rs level 3.
Reksai combo
You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Olaf wins this match up pre-six. You can win after six if you haven't fallen behind, but you need to knock him up before he gets his ult off.
Non symmetrical abs
Void rush will follow targets no matter how or where they move. Sudden Impact. Always a good pick thanks to the health and gold. Once you get a knockup she can't defend herself much. Useful against heavy CC teams, as too much CC can lock you down from getting any engages. Whacky little amumu won't offer much resistence. I would highly suggest that during volatile games, or when clearing camps such as Raptors, Gromp or Krugs you refrain from tunneling prior to reaching them. After that, I look for every opportunity to fight him in the early game. She will also build Zhonya's more than likely at some point, so watch out for that as well. Be aware of the CC he has, which can set up plays for other champs. With Hullbreaker it enables her to apply immense pressure to side lanes and controlling map objectives. With this you can do more mindless engages and come out alive, to the benefit of your team. Comment Would you like to add a comment to your vote?
Learn more about Rek'Sai's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Rek'Sai we've got you covered.
Components wise it provides excellent CDR, HP and Armor stats without even taking into consideration the full effects of the completed item. The overall damage reduction it provides from recurrent AP attacks stacks up incredibly quickly if you are the frontline engagement for your team. Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny. She has always been considered a strong and proactive early-game champion that falls off horribly in the mid-game and late game. You are able to do this will fill a frontline and engaging role for your team with quite frankly zero regard for what your opponents are throwing at you. Rek'sai's tremor sense is a huge help with tracking Shaco during his shenanigans. It will still deal insane burst damage but has normal attack speed similar to Conqueror. Once you are on top of him he should be an easy kill. Meaning those other targets can still be knocked up shortly after. The best Row 1 rune, as it provides extra HP and extra gold. Furious Bite is a high damaging, tank shredding and burst damage ability. Special Thanks.
Talent, you will tell nothing..